War of the Beasts


Swordfreak and Master of the Pen
"A fight is only meaningless when the cause was not worth fighting for"- Jon Hawkwood

War of the Beasts
Chapter 1, "The Hawkwood Company"

Chisena, a rather small City-State on the west coast of Sibientir*...

...It had a population of over 100,000 on a good year, with only a third of that the militia. She had a sizable navy but only a meager flotilla of sky-ships in comparison...or at least she did...

Hawkwood looked up at the now overcast sky, his grayish green orbs fluttering as the bright white sky stared back at him. The sun was completely blotted out, along with the smell of rain in the air. It couldn't be helped, on top of that it was utterly cold even though spring had finally come to the continent. Jon growled as he held tight his cloak, his face hardened by both the melting winter and frustration. He passed the wreckage of a downed Sky-Ship, hobbling than walking to the main tent as he felt the blast of a Heat stone being used to warm the interior. He shook off the cold, shuddering while letting the cloak he wore give way to his arms as he pulled the hood down to reveal his graying brown hair.

Before him stood his Lieutenants and several Sergeants surrounding a square table of heavy oak. The map of Chisena was spread out over the table, the paper being held down by some tankards other heavy objects. Chisena was crescent shaped and by the look of the blue meant that the City was a coastal one, meaning they had a large harbor that could berth a considerable amount of ships. Too bad most of her Sea-Ships were trapped in said harbor due to either weather or the blockade of Sky-Ships that were hired out by the Company. It was also a tiered city, with several districts in ring like patterns. The bottom was the main City with its harbor, slums and other districts, the middle was where the obviously wealthy lived, and the top was where the main Keep was located in Sieges like this one...It is also where Hawkwood most likely assumed that the city council kept the treasury.

Six Months...he though to himself...Six Months of this tomfuckery, and these bastards are still being stubborn. I've nearly cracked their blasted walls three fucking times already! He growled as he stared at the map of the city. He indeed had sent his siege engines to crack their walls, only for one thing or another to stall his artillery be it sabotage or weather or whatever. Those and more alone gave the Chisena's Mages enough time to repair the wall with their restoration stones. He sighed as he recalled how they got to this point. As he said it began six months ago, with the neighboring city of Florenze contracting the Hawkwood Company to be their official/unofficial "Tax Collectors" to the city of Chisena, whose council owed a considerable amount of cash to Florenze. Chisena, for lack of a better word, had taken to the custom of ignoring Florenze's invoices and the final straw came when they sent a messenger back...his head stuck on a silver plated pike. So Florenze, feeling understandably miffed, contacted Hawkwood and requested that he retrieved their contracted gold plus interest. His reward would be any spoils he deemed compensation and should he not find anything substantial, they would compensate him for his troubles.

That was over Six Months ago, with the first two months being Jon trying to negotiate with the Council of Chisena into trying to hand over the money and not resulting in something bloody and pointless...needless to say, two bouts of arguments and an attempted assassination later and they were locked in a siege. Jon took with him 2000 infantry, several squads of Cavalry in the event Chisena attempted to deploy its own, half his supply corps, and only 50 Armsmen and their Armatai. Out of that, he had lost a third of his Cavalry, 500 troops, and 10 of his Armatai were either crippled, damaged, or completely destroyed with half of those armatai's armsmen dead. The only thing he still had were the Half of his Supply, and even then they were running out of resources from bolts, to bandages to keep up with Hawkwood's small detachment. Their food was running dangerously low and the Winter was to the point of ruin for them. Hawkwood was, for lack of a better word, pissed.

He stood there, looking at the map even more as the others in the tent were nervous to speak. They knew a week ago he had sent a message to Hawksnest to send reinforcements and more importantly supplies, but it was staring to become dire in that cold spring morning. He sat there as he looked down at the black line drawn on the map, indicating their latest plan...their possibly last hope...to finally breaching the wall of Chisena.

"How goes the digging?" he asked Head Quartermaster Fulgrim, looking up at the old Ork in a padded sleeveless shirt.

