Twisted love

He groaned again after being pushed away and pushed back against her force.
"I'm serious, you need to stop this shit. There's no other girl. I just don't feel what I used to feel for you! The second works as an answer for the third too. Now that I think about it, it works for the fourth question. Answer is fucking no!" He said, keeping calm but raising his voice after saying no. He was admittedly losing his cool with her, she was driving him crazy now.

His breathing was getting out of sync and he was becoming even more scared.
"You won't do anything stupid. I know you." He whispered, as if he was pleading with her better self not to hurt him or do anything stupid.
Alicia sighed as she looked at the phone then handed it back to him "Fine. But I know you too. I know you still love me. You just need help to realize it." She walked out of the bathroom, dragging him out as well, pulling him down the stairs, and to the door, "But my patience is wearing thin. If you even dare try and get away from me, I'll make sure everyone who tries to get in our way is dead. Got that?"
He took the phone and slipped it into his jean pocket with a sigh of relief. He then felt himself being dragged down the stairs and laughed a little.
"Dude, be a little more gentle with me." He requested, rubbing his arm when she let go. The door was still locked.
He heard her say what she said and he took a gulp.
"Jeez dude, you really gotta relax. You can't just kill people. Or even threaten it." He explained, pushing her back gently and turning to leave.
"My patience is wearing thin." She repeated simply as she unlocked and opened the door while smiling menacingly. Of course, she could threaten to kill people! She just did. "Oh, and one more thing." Alicia grabbed his neck suddenly, turned him around, and pulled him down to her level. "That threat goes for you too. I'm not afraid to harm you or kill you to make sure you're mine. Got it?" She placed her free hand on his cheek then scratched him with her nails, which were particularly sharp that day, for emphasis.
"Heard ya." He said, going to leave through the now open door, suddenly he felt a tight grip around his neck.
He tensed up instantly and shivered, he felt like icicles were being jammed in up and down his spine.
He looked into her eyes and whimpered, closing them straight away so he didn't have to stare at her.

"Y-You wouldn't..." He stuttered, shaking in his shoes at this point. "I'm gonna... Call the police." He whispered to her, tears forming in the edge of his eyes as he felt her nails rake his soft skin. He started bleeding a little bit almost right away.
He held his sleeve to his cheek and grimaced from the pain and stepped through the open door and started to jog through her yard to leave.
"Then if I'm arrested, I'll break out, find you, and kill you." She told him before he went out the door, smiling as she closed the door. Alicia wasn't afraid to kill her soulmate, and if she had to kill him, she would then kill herself so that they could be together forever in the afterlife. She would give her whole life to him, she was that obsessed. After a bit, she changed and quickly followed him to make sure he didn't call the police.
"What the fuck is wrong with her?" He asked himself, his feet slamming against the pavement as he sprinted home.
He got inside and slammed the door. He quickly ran upstairs and hid himself in the closet, he punched 911 into his phone and held it in his hand.
"Could I really call them?" He whispered. "I know she specifically warned me not to, but she isn't here..."

He held the phone in his hands, staring at the screen for more than five minutes before laying down in a ball in the closet and falling asleep, he felt safe in there, she could never get him at home, he was sure of that.
Alicia stopped following him and waited for a bit, listening for anything that insinuated the police were coming, then turned around and went home. At least he's not so adorably dumb he would call the cops. Once she got home, she called him just to let him know that she added herself back to his contacts, smiling as she did so.
The call came through later in the evening and he groggily woke up, he picked up his phone and answered the call.
The conversation was short and brief. She had added herself into his contacts. Fucking bitch!
"That's not cool man, you can't go doing shit like that, we need boundaries and you know it!" He shouted.
"I'm calling the fucking police for real, you stole my phone, assaulted me and threatened to kill me! I won't take this shit from you. You can't scare me."

