Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Westeria City: Cedarwood Grove

as written by Lobos

The pungent, pervasive scents around Riaze registered faintly, yet exhaustion and damage drove the recognition to the corner of his mind. All that mattered was the surface his body was lowered onto. Eyelid already drooping over the blood-hued orb, Sanina's words simply pushed what nature was already performing along. Settling into a deep slumber, the lycan's breathing evened into the rhythm of the unconscious.
as written by Faithy

At some point in time, Valentina wasn’t quite sure when, she had fallen asleep in the corner of the room, still snuggling against NomNom. What woke her up was a knock on the door and for a minute, she looked around in confusion before remembering where she was and what was happening. Glancing up at Viktor, she found him still unconscious and in the same state, which was extremely displeasing. Shifting her attention towards the door, watching as Arien opened it up, she peered at the two unknown individuals. The male stunk of werewolf and the female was a Vampire, at least Val thought so. Staring silently at the two strangers, she slid NomNom into her lap, keeping him from going to investigate like a normal kitty.

“No, NomNom. We don’t know them… they might eat kittens.” She spoke softly, knowing that there was a chance her words were heard, but she figured that the two would ignore her, just like everyone else had for the most part.

Sighing, she realized that Arien had to know at least one of them, because he was letting them into the house. Watching curiously, she glanced over to Viktor before looking at the woman and wolf, glad she wasn’t anywhere near them. Sometimes sitting in the corner was the best thing. Though, when the male was placed on the sofa, that put him extremely close to her location, but she didn’t want to move, because thus far, she hadn’t been acknowledged. Thankfully, he soon fell asleep, so that just left the strange woman, who might be or might not be a threat.
as written by Script

"He had a run in with some hunters." Arien said with a flippant wave of his hand. In his mind, that was an issue that had already been resolved. "Var's and Christian sorted out some blood for him. Christian's upstairs, but Varia's out." He had followed her through to the door of the front room and taken up a position leaning on the wall of the corridor outside. He raised an eyebrow as he watched the tenderness with which Sanina treated her werewolf companion.

"I always thought you were more of a cat person, 'nina." he remarked with a small half-smirk. "A dead cat person at that. Guess you got better."
as written by Tiko

Sanina didn't answer Arien at first, seemingly absorbed with Riaze. Her crooning had turned to a low hum before she started to sing softly.

"God will save his fallen angels, and their broken wings he'll mend... when he draws their hearts together and they learn to love again... all their sins will be forgiven..."

She couldn't remember where she had heard the song before, but the lyrics would serve their purpose in lulling Riaze into a deep, hypnotic slumber, but for the first time in months he would find his dreams free of Sanina's influence.

As her soft singing died down to a low hum she brushed a few strands of Riaze's hair from his face to reveal his one good eye.

"He looks so harmless... like this... doesn't he?" she asked whimsically. And yet it had been none other than Riaze who had been responsible for her manor burning down, and who had driven a sword through her chest a year ago. It was this very werewolf who had scattered the Lessard family to the four winds, and left their once prominent house a shadow of its former self. It was a fact she would do well to remember.

She still hadn't seemed to pay Arien or Valentina much mind, but Sanina had always been a bit peculiar, and she oft seemed caught up in her own little world and only half lucid to her surroundings.
as written by Script

It was perhaps fortunate that Arien, having not been present at the time of the Lessard manor's destruction, was ignorant as to the identity of the slumbering werewolf. He did raise his eyebrows at the way Sanina treated him, however. He knew enough of the strange head of the Lessard family to suppose this might be something approaching normal for her, but had never interacted with her directly before. It was ... an experience.

"Yeah ... harmless. Like... a sleepy wolverine. Covered in blood. With big teeth, all the better to eat us with." Arien chuckled, "Yeah, he's a regular sleeping beauty."

The teenager glanced up at the stairs, wondering if Christian would come down to investigate the noise. Or the smell. He wrinkled his nose. Wet dog... lovely.
as written by Tiko

With Riaze seen to, Sanina turned her attentions to Arien and Valentina for the time being.

"Tell me, what has passed in my absence?" she inquired over her shoulder from where she knelt beside the sofa. "Where is my father?"

Her father's disappearance only days after the fire had been the final blow to the crippled house, but was as of yet news that she hadn't received.