"The group down there are doing their best Sir. Captain Ronaldo and his Cavias are incredible diggers, though that is a gift given their origins" stated Fulgrim. "Our guys are practically giving them blessings from the gods for their assistance in this matter"

, thought Hawkwood. It was only three months ago that he met the Capybara Commander and his Infantry. They were indeed a boon to his army, which is why he wants the supplies more than troops. He was still pissed he lost 500 of his own men, but he was happy that Captain Ronaldo offered his services...on the understanding that certain payments were needed upon completion of the job. He didn't want Ronaldo's men to do the digging, but he needed more engineers to work in the tunnel they were digging out. It had been an arduous month, but they were getting closer and closer to the walls without the mages in Chisena taking notice...and he was thankful for such case.

"Who else do we have down there?" asked Jon.

"My Man Jalani and a few men under him Sir" stated Fulgrim, "He's overseeing the laying of the Wildfire crystals" he stated.

Jon smirked, "Good, when they come up for air tell them to take some time for food and fresh air, and tell both Ronaldo and Jalani that I don't have to remind them to be careful around those Wildfire Crystals."

"They know well sir, and they know damn well those crystals are basically firebombs encased in glass...they know what they're doing Captain." said Fulgrim confidently.

"For this to work...I hope so" stated Jon as he looked over his shoulder and into the overcast cold of Chisena...

Brom stared at the City of Chisena, growling as he lost count of how many times he engaged their forces and how many times all it was for nothing as the next morning the Artillery would go at their newly fixed walls anew. He sighed as he looked up at Gwin, the grayish white knight kneeling down and covered in the dew of the morning sprinkle. He shook his head as he saw his friend's cape fluttering in the wind, chuckling as he looked into the machine's crystal blue sensor eyes.

"I know big Guy" said Brom, "I'm hoping this wraps up too"

*Look at the Red Circle, its located in that knook :)
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"One might ask themselves why they signed up to be sent underground to play around in dirt and cold with highly volatile sorcery." Jelani said aloud, mostly speaking to himself as he and his men followed behind their Capybara allies underground.

It was part of the job, Jelani knew the life of a mercenary was never going to be glorious.

But, the end of the underground tunnels being dug would lead to glory, gold, and a fight.

Jelani was a warrior by birth, he loved a good fight when there was one to be had.

"How is it going up there?" He called out to Ronaldo, "I'm freezing. It feels like we've been down here forever." The young man continued.

"I'm not complaining, but... it's really cold." Jelani told the Capybara, indeed complaining.

The young man was from the desert and still hadn't built up a tolerance to more temperate climates.
Jon stared at Chisena, growling under his breath as the wind kicked up. His stony gaze was met only by rain as the weather began to pick up for the worst.

"We won't have Air Support. Not unless Captain Brigam grows a pair of granite balls and gets down here" he said out loud, looking over at the Capybaran officer stationed in the tent. The creature, almost as tall as an orc, stood in a disciplined stance and stared at the map, as if ready for something. Jon shook his head, walking back in from the cold as the rain began to hit them hard, pulling his cloak back as he stared at the map then to the rest of them, "I want all troopers under some sort of cover till this rain lets up, and I want them well fed and rested. But most importantly I want them all ready to go at a moment's notice" he ordered them, motioning for some sergeants to get moving. He looked up at the Capybaran nodding, "Any news on your Captain and the work down there Sir?" he asked.

Brom sighed as the rain started to pick up, grumbling before he felt a beefy hand pat on his shoulder. He turned, finding Sergant Grimwald, a werewolf, motioning him to follow. Brom looked at Gwyn for a moment before following after Grimwald to a pavillion, the smell of stew being cooked over a hot fire filled his nose.


The night was cold and the stones of the castle made Ivetta's room even colder. The brunette stared at herself in the mirror before her, she had just finished combing her long hair and sighed softly; the plans for tonight were already arranged and all she was waiting was for it to start. Tonight she doesn't looked like a princess as she was; dressed in common clothes that could be considered even manly, the brown boots reached just under her knees as the grayish pants covered her thighs before the blue tunic loosely covered her figure until her hips. After a sigh, she took one last glance at her tiara, LeBeau advised her to do not take it with her but she wanted something to remember her about the life she's about to leave behind, biting her lower lip, she quickly picked the tiara that was silver and had blue gems between her fingers and quickly slid that into the leather bag she was going to take with her. The bag only had what was going to be strictly necessary, some food, some money, a change of clothe and now the tiara.