This couldn't have been further from the truth, he was absolutely terrified. He had never known she was as strong as she was, he had felt helpless to her strength when she gripped his neck.
He shakily ended the call and crawled out from his closet, going to sit on his bed so he could call the police.
"He's always been so stubborn... I love it." Alicia hummed as she went upstairs and grabbed a pocket knife, putting it in her pocket after she got into the black hoodie she'd worn the night before. Henceforth, she didn't even bother with going back downstairs to go through the front door. Instead, she hopped out her window and ran to his house. Jake had to know she was serious.

Quickly reaching his house, she sprinted around to the ground below his bedroom window and waved innocently.
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Jack stood at the window silently, looking out into the distance, he was so scared. This was the worst situation he had ever been in and there was seemingly no way out.

His eyes briefly darted down under his window for a moment and his blood ran cold.
Alicia. She was stood right there, looking at him.
He dropped down and sat against the wall by his window, a pathetic attempt to stop himself from being seen.

"She definitely fucking saw me..." He uttered, crawling to his bedroom door to lean against it. If she tried coming in, he'd make her work for it.
"Let's see if he unlocked one of the doors or windows for me...." Alicia smiled maliciously as he slowly made her way around the house, from the back door to all the windows, both locked, and finally to the front door...

Trying the front door was a success, allowing her to waltz on in. It felt just like coming over to his house to cuddle... But reminiscing wouldn't do her any good. She walked through the first floor then made her way up the stairs, calling in a sickly sweet tone while the floorboards strangely creaked under her steps, "Jack! Why don't you just come on out and not call the police? I wouldn't hurt you if you did that!" Of course, she would go back on her word if he actually did that. She had to teach him a lesson. He couldn't escape her, and he had to learn that. A little sane thought appeared in her head at that moment. Maybe breaking into your true love's house isn't the best way to get him to love you... Just as quickly as it came into her head, it left. Of course, it was the best way! She needed him to love her through any means possible...
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Jack started shaking uncontrollably as he heard the door swing open and then close. "Fuck. No way." He whispered, crawling over to his bed and hiding underneath it. His breath caught in his throat and he swallowed hard, tears welling up quickly in the corners of his eyes.

"Is she gonna fucking kill me?" He thought to himself, staring at his phone screen which was still on the number for 911.
He surely couldn't call now, right? It would probably be way too late, and besides, she would definitely hear him talking to them.
"It's literally do or die. She's gonna kill you anyway." He said, continuing to think to himself as he pressed the call button.
He waited in silence for the operator to pick up on the other side.
No signal. The bed was somehow blocking the fucking signal!
He closed his eyes tightly and dropped his phone on his stomach, then covered his mouth so he wouldn't be heard driving.
Alicia stopped and waited right outside his bedroom door for him to come out and admit defeat, then sighed, "Well, it was worth a try." She opened the door and stepped inside his room, heading to the closet and finding nothing but clothes while she practically sang, "Wheeerrrreeee aaaaarrrreeee yooooouuuu?" The only other hiding place was the bed, so she approached it and slowly knelt down to look under.

"There you are!"
Jack heard Alicia's muffled voice behind his bedroom door and steeled himself for her to find him, she wasn't stupid, not by a long shot.
The bedroom door flew open and he opened his eyes, watching her shoes as they walked to his closet, she didn't find him.
"Please give up..." He thought to himself, practically begging for a miracle.
No dice. She walked over to his bed and knelt down and looked under it, instantly spotting him.

They locked eyes and he whimpered, sliding along the carpeted floor to the other side of the bed, hoping he could get some distance between the two of them. His phone clattered to the floor as he moved and he scrambled to grab it, knowing full well that she would see his call log.
She giggled like a maniac as she crawled so that her top half was underneath the bed and grabbed his phone, looking at it and smirking, "Of course you tried to call the police... I'm sorry, but this has to happen." Alicia then grabbed Jack's hand and dragged him out from under the bed, pulling him out of the room and into the bathroom for him to watch as his oh so precious phone dropped into the toilet, "There we go!"