To Valentina she gave a curious tilt of her head as her eyes took on a milky hue.

"Come child, do not be afraid," Sanina crooned lyrically as she held her hand out for the child to approach.

The woman's expression had grown vacant and distant as if she where staring past Valentina at something beyond the view of those gathered within the room.
as written by Faithy

Valentina opted to just watch and listen what was going on, picking up on bits and pieces, though none of it was making any sense. Her lavender eyes shifted from Arien to the woman to the werewolf and back again, frowning a little at the whole dead cat comment. Snuggling NomNom closer against her, Valentina closed her eyes for a minute before leaning back against the wall, her kitty nestled close in her arms.

She glanced over at Arien, wondering what a wolverine was, but opting not to ask. Instead, she blinked when the female asked about her father, but luckily, she wasn’t asking her. Her nose wrinkled up a little as the smell finally made its way to her location and she pushed further into the corner, not wanting to be rude or disrespectful. However, when the strange woman called for her to come and to not be afraid, Val’ glanced first over towards Arien before sliding to her feet, moving closer to the stranger, though she wasn’t exactly sure why.

“…I’m Valentina Rossetti… I’m uhh… I guess I’m a friend of Viktor? Well, not a friend, I guess, but, he looked after me. My sire was killed by Hunters… I found her in the alley and then I ran across Viktor for the second time and he led me away and then Hunters attacked us and he got shot with a poisonous arrow…” She frowned a little, not even sure if the female was listening to her.
as written by Script

"Vincent?" Arien's expression dropped into a more serious frown. The young vampire owed what he was to him, the one who'd helped him realise his potential. Without Vincent, he'd probably have never amounted to anything. Or worse, his blood magic would have led to his eventual death without the older vampire's guidance.

"I ... I'm sorry, 'nina. I think he's dead. Either that or he's abandoned ship, well and truly. Nobody's seen him since just after the fire. Not a trace." He shook his head with a lopsided shrug. "Was a pretty shit week, all things considered."
as written by Tiko

"You poor child..." Sanina crooned. "All will be well again..."

The news of her father's disappearance left a pinch of regret upon her face though. For a time she said nothing more before the milky hue at last faded from her eyes and she looked to Riaze once more. He was in no condition to be going anywhere, and she knew it. For now anyways, she was resigned to remaining here for the time being.

"We'll stay here the night..." she informed Arien finally. "Gather the rest of the family who survive yet... and tomorrow we prepare."

She gestured then for Valentina to sit beside her.

"I have three daughters, one of them is about your age. Would you like to meet them?" Sanina asked.

It would seem that Sanina's obsession with children outweighed her disdain for vampires of other bloodlines.
as written by Script

"Uh..." Arien looked towards the kitchen awkwardly, "Well, Christian's through there, I think... Varia'll probably be back before tomorrow. Do I have to go find her? What if she's like, sleeping with someone? That'd be awkward. I don't wanna cockblock."

The teenager leaned back on the wall and flicked his fringe out of his eyes, only for it to fall straight back. "And yeah, before you ask, that's it." he grimaced, shaking his head. "Things really haven't been on the up for us. We're more of a ... clique than a family right now. We just tell other vampires they can't sit with us."

Arien sighed, letting the attempt at a joke fall dead in the air. "We're all that's left, 'nina. What exactly do you want us to prepare for, anyway?"
as written by Faithy

Valentina wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but she knew that things weren’t getting any better for her. She was still reeling from the loss of her Sire and the issues with Viktor all of which were driving her into a place she hadn’t been before. Snuggling NomNom, she just watched or rather listened to the conversation happening between Arien and Sanina. She wondered what they were preparing for, but pondered if she was about to be shoved out of the house to fend for herself. Unsure why, the little vampire felt herself moving to sit beside the female. Blinking at the odd question, she mused a minute before smiling.

“I’d like that…” She spoke softly, almost afraid to say anything to bring attention to herself. NomNom meowed and stretched himself out in her lap. Her gaze shifted towards Arien and she couldn’t help but wonder what cockblocking meant. Keeping the question to herself, she wondered the same thing he did. What was she wanting the family together to prepare for? Chewing on her bottom lip, she played with her kitty while waiting for whatever to come about to come about.