As soon as she closed the bag, Emmanuel swung her door open and simply said in his strong voice "It's time, milady." she nodded and got on her feet, she settled the bag on her right shoulder and walked close to him "I don’t want to leave you behind." Ivetta’s mother had died some years ago out of sadness, the woman wouldn’t handle that her son was killed in battle –killed non the less by a cousin, Santiago’s son – and Ivetta’s father had been lying in bed for the last couple weeks, too weak to get up; she and Emmanuel knew he will die of the sickness so the princess was worried about the closest thing she now could call family, her father right arm, Emmanuel LeBeau. He was more of an uncle than a servant of the throne; she had grown with him by her side and not her uncles by blood.

He sighed softly and gave the princess a strong hug “I need to be here when they arrive, I wouldn’t be able to leave your father behind. He’s my best friend and I guess that a friend wouldn’t leave other to die alone. I’ll fight, Ivetta, and I’ll escape Santiago’s wrath but I need to be here for your father.” The brunette simply nodded as she burrowed her face on the older man’s shoulder, feeling the leather of the armor against her cheek and took a deep breath. Emmanuel then said in a quite sad tone “Your majesty awaits for you.” The tone was formal, as any other announces he had made through all those years, he then smiled down at Ivetta and said “He has a surprise for you.” She nodded and followed Emmanuel out of her bedroom and through the corridors of the castle until she arrived at the room her parents once shared, the room was way darker and sad since her mother died and seeing her dad lying on the bed, thinner than ever before, didn’t help either. She walked close to the bed and sat close to him, picking one of his hands between hers and looking into his eyes “Father.” She gently said. The man that now look way older than he actually is coughs and said “Ivetta, I want you to take revenge on me. Carlos will kill me for sure and take our kingdom as his; you’re the only hope for the LePeugaue’s clan. Honor your grandmother, honor the water elves. Honor me, my daughter.” He weakly reached to pick something that was lying close to him; it was a silver handle of a sword decorated with blue crystals “That’s yours now, the family sword, Sangargent. Only the LePeugaue can use such sword, it’s useless for any other that doesn’t have our blood.” Ivetta took the handle in her hands and soon a crystal clear blade appeared. “I’ll take good care of it, father.” She attached the handle to her belt and then leaned close to hug her father, tears rolling down her cheeks. A horn could be heard and soon the message of a tower-watch man reverberated through the castle “King Santiago’s army can be seen in the horizon. They’ll arrive by sunrise.” Corvonos then whipped the tears from his daughter’s cheeks and said “No time for crying, my dear, you must go now so you can be as far as possible by the morning.” She nodded and kissed her father’s forehead before getting on her feet and walking close to Emmanuel. He simply gave her an apologetic smile and said to Corvonos “I’ll dispatch your daughter and will soon be back in that room with you, sir.”

Once the two left the room, they walked silently to the carriage that was going to take them to the port. She settled her bag under the seat and sat down; Emmanuel gently covered her with a Prussian blue cloak. “Never introduce yourself as Ivetta.” “I know, Emmanuel.” She smiled and hugged him tightly “I’ll miss you.” She added. He chuckled and hugged her back “Me too, little girl but that’s not goodbye, we’ll meet again. Just like you, I want to fight for the kingdom… but now is not the time. Now Santiago must think he won.” She nodded and soon they were at the port of the kingdom, a ship that was taking crops to be sold in Aldan was ready to depart, she hugged Emmanuel one more time and covered her head with the cloak before heading into the ship and departing.

After six months inside the ship, hiding herself in corners and trying to do not talk much with anyone in fear of being recognised as the princess of the Kingom of LePeugaue, she finally made it to the port of Kartan; a big town on southwest in the Kingdom of Aldan. As soon as she stepped on the port, and saw the beautiful city with quite adorned buildings she knew she was in a rich town; soon enough she headed to a market street close to the port, which wasn't the most glamorous street but sure would be enough to suffice her needs of getting some more food for the next part of her travel and find a horse to such travel. Her plan was to go far away from Kartan and go even further west, to Almira; the reason was because Emmanuel knew she was heading to Kartan and if her uncle decided to try to take information from him, she would easily be found. She wanted to leave no traces of Ivetta, even so she decided to call herself by a different but not so foreign name; she was going to be Ivy, it was the nickname her family and Emmanuel used to call her but had no connection so over with her princess name. After a short walk, she soon found a horse she could by, it wasn’t any close to the horses she was used to see in the castle with the messy mane it had but she could tell it was a healthy horse to do the travel to Almira. She bought the horse for a couple of gold coins and soon she departed to Almira.

