Undertale/Deltarune RP

Dreamless Realm

Restless writer
Life on the Edge GM
Hello and welcome to a concept i'd like to develop.


Before considering joining this, i'd recommend having played deltarune or/and undertale OR having watched playthroughs if you want to avoid spoilers!!.


That said, this is an idea for a roleplay for a small group of people, at most 5-6 in which i'd narrate a storyline and perhaps play NPC's and one character to guide the rest of the players through it. It'd be set in the Deltarune universe, and kinda follow the story of humans/monster kids (around 13-14 year olds) that live in the village.

Will canon characters appear? Possibly.

Can you play a canon character? No, this is not open to discussion.

I just want to give my players a wholesome experience and be that voice that lets you check every object in the room and tells you what it is in the game, mostly, besides guiding you guys through the story. If anyone is interested let me know and we might start a thread with character sheets.