“Can NomNom and I stay with Viktor…? He’s all we know now…” She frowned, biting on her bottom lip.
as written by Tiko

"Of course... but first I need you to do something for me," Sanina crooned to Valentina. "My daughters were taken. You must bring them to me. Can you do that?" she asked. "Their names are Sarah, Alice, and Jezebell."

She gave Valentina instructions as to the location of a group home where the girls had been put into the local foster care system after Sanina's disappearance. She then gestured for Valentina to hurry on her way.

With that seen to she turned her attention back to Riaze and there was something almost akin to compassion in her eyes when she looked at the slumbering werewolf. Granted it was the same look one might have for a stray dog that they had brought home. She hummed softly, seemingly paying no mind to Arien's question until she finally spoke once more.

"Where do you turn when all other roads are closed to you," she asked whimsically. "It's time to return home."

She moved then to join Riaze upon the sofa and lay down next to him as she got comfortable - a fact he likely would be none too pleased with when he roused. She had haunted his sleeping hours for nearly a year now, but waking up smelling of vampire was something he hadn't yet endured.
as written by Script

"Home?" Arien raised an eyebrow, "I'm guessing you don't mean the pile of ash that used to be the manor. Where exactly is 'home' for you?" he asked.

He waited for several long, awkward moments. "Uh... 'nina?" he prompted.

Again, silence.

"Right. Well. Alrighty then. Guess answering that'd be too ... sense-making. Can't have any of that. Nope." the teenager rolled his eyes and turned back into the corridor, "I'm going out."

He continued to mutter under his breath as he made his way to the door, and out into the night. "Nope, no sense. Just carrying around dead babies and sleeping with half-dead dogs. Muuch better. We like that, apparently. God I hope she doesn't find a new one..."
as written by Faithy

How was she supposed to get the girls out of the group home? Valentina blinked, but didn’t question Sanina, figuring it wouldn’t do any good. Sighing, she just nodded and picked up NomNom, putting him on her head. Waiting once he got comfortable and while listening to her instructions, the young Vampire slid out of the house and headed down the street. Was she safe from hunters? She had no real idea, but figured if all else failed, NomNom could get her away from any danger fairly quickly.
as written by Lobos

The next morning, Riaze cracked his lone eye open, freezing as he failed to recognize his surroundings. A groan escaped him as the throbbing aches of yesterday's wounds made themselves felt, gritting his teeth as he shifted. Only to find something draped around him. The sensation of necrosis prickled his flesh, and he rolled from the couch, grunting as he hit the floor. The face he saw invoked equal measures of loathing and grudging appreciation, but the lycan checked his actions as he looked to himself.

Where silver had torn holes through him, there were mostly healed scabs, a phenomenon unheard of in most of his kind. That he was still standing was a testament to the resilience that the Nightroads had bred for. Actual, restful slumber had aided in that healing, though he still felt exhausted, weak. Used.

He glared at Sanina a moment, before taking stock of his surroundings once again.
as written by Tiko

Sanina didn't need to sleep, nor had she since the night she had been turned those many years ago, but she could pass the hours in a near sleep like state. It was more of a trance than true sleep, where her gift as a seer could roam freely. Reading into the future was a path not easily followed, and some had oft speculated that Sanina's efforts to do so with regularity was one cause of the woman's less than lucid mental state.

Riaze's movements roused her though and when she opened her eyes, they had taken on a milky white hue.

All around her the room swirled hazily as if viewing it through a misty grey veil. She saw Riaze turn towards the sounds of dogs barking before the door splintered open from its frame. They had tracked Riaze to Viktor's bome. She saw the police start to flood the room, and she saw the explosion of gunfire as Arien entering from the side hall to be caught by a stray bullet.

She sat up slowly, languidly almost, and in that moment she very much reflected the predator that she was beneath that whimsical exterior she so often portrayed.

The moment lasted only a few seconds though as her eyes bled back to their usual crimson state. There was no one in the room but her, Riaze, and Viktor.

"We must go," she told Riaze.

She offered a hand out to him, an invitation for him to help her to her feet.

"They're coming for you."

Rested and rejuvenated, Sanina had no doubt that Riaze could more than handle the police this time around. But a blood bath was best avoided.

