Akashic Arcana Wanderers Article


Karen was hopelessly bored. Having taken a visit to the market district in hopes of finding some fresh material to write up, she found herself sat at the noodle bar, eating more than talking.

No one wanted to stop and take a few minutes to answer her questions about the stigma around homunculi, she had first found her interest in the homunculi situation after hearing about the human experimentation in Russia during the war.
Sure the war was now history but it didn't make it any less relevant to everyone's current situation.

Karen watched the people pass her by, doing their best to not make eye contact as if doing so would trigger a series of questioning from the writer.

Lilly had made her way to the other side of the world in her wandering. In hopes of getting away from a past that haunted her dreams. It lingered like a reminded of why she didn't stay any where long or trust a stranger that smiled at her.

Now she found herself in a beautiful market. The food was taunting and she managed to buy a few things with the little money she had managed to get doing odd jobs along her travels.

Shifting her old bag around on her shoulders, she set the rest of the food inside of it. In her fumbling she drops a stick out the side pocket. She tenses and stares at the thing for a moment, glancing around before picking it up quickly. Her sleeve pulling back a little with her movement to reveal old restraint scars. Scars caused by metal shackles and leather straps. Both were used on her. Once it was back in place, she readjusted her bag to her shoulder. Pausing though as she caught the eye of a female sitting at a table.

She tenses a little and starts walking again.
Karen pushed her noodle bowl away once she was finished, sipping at her water bottle to hopefully remove the spicy taste from her mouth. Looking amongst the crowd once more, although her perceptive eye spotted a new person, she was shocked, most people around the academy were normally dressed well not like this girl, who looked rather bedraggled.

She definitely had not been around here before, and Karen wasn't sure if she anyone of a fixed abode judging by the bag that the woman supported. It was then Karen's mind jumped into play, she rarely met people not from around the area to interview, but this was perhaps a brand new perspective to gain, she slid from the stool and quickly walked over to the scruffy looking woman, tapping her on the shoulder "Excuse me"
Out of the crowd, that's what she needed, no wanted. She had started to make her way through the people to get to the edges but she didn't get far at all.

Feeling the tap on her shoulder, she had frozen instantly, thinking she may be in trouble. The voice she heard though didn' cause her to be afraid. Still she was cautious as she turned to look at the female.

She blinks a little and adjusts the weight of her bag on her shoulders. "Yes?" She asks curiously.