During the travel, Ivetta got attached to her animal companion and decided to call the pitch black horse that had only some white spots over the legs as Shadow since whenever she dismounted him, he would walk after her. Once she arrived at Almira, she managed to pay a ticket to a travel to Chisena, which was surprisingly cheap but she didn't question it and simply got on board with Shadow. After another month of travel, she arrived at the port of Chisena but for her surprise and quite clarifying the price of the ticket, the city was in pure chaos. Once the ship docked on the port, people tried to invade the ship while she tried to leave it, people screamed saying that she was going to the wrong way and that she was crazy but she decided to do not listen to them, she knew that such a place was the perfect spot to find brave people that were aching to fight, people that she could put together as an army against Carlos Santiago.

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Clang. Clang. Clang. The sound of a hammer striking metal on an anvil, the piece bending to the will of the blacksmith. A sizzle soon after as the smith cooled his new creation and set it aside with the other pieces of plate. It was a slow process to restore the gargantuan cages of armor that many of Hawkwood's men wore into battle, but it was part of his agreement. After all, the man had taken care of a particular bandit problem not so long ago. And despite his habit of breaking promises, it was in the best interest of his health to carry out these repairs. Wiping sweat from his brow, a chill wind breathed new life into him as he stepped beyond the large perimeter of cloth barriers. Eyes of ebony scanned the horizon, shaking his head as he looked upon the city. There was Hawkwood's prize, or at least, supposedly. How long would they hold out? Elias was almost sure it couldn't be for much longer. People tended to starve like that.
The Cavy dug with an instinctual ferocity, channeling all their ancestors have bred into them into a refined art, as they did their part in the collapse of the wall. All of this was under the gaze of the hotblooded Capybaran known as Ronaldo, official title being Ronaldo de la Casa del Rubí. The General's presence boosted the morale of the typically timid Cavy, which allowed for the uncommon sight of them working alongside races of greater predatory presence than they.

As they dug, they began to sniff rapidly, and identify a smell different from the Aldan dirt. They identified it as water, water that has been stained with stone. They then realized that a well was near. The Cavy went to Ronaldo and told him of the discovery. Ronaldo's ears perked up, and hundreds of possibilities flooded his mind should access to the well be attained. Excited, Ronaldo rewarded the Cavy with a platinum coin, which he chewed with great pride and honor.

"Jelani, your cold will be well weathered, for I've a plan, mi amigo. Indeed, ''tis a grandioso plan!"

Ronaldo then made his way to the tent, feeling the cold rain wet his fur and collide on his Platinum armor. He arrived soaked, only the flame of passion for his plan warming him. Finding a place to make himself comfortable, he ask a Cavy to retrieve Jon Hawkwood for him.

The Cavy then scurried off, on all fours, as fast as his paws could take him.
The Capybaran was about to speak when a Cavy scurried up to him, whispering something into his ear. The larger beast's eyes widened, about to open his mouth when Jon nodded that he would follow. The Cavy, Capybaran, and Hawkwood moved quickly from the main tent to Renaldo's, with the Capybaran and Cavy moving to their Captain's side as Hawkwood moved in with face showing a cocktail of worry and adrenaline.

"What's wrong?" he asked to the point, "Were we discovered?" he asked worriedly, praying to the gods above that was not the case.
"Greetings, Seníor Hawkwood, would you mind sitting down? I've had one of mi amigos brew us some tea while we discuss plans." Ronaldo laid calmly into his seat, and motioned Hawkwood to sit as well. As he did so, a Cavy rushed through the tent, with a steaming pot of tea. Ronaldo reached for a jewel encrusted tea cup and brought it down to the Cavy's level, who eagerly poured the steaming beverage.
Jon was about to let loose on Renaldo about the urgency of information. However, judging by the Capybara's demeanor he was more excited than afraid, which meant something other than being discovered had happened.

