The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago Viktor van Gruff


Universe Crafter

Name: Viktor van Gruff
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Family & Friends:
Father: Ivanovich van Gruff; 52, Engineer, *Deceased*
Mother: Viktoria van Gruff; 54, Engineer, Missing, presumed dead.
Brother: Ivan Ivanovich van Gruff; 31, Data analyst at Bunker Chicago
Sister: Anastasiya van Gruff; 17, "Agricultural" specialist at Bunker Chicago

Biography: Viktor has always venerated his father, the man was practically a magician with machinery and the легендарный Крокодил is a reflection of that, the prototype of the MI-45, the "Legendary Crocodile" would have taken the world by storm if the world hadn't stormed the fuck out of itself first. After repairing the helicopter Ivanovich packed up his family into it and ran for America hoping that it would be somewhat intact, finding his way to Chicago and offering his services in exchange for sanctuary.

Young Viktor was raised in this environment and, most specifically, around the легендарный Крокодил itself learning its every in and out. By the time he was 18 only his father knew more about the легендарный Крокодил and Viktor could fly it as well as any pilot with a machine they knew, at 24 Viktor flew his father and mother out to an incident with one of the convoys that Bunker Chicago sends out, the breakdown of their guard tank was a priority repair. On landing the convoy was attacked, his father and mother rushed to try and get the tank operational as Viktor took to the air and attempted to protect the convoy single-handedly before being forced to retreat by more shoulder-launched missiles than he was comfortable with.

Returning at the head of a relief convoy Viktor found the convoy slaughtered, his father quite dead a neat hole in his head, still arms deep into the tanks engine. Of his mother, or any of the other women in the convoy, there was no sign.

Since then Viktor has served in the combat arm of Bunker Chicago and trying to keep his family together, his brother working in the intelligence analyst arm and his sister being a farmer he still finds time to force them to get together. And on that one day of the year... gods protect the raiders who are out on that day, for Viktor does not.

Mutagens in DNA?: No


Pilot: 12
  • Pilot: Since a young age Ivanovich raised young Viktor to pilot the легендарный Крокодил to the best of his abilities and with something approaching perfection.
    • Good Pilot: Viktor was an apt student and quickly became exceptionally adept at controlling the advanced gunship.
    • Good Mechanic: Viktor knows the легендарный Крокодил in and out and can perform virtually any service required to repair the craft. Some of that skill rubs across to other vehicles.
      • Legendary Pilot: The легендарный Крокодил has been such a focal point of Viktors life now that it performs almost as an extension of his own body with the pilots seat containing a perfect indentation of the young mans behind.
  • легендарный Крокодил: This old prototype gunship has survived thanks to the efforts of the Van Gruff family through the years.
    • Agile: The легендарный Крокодил is unusually agile for a helicopter as heavily armed and armoured as it is.
    • Versatile: The легендарный Крокодил has a pair of depressible gunpods to add to it's gunpower, and it's missile racks can be swapped out for thermobaric rocket pods relatively quickly (though of course, at it's hangar where said pods are stored.
    • Capacious: The легендарный Крокодил has room for 8 men and women in an armoured compartment in the belly with side doors.
    • Stealthy-ish: The легендарный Крокодил possesses an advance rotor system that can, when engaged, move almost silently, at the sacrifice of power.
    • Крокодил: The slightly upgraded AI of the легендарный Крокодил has a degree of increase autonomy and will typically be responsible for managing the guns if Viktor has to maintain evasive maneuvering.
    • Droneswarm: The легендарный Крокодил has a small compartment behind the main rotor that can, on opening, launch six nanodrones with cameras for advanced reconnaissance.
  • Head for Strategy: Viktor is not one to go into battle without some guidance, with the versatility of the легендарный Крокодил he has come to regard strategy as a highly important subject, does he go over to do a hot-drop of the poor bloody infantry bottled up within by fast-rope, or is he going to 'sneak' in via the stormwater drains and drop them further out, but safely?



  • Vehicle Type: Вертолет
  • Vehicle Name: легендарный Крокодил
  • Armour Type: Medium
  • Primary Weapon: 30mm Autocannon on rotary ball mount.
  • Secondary Armament:
    • SPPU-687 Depressible Gun Pod x2
    • 6x Thermobaric Missiles in standard Missile Racks.
      • May be swapped for Thermobaric Rocket Pods.
  • AI Package: Крокодил; In addition to
  • Unique Modifications: Nanodrone Rack, Stealth Rotor system, 8 Man troop capacity.
  • Special Note: легендарный Крокодил at full payload (weapons + troops) requires a rolling takeoff.


Faction Affiliations (Factions range from the following five categories, in order of worst to best: Hostile, Distrusting, Neutral, Affiliated, Allied. A faction which is hostile toward you will attempt to eradicate you if given an appropriate opportunity to do it out of the public eye, while a faction that is allied with you will willingly share secrets and resources to help you. New Characters start with one faction Affiliated and four Distrusting—their choice. Old Characters will be informed what their relationships are with other factions.)
  • The Old Guard: Affiliated
  • The Coalition: Distrusted
  • U-ARM: Distrusted
  • Red Star: Distrusted
  • Children of Eve: Distrusted


Signature: Kadaeux
Approved. I'll get you into the IC after a summary IC post to bring you up to speed.