Unpopular opinions!


Lord of Weissburg
I myself am a fan of unpopular opinions and if you have cliked on this, you probably are too! Or you just want to rant about being offended.

This thread is NOT meant to make fun of other peoples opinions, lifestyle, or whatever, so stay nice to each other.

I will start to make people like me less:

-I don't like weeaboos and otakus, I was one myself once and since I got out of that phase I really can't stand all that "nyaa" and "senpai" anymore.

-I don't think animals are worth more than humans or are any better than us, I read stuff like this on a daily basis, from animals activists who claim humans would be "poison" or a "plague" and that all humans should die... that really grinds my gears, of course there are cruel humans, but not even the majority is bad, in fact it makes you more heartless than some cruel people to wish some innocent children death for the sake of an animals.

Now it's your turn! Show me what you got!
I don't like Star Wars.
I get why people like it, and I understand what kind of impact it made on Sci Fi, but I think the films aren't that good.
Yeah, Movies weren't exactly masterpieces that people think they are, but the concept and the universe it made are great.
Peanut butter really is disgusting.

Also, I do hate Star Wars. Slept through all the movies and haven't watched the Disney versions.

Also, unpopular opinion of mine, is that I hate all forms of hot drinks. Just yuck.
I like anime.

I like God.

I like animals more than humans.

Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one and some are full of crap.
Is this site unpopular opinions, or just unpopular opinions in general?

......Or is it both??? (DUN DUN DUN)
I'm pretty sure there is no substantial proof you could ever come up with to deny the fact that 9/11 was a controlled demolition.

Also, I don't think fluoride is good to put in the water and even if it was I would want the choice to have it in my water or not. This is kind of what makes America "free" but at the same time not free.

Also, America is the greatest country in the world. It is because it is the most free, but also because the entire foundation of American freedom (Christianity, of course) is different than any other nation.

I am a misanthrope so I hate people (but love them from a distance, like on here). Ignorance also drives me through the roof. I'm fine with religion and believe in it myself, but I hate others who press another religion which is why I don't press mine. Plus, I don't really go to church or pray either, so. Believe what you want, but on your own, privately.

I don't like the candy 'Reese's'. I mean, I just find it kinda gross. Not that into peanut butter. I like Reese's Puffs and Reese's Pieces, but the chocolate bar itself, not so much.
I don't like the user '@Aman'. I mean, I just find her kinda gross. Not that into her. I like other users and people, but the user Aman herself, not so much.



Reeses hater! :p