Riaze's search of his surroundings wouldn't turn up much of familiarity save for the unconscious vampire resting on the nearby couch. There was no mistaking him as any other than the one who had intervened in his hunt the other night. The man had an IV hooked up to his arm that was keeping him supplied with blood, and the bandages that covered the wound in his side where soaked through with blood. The injury had yet to show any sign of healing closed.
as written by Tiko

Sanina didn't need to sleep, nor had she since the night she had been turned those many years ago, but she could pass the hours in a near sleep like state. It was more of a trance than true sleep, where her gift as a seer could roam freely. Reading into the future was a path not easily followed, and some had oft speculated that Sanina's efforts to do so with regularity was one cause of the woman's less than lucid mental state.

Riaze's movements roused her though and when she opened her eyes, they had taken on a milky white hue.

All around her the room swirled hazily as if viewing it through a misty grey veil. She saw Riaze turn towards the sounds of dogs barking before the door splintered open from its frame. They had tracked Riaze to Viktor's bome. She saw the police start to flood the room, and she saw the explosion of gunfire as Arien entering from the side hall to be caught by a stray bullet.

She sat up slowly, languidly almost, and in that moment she very much reflected the predator that she was beneath that whimsical exterior she so often portrayed.

The moment lasted only a few seconds though as her eyes bled back to their usual crimson state. There was no one in the room but her, Riaze, and Viktor.

"We must go," she told Riaze.

She offered a hand out to him, an invitation for him to help her to her feet.

"They're coming for you."

Rested and rejuvenated, Sanina had no doubt that Riaze could more than handle the police this time around. But a blood bath was best avoided.

Riaze's search of his surroundings wouldn't turn up much of familiarity save for the unconscious vampire resting on the nearby couch. There was no mistaking him as any other than the one who had intervened in his hunt the other night. The man had an IV hooked up to his arm that was keeping him supplied with blood, and the bandages that covered the wound in his side where soaked through with blood. The injury had yet to show any sign of healing closed.
as written by Tiko

Meanwhile Christian and Varia had finally returned from rounding up more supplies, but as the pair appeared in the doorway to the sitting room Varia caught the familiar stench of Riaze and her reaction was immediate. The bag in her arms hit the floor as she reached for her side arm inside her coat.

"You son of a bitch," she spat.

Sanina's presence hadn't even registered through the haze of fury that overtook her as the began to draw the weapon from its holster.

"What the..." Christian gaped at Sanina and Riaze from beside Varia.

"Varia, no!" Sanina interjected as she raised a hand in a gesture to wait. Unfortunately it was unlikely that Riaze would share her sentiments on the matter.
as written by Lobos

"Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on, leech." Growling out the words, Riaze lifted his gaze to meet Varia's, empty of expression to betray emotion.

"Here I am. Shot to shit, dressed in rags, sleep deprived, pissed as hell. Shoot me, I fucking dare you. But before you do, put this through your thick fucking skull." Lurching to his feet, the lycan swayed unsteadily, limbs shaking with the exertion to hold himself upright. "If the first thing you throw at me isn't lethal, you are going to die. I have had enough of being shot, or stabbed, or slashed, or anything else right fucking now, and the next shite who makes that mistake is going to rest in pieces."

"So untwist your panties, get whatever crawled up your arse gone, and either do it, or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up."
as written by Tiko

Varia stared agape, wordless as her eyes all but boggled out of her head.

It was several moments before she found her words as they spilled out in a flustered jumble of fury and astonishment.

"Whatever crawled up my ass?" she retorted.

It was an apt inquiry given that the last two times they had crossed paths it had been him trying to kill her.

Sanina was up now as well though and standing close enough to Riaze so as to make shooting the gun a risky prospect lest Varia wanted to chance hitting her as well.

"Varia look at me," Sanina said as she tried to capture the woman's gaze, but Varia wasn't having any of it.

She gestured angrily with the gun, her eyes not moving an inch from Riaze.

"That fucking son of a bitch and his whore killed Kyle, and he damn near killed me," she snarled.

"Uh... that's unfortunate and all, but is anyone else but me wondering where the fuck Sanina came from?" Christian interjected.

"There's no time for this," Sanina interrupted. "We must leave, now."

"I'm not going anywhere with that piece of shit," Varia growled.