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Her sword hit true once again as the robot shooks its head free only to be met by another barrage of Pharaoh Shots from Pharaoh Man causing it to fall to the ground trying in vain to get up before exploding.

Aversa and Undyne were wrapping up their fight as well as the robot dog looked like a pincushion from all the spears Undyne had pierced it. It let out a howl before exploding leaving the heroes the only ones standing. "I do so abhor mangy mutts." Aversa closed her tome as she dusted herself off. "But we are once again united."

"Yeah! I'm so happy you're all right!"
Undyne came up to Celes and gave her a slap on the back. "We figured you'd be in trouble but it looks like you took care of yourself." Her eyes narrowed slightly when she noticed Pharaoh Man. "Who's the robot?"

Pharaoh Man had weird look to him as well as he looked Undyne up and down. "Uh yeah the name's Pharaoh Man," He handed out a hand to shake.

Undyne looked at it for a moment before grinning and grabbing it firmly. "Well hey Pharaoh Man, I'm Undyne! You been keeping Celes safe from trouble?"

"Well, it's been a bit of a group effort."
He admitted.

@Raynar Saassin
"It's good to see you both handled yourselves just fine."

Celes exclaimed as she had a small smile on her face, seeing that her friends were safe and sound. When Undyne came over and gave her a slap on the back, it would seem that she had quite an adventurous and wild partner.

"It was indeed a group effort. Of course, it started off with him attacking me believing that I was one of those things, but we handled ourselves with what we had in front of us. What did you two have to deal with?"

"A rolling boulder!" Undyne exclaimed in excitement. "It was like straight from a movie or something. We hauled our butts down the corridor as fast as we could."

"Yes, you all try to run in high heels and this skirt...but we survived, only to stumble upon a room with spheres with an eerie smile. That exploded."

"Yes, we fought those too,"
Pharaoh Man remarked.

"And after that, we ended up here and those mechanical mutts accosted us, it might have gone differently if you hadn't come when you did."

"Yeah, perfect timing! So,"
She turned to face Pharaoh Man. "What are ya exactly?"

Pharaoh Man gave Aversa and Undyne a courteous bow. "S-Sorry. Like I said my name's Pharaoh Man. I was created to investigate tombs and go where normal humans couldn't. I've been down here for, if my internal clocks right, about 120 days."

"Curious," Aversa mused aloud. "So you have no idea what is going on above?"

"I assume it's something weird." He looked at all three women. "Because, and I don't mean this rudely I apologize if it comes off as it, you all don't look like anything I've seen."

"Huh? So he doesn't know about,"

"The Melding. No, it doesn't seem like he does."
Aversa finished what Undyne was going to say.

"The what?" Pharaoh Man looked confused.

"Well sit tight! I think we all need some rest so let me tell ya what's been going on!" Finding a place to sit down in the area the trio explained to Pharaoh Man everything that had happened since he arrived inside this pyramid.

"Wow..." Despite being a robot he looked like he was going to fall over from shock when they finished their story. "So you're all from different worlds, and we're on a world made out of different worlds and...Dr Wily and some other scientist is behind it? I don't...that's a lot to take in. What about my creator Dr Cossack? Or his daughter Kalinka? Mega Man, even?"

"I'm sure they're fine!" Undyne replied back grinning from ear to ear. "Just because we don't know them doesn't mean they're somewhere in this world!"

"That is probably the best way to look at it. If a bit too optimistic,"
Aversa added. "Even so the more important question is, what are you going to do with this information?"

Pharaoh Man was silent for awhile looking like he was deep in thought before he replied. "Help you defeat Dr Wily, of course. Even if this isn't my world I'm going to do all I can to help you and the Rebellion out! You can count on me!"

@Raynar Saassin
Celes listened intently to their conversation. She knew about the melding but apparently the description from Undyne made it all the more clearer. Once Aversa asked Pharaoh Man what he was to do with the information, and his response to helping them defeat this Dr Wily alongside assisting the resistance, she stood up.

"Then I hope you're ready for constantly being on the move. Speaking of constantly on the move, we should get going. We still have the rest of the Pyramid to explore, do we not?"

"You're right about that, and our robot friend here should be an expert on the area considering the time he's been trapped in here," Aversa replied as she turned her attention towards Pharaoh Man.

"Well yes, I have most of the middle layer mapped out but I haven't been much deeper since the power hasn't been back for that long, but I think I know where we have to go." Pharaoh Man started to draw with his finger in the dirt and before long he had constructed a little map of the area. "If we follow this path down here we should find something. My readings indicate that there is something big emitting a faint energy reading down there."

"How big we talkin' here?" Undyne asked curiously.

"Very big," The spelunking robot added. "So whatever you're trying to find, my zenny's on that you'll find it there."

Aversa nodded. "Then we clearly have a plan forming. Good job." Her words made Pharaoh Man blush before Undyne spoke up again.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on then!"

@Raynar Saassin
"If something very big is emitting a signal of some kind as you describe, then we must find it and eliminate it. This must be what our research team found."

Celes then looked towards Aversa and Undyne with a concerned expression.

"I'm glad you two are safe, however are you two injured at all? I can restore your health if you require it. We're in this together, after all."

"I'm alright," Aversa replied before motioning towards Undyne. "But this clod managed to get hit by some unnecessary blows."

"Hey!" Undyne shouted back defensively. "I got the job done didn't I?"

"And regarding this energy signature...I don't think we should be too hasty in destroying it. Perhaps it can be a great boon for us and the rebellion?"

@Raynar Saassin
"Do you require healing, Undyne?"

