Vita Nova [AL]

Valled looked over to where Keith was pointing and shook their head.

"Don't be silly, we don't get seats... We get a cabin! After all, the trip will take at least a couple of weeks. We'll be going at standard velocity and making plenty of stops. Think of this time like a cruise, for pleasure. Come along now, this way!" Said Valled with a reassuring smile. They were walking toward an elevator, and the bav didn't take long to push the button a determined amount of time. As if following some strange rythm.
"A pleasure cruise?" Keith asked, instantly more interested. He followed them to the elevator and watched the rhythmic taps. He considered asking why Valled was doing that then decided not to. He would see soon enough. "I went on a pleasure cruise on the ocean once. It was both amazing and absolutely terrible. I had to stay below decks all day, so I mostly slept in a crate. There was a lot of easy prey, though." He hesitated, feeling a little bad about that. "Oh, and I saw a dolphin," he said to distract himself.