After destroying the phone, she pulled out the pocket knife and giggled once more, "Now that I've got you in my grasp..." She came towards him and pulled him into a hug, putting the tip of the knife to his back. "I don't want to scare you like that again, but if I have to, I will."
He cringed in fear at her giggling, he felt like he'd been punched in the stomach over and over. He watched his phone getting grabbed and attempted to say something to stop her.
"A-Alicia!" He started, but felt his body being yanked out from under the bed and dragged to another room. "Holy shit, how are you so strong?" He asked, then saw his phone being dropped into the toilet right in front of his eyes.
"Alicia, there was no signal! I swear!" He shouted, watching his phone being destroyed by the water damage.

He stepped back quickly as she pulled out the pocket knife. It was small, but he wasn't taking the chance of being stuck by that thing.
He recoiled as she pulled him into a hug, he felt the icy cold steel blade pushed against his back and shuddered, her hug stopping him from walking away. Jack simply gawked over her shoulder in fear, unable to bring himself to do anything.
"This is a fucking nightmare, surely, nothing this bad ever happens in real life, right?" He uttered quietly.
Alicia smiled as she took the knife away from his back and immediately placed it onto his right cheek, "I'm sorry for doing this..." She slowly but surely drew the sharp tip of the blade down his cheek while starting to giggle, drawing a line of blood and letting said blood drip down to hit whatever was in its path. Her continuous giggles rang out to make her sound like a madwoman as she took her other arm from around his back, rested her elbow on his shoulder to keep him in place, and twirled a strand of his hair around one finger, "All in the name of love..." She murmured as she took the blade away from his cheek and pressed it to his chest, directly over his heart. Perhaps she could... Then she would have him all to herself in the afterlife... He would love her and he would never be able to escape... It was a possibility... No, not yet...

"I wish I could, but I want to give you a chance." She told him as she held his arm up high and brought the knife to lay on his wrist, drawing it down the length of his arm, starting as slowly as she did with his cheek then eventually going as slow as a sloth, pressing deeper and deeper to allow more and more blood to come out. This was his lesson, "Never try to escape again, and this won't happen." She supposed she could let go of him now, so she let his arm fall to hang by his side and pulled out of the hug on her tippy toes. The standing on tippy-toes had reasons she did not know. All she knew was that...

"You're mine... Forever..."
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He felt the cold blade touch his pale white skin and whimpered a little. The blade pierced his cheek and his eyes widened, he felt the blade cut into his cheek and cringed at the sensation, his mouth was agape with fear as the hot, crimson red blood seeped down his cheek, some of the blood hit his shirt and some more splashed onto the white tile floor. He cried in pain a little bit, his bottom lip trembled and he gripped her suddenly, trying to distract from the pain.

He felt her grip his arm and groaned in pain as his arm started to gush blood. His arm flopped down by his side, brushing his dark blood all over the leg of his trousers. "No... You didn't really fucking do that, right?" He asked her, falling to his knees and feeling the piece of hair being plucked from his head as he looked up at her, his eyes filled with fear, anger and despair, he looked up at her, pleading for mercy, but he couldn't find even a gram of it in her eyes. She looked merciless, as if this was some divine cause.

He took a sharp breath and tried to hold his arm to stop the bleeding, his hand barely even covered half of it.
"Damn." He muttered, looking down at the tiles on the ground. "Can't bleed out, surely..."
Alicia chose not to answer as she found a needle and some thread, knelt down, and made a messy job of closing his wounds. But at least they were closed, "This is what happens when you try to escape from me." She told him as she pulled him into another hug, gently this time, "I'm doing this for you... I've always loved you, but you keep making it so hard to... Don't try anything like that again, and I won't do this kind of thing..." In her clouded vision, he was appreciative or at least understanding about why she was doing this, he loved her back, and he couldn't live without her.

But of course, this wasn't the truth. To an outside eye, it would be clear he despised her for what she was doing yet was too scared to run, and any time he did try to get away, she would pull him back and hurt him. There was no escape for him. He was like a caged, abused animal. There was no escape.
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