Celes asked as Maduin decided to reveal himself again.


"I assume everyone is well?"
"Maduin, how come you're appearing a lot?"
"Are my services to you a problem, Celes Chere?"
"No, but we don't know anything more about this place..."
"I can assure you I am fine."

Maduin then turned to Aversa as she asked her question.

"The Resistance could use the additional support, but how can we guarantee whatever these things originate from aren't a threat to us?"

"I...suppose I might need a pick me up..." Undyne mumbled.

"What is to say this large thing is the cause of the robots?" Aversa asked the Esper.

Pharaoh Man chimed into the discussion. "It might be, but from my investigation, I'd say that the robots that have attacked us are part of this pyramid. They have a very different signature to whatever this thing is."

"Are you saying the Melding caused whatever is in here to materialize inside the pyramid?" Aversa asked. If that was the case then what would be waiting for them at the end of this excavation?

Again Pharaoh Man nodded. "From what you've told me, that's a very likely scenario."

@Raynar Saassin
Celes concentrated for a moment and cast Cure on Undyne, healing most of her wounds if not then she would feel herself fully restored and ready for combat.

"This Melding must of created similar robots that attacks us all when it occurred. That could mean that more of these Pyramids exist throughout this world, harboring similar monstrosities."

"Or perhaps the pyramid is but one place from this other world that they inhabit. Or perhaps have ended up inside here much like our other robotic friend." Aversa looked over to Pharaoh Man. "Though this is all speculation. We can worry about that once we've reached our destination."

Meanwhile, Undyne did a little stretching after Celes cured her with her magic. "Hey, thanks a bunch! I'm feeling a whole lot better now! Sorry ya have to look after me like this, next time I'm going to save your butt!"

"U-uh if we're done." Pharaoh Man raised his hand to try and get their attention. His spouts of being awkward seemed to come and go. "Maybe it's best that we head off? I'll take point and lead the way...if that's okay with you?"

@Raynar Saassin
"You weren't exactly showing weakness. Besides, we're in a place we had no idea even existed until Alphys told us. I'm sure you will save me someday, Undyne."

She then wandered over to the rest of the group who were discussing the Pyramid.

"Yes. We must not hesitate to get to the source and determine what the Research Team uncovered that was so threatening."
"Whatever it is, we'll be ready. Now let's continue onward. Now that we're reunited, we stand more of a chance in this place."

"Then let's not tarry any longer and continue on." Aversa turned to face Pharaoh Man. "I assume you will be taking point?"

"Yeah, just stay behind me and we'll get through this. If there are any traps I'll point them out." Pharaoh Man beckoned them to follow him down the corridor in front of them.

The journey down the corridor continued on rather uneventfully. Finding Pharaoh Man seemed to have been a great boon for the trio as his extensive mapping and abilities made exploring the pyramid a whole lot easier. There were a lot of twists and turns as well as some traps they managed to avoid.

Either the supply of robots in this place was finite or they had been really good at avoiding them. Whatever the case maybe they came closer and closer to their destination. As they continued on however Celes could spot a small alcove into a larger room on the path they were currently walking. The room itself looked inconspicuous except for a single gold chest in the middle of it. The other three didn't seem to have noticed it or perhaps chose to ignore it. Would Celes continue on or did she wish to go and investigate?​

@Raynar Saassin
Sure enough, Celes did spot some sort of alcove into a larger room.

"What do you think?"
"It could be risky. Do you wish to proceed?"
"The chest could harbor useful information or perhaps contain some sort of treasure."
"Or it could be booby trapped. What do you want to do?"
"Let's check it out. But not burden our new friends."

Celes waited for a moment and proceeded into the alcove and approached the chest to see if anything would happen.

As Celes stepped into the little room a door slid shut behind her. It seemed sturdy enough but perhaps with enough force it could be blasted open. Though you also had to think about the rooms structural integrity.

Even so, she was here now with a chest might as well look inside. However when Celes got closer it suddenly sprung to life!


It leaped towards her with it's massive maw and tried to get a bite of the Knight.

@Raynar Saassin
"Hmm. That's irritating. But---"

Celes immediately raised her Sword to block the chest's massive jaw and only just managed to parry in time. Backing off slightly, she got herself ready for combat.

"I guess our world isn't the only one that has them."

Celes could hear some loud banging on the door behind her. Seems like her friends had realized she went missing. Even so the chest tried to strike again by aiming to chomp down on her abdomen.

@Raynar Saassin
"It would seem our friends know we are stuck in here."
"It would appear so!"

Celes shouted as she saw the Mimic strike again and reacted by slashing again with her Sword.

"A little help here?!"
"My apologies."

Maduin then proceeded to use his power and cast a Tier 2 Lightning Spell; Thundara, to wound the creature. Whether or not it would hit, after using his power he would proceed to return to his Magicite Crystal.

The thunder spell seemed to do the trick as the robot exploded from the attack, leaving behind in its wreckage an item of some sort. It looked like a small statue of one of the robots they had faced just as they entered the pyramid.

Suddenly the door slid open as Undyne came rushing in grasping two spears looking ready for a scuffle. "We've come to save you, Celes!"

"It looks like she saved herself," Aversa replied as she stepped inside. "Good show."

@Raynar Saassin
"I've dealt with Mimics before, they are troublesome but not deadly if handled right."

Celes exclaimed as she picked up the item left behind by the Mimic's demise. Some sort of small statue of what appeared to be the enemies they had been encountering in the Pyramid.

"Aversa, are you able to make sense of this?"

She asked as she handed the statue over to her.

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