Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Triplane Coalition [SCRAPPED]


Dragon Obsessed

T H E___T R I P L A N E___C O A L I T I O N


The Flag of the Coalition Nations shown in all three orientations. They are never to be flown together in this way.

Core Values: (In order from strongest to weakest)
Individual Rights, Unity, Nationalism, The Coalition and Equality Within, Isolationism, Protectionism, Scientism, Militarism, Symbolism.

Official Language(s):
Coalition Standard, Cirilian, Yunyijeric, Popaponterin.

28.3 Billion (9.4 Billion Cirilian, 9.6 Billion Yunjiverite, 9.3 Billion Popapontian)​



28.3 Billion (9.4 Billion Cirilian, 9.6 Billion Yunjiverite, 9.3 Billion Popapontian)

State managed production, all positions of power elected.
Democratic |-|------------------| Authoritarian
Political Left |-----|---------------| Political Right
Open Society |-------------------|-| Closed society
Hawk Lobby |-------------------|-| Dove Lobby
Interventionism |-------------------|-| Isolationism
Expansionist |------------------|---| Pacifist
Modern |-|--------------------| Obsolete

A Member of the Onyx Galaxy, Carina-Sagittarius Arm


Coalition States:
Cirilia the White:
Cirilia is the largest of the three planets, but that is not saying much given they have only a few hundred kilometers difference in surface area. Cirilia was the leader in communications during The Long Dark before The Great Unification, however has ceded any sort of leadership rights for equality between the systems.

Yunjiver the Blue:
Yunjiver is notable for being the first nation to successfully construct a global fiber network, connecting all nations of the planet into one grand communications system. This tech allowed for rapid expansion of technology, and once quantum communications began it was quickly given to the other states.

Popaponto the Red:
Popaponto had the most militaristic society. Eons of culture and war created a constant pursuit of the next greatest weaponisable technology. It can be said that Popaponto initiated The Great Dark, but the Coalition avoids placing blame for any of the events in that time period.

The Coalition System:
The Coalition is a set of triplicate planets with similar environments all in the same orbit around a failed star, Obryte. Each is roughly 95% the surface area of Earth, with a g of 0.91% of Earth's.

The triplicate planets orbit in exactly the same time, held in place by the extreme magnetic fields of the planets. The fields are bizarre in that they are double negative with all direction being of one pole. These monopoles are all the same charge and keep the planets from colliding with eachother from tiny differences in orbit.

Years are based on the gas giant, with it returning to the normal point of orbit every 324 days.

Each day on Cirlilia is 25.4 Earth hours, on Yunjiver it is 25.2, and on Popaponto it is 24.9

The Coalition is split into a two layered government. The Coalition Council is responsible for maintaining cultural and legal unity among the three planets. Almost every task in government is allocated to the Council other than infrastructure, elections, jobs, resources, and those tasks that they normally assign to municipalities.

Each Nation runs its own elections for seats on The Coalition Council with 666 seats allocated per Nation. Each seat is an independent member, but may declare a party alliance, and some parties are made from multiple Nations. Bills are extremely difficult to pass as they require an 85% majority vote to be accepted into government. This is to prevent two Nations teaming up on a third, as atleast half of the third nation has to join in to pass a Bill.

In general, the state is headless, however the Leader of Council does exist, and they act more as the speaker than a leader. Each Nation also has a leader in Council called the National Speaker. Each Nation also has an internal President for local issues.

Despite the fact that most of the power in The Coalition is vested in The Council, a Triplanian will tell you that they feel a strong sense of Nationalism outside of the Council, as each is declared an independent member.

Nicotine: Illegal
Alcohol: Illegal
Marijuana: Illegal
Opium: Illegal
Cocaine: Illegal
LSD: Illegal
Heroin: Illegal
Methamphetamine: Illegal

Age of Majority: 18
Operation of Vehicles and Equipment and Age of Consent: 17

Prostitution: Government Registry and Mandatory Health Check-ups.

Marriage: Two party family contract only. Only opposite sex members of same species. (Different culture, not seen as an act of love but as agreement to raise children.)

Slavery: Illegal

Citizens: Only citizens, no immigration.

Tourism: Aliens prohibited entry.

Government regulated, requires implementation of The Triplane Coalition's Laws of Robotics.

1: Robots must not harm an organic or engage in an activity that would cause an organic to come to harm.
2: Robots must follow all orders given by a list of editable and non-editable authorized organics unless it conflicts with 1.
3: Robots must not damage themselves or engage in an action that will cause damage to them, unless it conflicts with 1 or 2.
4: Robots may not change their own code.

Implants: Regulated by government on individual make / model basis.

Cybernetics: Prohibited, however appeals may be made on case-by-case basis.