Thank the gods, thought Jon. He also knew that insulting Renaldo after his men helped bolster his own forces after this siege would not be in the wisest of decisions. That lesson he learned well in his youth...and it was a costly lesson at that.

He sat and admired the craftsmanship of the cup before sipping the tea. He appreciated the drink but was more of a brandy man himself, however given the necessity of clean water over spirits...and the fact they needed sober personnel among them...the brandy was left at Hawksnest.

"I'm assuming we were not discovered Captain?" asked Jon as he watched the Capybaran, "What have you to report?"
Renaldo sipped his tea, then laid it on the table. He then sat there, eyes closed, swishing his tea as he thought of what to say. When Renaldo was finished, he swallowed, then breathed a breath of fresh air. Once he finished his ceremony, Renaldo spoke.

"My Cavy has found a well, Hawkwood. One within the castle. I am here to inform you that as we speak, my Cavy are digging a tunnel directly to it. It will be finished by nightfall, and it will be signaled by a flood of water. Once this passes, I have ordered my Cavy to enter behind enemy lines, and wreak as much havoc as possible!"

"This is what I have called you for Hawkwood, mi buen amigo!"
Hawkwood's eyes widened upon hearing the news, sipping his tea down slowly but urgently. He stood up, pulling out a portable map of Chisena and setting it on Renaldo's table. He scanned the map, looking up at the line they had dug concerning the tunnel, "Where do you think the well will come out of?" he asked pointing at the various wells thought to be in the path of their tunnel. A wide wolfish grin was forming across his face as he looked at one particular well...one located not far from the main gate.
Ronaldo looked at the map, and after a moment of thinking, pointed at the well that was nearest to the castle wall.
The Grin upon Jon's face grew wider, looking up at Renaldo and standing up as he did, "I need to see this thing immediately!" he said as he gestured the Capybaran Captain to lead on, "I need one of your men to fetch Leiutenants Riggs and Murtough, can you send a runner for them please?" he asked with a hushed urgent tone.
Ronaldo rose to his full, towering stature, and after a quick series of squeaks, the Cavy that by stood by quickly scampered off to retrieve the lieutenants Hawkwood asked for. Ronaldo then casually marched towards the cavern in casual pride, the rain outside hardly affecting him as he made his way.
Jon was too curious to mind the rain as he was led into the tunnel, the light stones illuminating them as he looked upon what they found. The smooth wall of the stone well before them stank of well water, with Jon placing his hand against the wall and feeling the condensation. He smelled, then licked the water a bit before spitting the liquid out. His wolfish grin spread wider as he turned to see First Soldier Riggs and First Armsman Murtough following the Cavy to the area.

"You wanted to see us Captain?" asked Riggs.

Jon smirked as he turned to Ronaldo, "Your plan is blessed Mi Amigo!" he said with enthusiasm, "I only have one condition: Before you start your mayhem up there, quietly make your way to the gate and be so kind as to unbolt it. Afterwards cause as much damage as possible to distract our opponent so by the time they realize what is going on our men will be inside!" He said turning to His Leiutenants, "Riggs! Murgough!"

"SIR!?" they asked in unison.

"Alert the troops and prepare them for a possible assault. Jelani!?" called out Jon to the Quartermaster in charge.
"Sir?" Jelani called out from deeper in the tunnel, the sound of his armored feet hitting the wet earth as he jogged towards Job.

Soon the young man emerged from the darkness, "Is it time we put this sorcerer's fire to good use?" he asked.

"I'm itching for a battle."
"That it is!" said Jon with a smile, turning to Ronaldo, "Commence with your Mission Ronaldo and may the gods bless you in your endeavor. All I ask before you start your mayhem is unlock the gate...and minimize as many casualties as possible please. Were here to collect a debt not slaughter them" he said, "If they give you an opportunity to take prisoner do so...if not...well this is war...death comes with the job." he said with reluctance. He turned back to Jalani.

"Inform the First Quartermaster to prepare the artillery but do it quietly. Today we take Chisena!" he said to Jalini Confidently.