The Goals of The Coalition:
1: Ensure that the Coalition is protected from the threats of space.
2: Ensure that all civilian sapient beings are permitted their rights to life, liberty, and a pursuit of well being.
3: Ally with other systems to ensure the sovereignty of The Coalition.


The Races of The Coalition:
Each Nation of the Coalition formed its own race according to the environment. All are mostly humanoid in appearance with the same bipedal build, however none are the same in their species of origin.

Cirilians are mammalian in origin, coming from a planet with an unusually high amount of water and extended plains. Rather than splitting from the branch of ape-like animals, they split from the branch of lemur like animals. They have longer arms, black and white patterned furry hair, a flat brown nose, and striking yellow eyes.

Yunjiverites are avian descendants, coming from a planet with many great cliffs, mountains, and deep valleys. They are not capable of flight, but can glide and have evolved a set talon-like manipulators at the end of their wings that act like mammalian fingers. They are primarily yellow-feathered with few variations, and have a smaller parrot-like beak that allows them to speak like the mammals and reptiles. They have a tiny set of feathers that make up a vestigial tail.

Popapontians are reptilian, hailing from a planet with little water and large open deserts. They have lost most of the bony, scaly body of their ancestors and have muscular faces like mammals, however with largely the same head shape, and smaller, less hard scales that only just resist cuts more than skin. They are primarily red skinned with no tail. Their muscular faces mean they can speak like the mammals, and the reptilian heritage allows them to produce many sounds similar to the Yunjiverites.


During the early stages of life's development on one of the planets, a large-scale meteor impact occurred that scattered early cells to the other two planets. Evolution continued on convergent paths, with many similar but unrelated animals growing in the similar environments at roughly the same rate, and the sapient species all developed around the same time. Each was also surpassed by a second sapient species within a few hundred years of eachother, a more refined sapient with a higher capacity for reason.

Technology though the ages remained growing at a steady pace, with many of the same improvements and discoveries being made within fifty or even two years of eachother. As science became a more strongly pursued system on each planet in the Renascence Period, progress quickly extended to radio. Within three years of eachother, all the nations had developed working wireless communications. Within six years, they made first contact with eachother.

The Long Dark:
The Long Dark is the period 120 years between the signal bans across all three planets and The Chatter. Popaponto was the first to create a closed planet policy, banning all wireless communications globally with the United Council of War leading the decision. Those countries that did not obey were crushed and all radio equipment destroyed.

Yunyiver followed suit, expecting Popaponto to be readying for a war (despite all of them lacking the equipment for space travel). Cirilia, seeing the other two go dark, decided that it would be best if they did the same.

For a few hundred years technology continued to develop in a strange timeline as it had before, with nobody really making gains on eachother that weren't lost within another few years.

The Chatter:
Eventually Cirilia decided to break the silence, turning the array of radio telescopes into strong radio signals. They started with language, trying to teach and learn but failing. Eventually a new language was proposed that mixed the vocalization of all three. Communications were going well, with language dumps being made between the nations in proper form so that they might be able to work together on something. Spacecraft were traded, and the first meeting was made in the orbit of the gas Giant Obryte. This was the start of The Great Enlightenment, however communications ended again. Cirilia's orbiters were not met with astronauts, and radio silence was restored to the Nations.

The Short Dark:
Cirlilia attempted to communicate, but the only response was a request of silence. Knowing that there had to be a reason for the demand, and radio silence returned for thirty more years.

The Great Enlightenment and The Great Unification:
Finally, The Great Enlightenment occurred. An encoded message from Yunyiver was passed to the sister Nations containing instructions on how to build and sync Quantum Link computers to one signal less wireless network. The message was in Coalition Common and was quickly followed. The first Quantum network was formed between the nations with a low bandwidth but no tracability. Yunjiver revealed the reason behind the second blackout: Other signals had been detected in the cosmos.

The idea of outside threats was more frightening to the three Nations than the
possibility of threats outside of their own system. However, a new period of darkness was not necessary as the quantum aligned chips would allow undetectable transmissions.

Shortly after, a decision was made. The Nations would be more secure under a Great Unification into one large Coalition. (Little did they know that their empire was a speck compared to the Shade Dominion on the other side of the Galaxy).

Cultural Unity:
Cultural Union was achieved as a part of The Long Dark and The Great Unification. Each civilization turned inwards and reformed itself during the period of The Long Dark, fiber networks carrying rallying calls to unite as a planet against a perceived threat on the outside. As The Great Enlightenment occurred, this unification did not break but instead became a unification against the galactic threats perceived in the scattered signals around them.

Religion has been ever present and evolving issue within The Coalition. Values were often the focus of Religion with the Creator(s) of each always reflecting the core values of the local populace. The religions are practiced today without borders, often in unison, and often as a sign of tradition rather than of blind faith.

The Astral Carers:
Cirilia's main system of belief is a pantheon of gods known as the Astral Carers. The religion is based on ensuring the protection and good health of all those around you, and has create a more pacifist nation than the other two.

Yunjiver follows a system of belief that the world is only understandable by understanding the self. Inward reflection and healthy self-criticism are core tenants in an effort to reach total peace with the soul.

Popaponto has a war-god as the head of the belief system. They believe that they were each placed into the world to protect eachother, and those who are outsiders are considered to be placed as the enemy. The religion has gone through a reform in the Renascence period and they now believe less in protecting from outsiders and more in protecting from crimes against the sapient races.

It has been over a hundred years since The Great Unification, and all cultures have seamlessly mixed despite the Nationalist feelings. The different species do have some internal conflict with migration, however the similar cultures make for little issue in the day-to-day.

Everyone spooked eachother with radio, got back together, then got spooked by outside radio, then they made quantum stuff.


Symbolism in The Coalition:
The three species of The Coalition are all extremely invested in the importance of symbolism. This is reflected in every aspect of life within The Coalition all the way down to what colour of clothing each person wears.

The National Colours:
Blue, White, and Red are all considered colours property of the Nation they correlate with (Above). These colours are not to be used on neutral things such as government buildings, or other places of possible significance.

Green is the primary colour of the gas giant all three planets orbit, and as such is the colour of Unity.

The Triangle and the Flag:
The equilateral triangle is a symbol of equality between the empires. It is used on the flag so that no one Nation receives any undue placement above the others. The flag always has mounting points on all three sides so that it can be turned to represent the Nation with rightful say over the subject in question. The flag cannot be used in a place where the determination of who or what own the thing in question is ambiguous. For spacecraft, the flag is placed with the Captain's flag at the free point.

The background of the flag, despite being blue, is actually The Coalitions recognized shade of blue used for peacekeeping, and as such is the only shade of blue permitted for use that does not represent a nation.


The Coalition shares all technology with eachother, but refuses to do so with any outside force. They have managed to follow the same path as many other nations, working through coal and oil to renewables, automating production, and reaching a level considered "on par" with others based on early reconnaissance.

The primary technology that is guarded above all others is the secrets of quantum technology. The communications specs have been proliferated enough to easily steal someone's communicator, but the other technologies such as quantum decryption and quantum teleportation are important enough to only be kept in secure locations and onboard the few tiny military vessels small enough to utilize them.

Quantum Teleportation Drives are a form of FTL that does not actually change the properties of the ship or universe. The drive replicates every particle in a small radius around the ship and puts them into a superposition with an empty space with the destination of choice. The drive then collapses the superposition down the the destination of choice, obliterating any trace of existence of the original and creating an exact replica at the destination. These drives use an enormous amount of energy, and take days to recharge, however they are required to have 2 charges worth of energy stored in capacitors at the same time for an emergency return trip.

Currently there is the largest scale teleporter in construction around the star of The Coalition. The teleporter will harness the power of the sun in massive capacitors to move the entire system anywhere in the universe as seen fit. It is likely to be completed within the next four years.

The Second most prominent technology is the automation of work within the society. All production is controlled by the state, and money is relatively meaningless within. The currency still exists as a way of managing consumption, but it is unlikely that the government's allocation surplussed with wages for producing independently would not net you an upper-middle class life. The poor in The Coalition do not go without food or shelter, but lack some of the more basic luxuries and enjoyments in life.
The Military and The Navy:
The Coalition manages all defense craft in the system, a whopping six battle cruisers, each over a kilometer long, and a fleet of three large carriers and over six-hundred mixed-environment strike craft. There are also fourty smaller patrol boats in operation, and seven reconnaissance craft carrying classified technology.

In terms of ground support there is a healthy army, over 2% of the population is employed as soldiers. Quantum fixed point hover-tanks have been developed as a part of the military research program. These strike vehicles have propulsion for moving in the x and y dimensions and are held in place over the surface by an adjustable quantum point inside each of the corners fixing it in place over the surface. The main gun is a long rail-cannon and it is flanked by two front-mounted Gatling Gauss guns as well as a third machine Gauss gun mounted on a separate flush swivel turret on the top. There are roughly 200,000 of these main battle tanks ready at any time.

Weapons are all mass driver based, with a few developments in modern gas operated arms to keep them usable in certain situations.

Spacesuits for EVA situations come in Mechanical Powered Exoskeleton (MPE) and Armoured Powered Exoskeleton (APE) variants.

The Triplane Coalition runs RAID.

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