Brom was busy eating the hearty stew in the cooking pot when he noticed First Armsmen Murtough marched up to them. He wolfed his food down, taking the last bit of juices with old crusty bread before washing it down with watered beer. He wretched as he watched First Armsmen and Sergeant Grimwald nodding before the latter turned and spoke to the other sergeants and corporal.

"What's going on boss?" asked Brom.

"Mount up Lad" replied the Werewolf, "Looks like we'll be storming today" he said with a toothy grin. Brom smirked back as he began to make his way back to Gwyn.
"You do not have to worry about casualties from us Cavia, amigo!" He tilted himself to show of his pauldrons, studded in rubies. "We are a people of greed and cowardice, not violence. We will be sure to unlock the gate, but I consider this operation more thievery than raiding." Ronaldo then gave off a single ha before smirking."Be sure of this, though. By the time you get in, they'll be lucky if they even have the swords in their scabbards!"
Jon grinned, "Of Course! How can they fight without their weapons!" he said as the thought made him enthusiastic, "If you happen upon the City Leaders I want them alive...and unspoiled...I will deal with them myself!" he stated, "Good Luck Ronaldo! May the gods smile upon your mission!" he said turnnig and heading out the tunnel following Jalani

"As soon as you have informed the First Quartermaster to quietly prep the artillery I want you back down here prepping the charges! Even if Ronaldo gets inside the city, I want to have a plan B should the enemy lock the gates up again."
A blade sliced through the air, the very force behind it creating a small sound as the truely titanic axe barely missed its target. Growling in frustration, Drok'Nathur, or Leaf as he was known here, reversed his grip in a moment and sent a thunderous swing upwards, back along the path his weapon had travelled, yet it still had no effect as his small opponent dodged out of the way.

Aulandre danced backwards from her friend's swings, fully aware that even one landing would put her out for quite some time, armour or not. The small girl jabbed forward with her shortsword, her poise perfectly minimising her profile and she hoped to draw blood and end the fight, yet found her blade glancing off of the wooden shoulder pauldron the Ogre wore. The two had been having this dance for almost five minutes now, and this time she was sure she could win against the old warrior.

Leaf swung downwards in a powerful strike, barely missing Aulandre as she sidestepped, expecting the attack. What she wasn't expecting however was the large hand, bigger than her head, to grasp her from behind and send her stumbling back long enough for a solid punch to land squarely on her chestpiece, sending the elf flying into the air and landing a couple if metres back, wheezing.

Marching over, Leaf holds his hand out to his fallen comrade, which she gratefully accepts after a few more seconds wheezing, tears in the toned elf's eyes. "Maybe just stick to your little toy, and stop trying to fight us real warriors?" Questions Leaf, grinning a little as he dusted Aulandre off.

Scoffing, Aulandre pokes the Ogre in an arm almost the size of her as the two made their way back to the communal tent to get a drink, knowing that despite the words he had meant it all in jest. "And leave you to get rusty because no one else wants to fight you? You know I couldn't do that, you big lug. One day i'll beat you, and save the rest of these poor saps from your ego." She laughs as they arrive, taking a small cup of water someone had left out and swallowing it in a few gulps.

Before Leaf could respond, two figures entered the tent with them. Lieutenants Riggs and Murgough. At their presence, Aulandre immediatly snapped into a prim salute, ther thin body almost instantaneously locking together into proper form. Leaf on the other hand merely grunted and returned to finding where his mug had gone.

Well used to Leaf's attitude, the Riggs doesn't bother to correct him as he addresses to two. "We've found a way in. Get into your Armament and grab your weapons, we about to get this ball rolling." Addresses Riggs, Murgough silently glaring at Leaf as the Ogre simply nodded and hefted his axe over his shoulder.

At the command, Aulandre grins and nods happily. "Yes sir! I'll get right to it!" She cries cheerily as Riggs grabs Murgough by the shoulder and ushers him away to find the rest of the outliers. Turning to Leaf, she simply waves and gives him the customary "Don't get killed." before rushing off out of the tent to prepare Dinmaul.

Grinning only a little, Leaf exited the tent soon after, Ginsa'Drok still over his shoulder as he made his way towards where the troops were lining up, the people running all over the camp parting before his presence. He couldnt wait to get started.
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