What was one mistake you always made when you were new to roleplaying?

I would actually burn myself out with how much I would do at one time. I would be in maybe 4-7 different roleplays at the same time. I would usually reply when I could, but oh boy, it was exhausting.
My first issue was god modding. And cringe. MEGA CRINGE. Try doing a romance rp when you've done one rp before. (A small fanasty) and see how it goes. I've since gotten much better thank god.
I created unlikable characters and was even shut off a few times for writing 'too aggressive'. While I never tried to take over other people's characters I was out to take them out in the mission to become the best and strongest. It took me a long time to learn how to communicate and cooperate with other players, but seeing I was a kid and really had no idea what I was doing it's not something that bothers me now.
Oh, I would be very passive, I would barely interact or be active as I was scared of being pushy. It was a mistake that made me quite boring in roleplays.

This one is more that I had bland characters or I wasn't very good at characterization. Either, my characters were uninteresting or if they had a personality, I wouldn't know how to characterize them correctly and they would come off different as their description.
I had really hesitated about;
1. Making a character of the opposite gender than myself ( And still is )
- just in case the response isn't 'logical' for men and that I might offend the boys for tainting the identity of them...

2. Creating more than one character for one rp ( And still is )
- that would be too much work...

3. Making a character with a different personality set than what I always use. ( Used to be the main reason behind number 2 )
- just in case I get the responses wrong for the personality set...
I think one of my worst crimes was probably not using capitals for names, and a maddening amount of shyness in my character's personality. (Though, didn't we all do that last bit?)

Yesssss, I was one of those people who knew where a period went, and I had a serious phobia of power-playing another person's character (therefore never doing it.)

Don't even get me started. Those were just the absolute WORST back then. Put in three words for each category and call it good, right? I remember the very first time I used some descriptors in a sheet; I was ecstatic. One step closer to the skill-levels of my peers.
Looking back on those, I hardly even recognize some of my OCs. I love showing the stark comparison between the "then" sheets and the "now" sheets. It's truly been a journey.

This was another thing that only fixed over time. I started RPing when I was... t w e l v e . . . ? Many of the RPs at the time were with people playing 16-to-18-year-old characters and I was down there, uncomfortable with going past 13. I cringe, remembering all the times I tried to join in spite of the "age limit" set for the RP and asking for an exclusion from the rule. I kinda still do this, since I'm not comfortable playing a character above 19 or so, but that's a story for a later time, I suppose.
In the beginning, I was very afraid of in-character conflicts. The result could be only one- sweet to the core characters who were always nice and cute and afraid of their own shadow :') I still have some problems with rping open arguments but my characters are much more diverse now and I'm so happy about it!
Godmodding and mary sues. Oh god, the mary sues. I wish I'd learned earlier. And two things that I think were problems, but others may not think are problems, is script style and one liners. I got out of script style, but I'm still struggling with one liners.
I think my biggest mistake was assuming reactions from writing partners before giving them a chance to react. I usually caught this before replying but I was so used to writing the other person's side.
I made a lot of overpowering characters in the beginning because people did not care when text rp started to become a thing in my native language. But now I don't do that anymore, I really can't even if I want to xD

Also, I was really bad at grammar and spelling, so that also took me a while to get good at.
Cookie cutter characters and combat issues. Subconsciously made my characters practically invincible, dodging everything and all that jazz. I have glanced at my early work when I could find it and it honestly made me nauseous XD.
Since I usually enter the 1 vs many, I have to create overpowered characters. Then I can't actually differentiate my characters and my writing so all of my characters have the same characteristics; being cheerful and kind all the while hiding a deep dark, powerful secret. I do think I have not grown out of that one.

Also I think I was godmodding. I can't just sit there and wait for the other's reaction. It was supposed to be a scene where the story progresses so I took the initative to either hurt the other or do something stupid.
I started as a child so please excuse how cringey I was! I used to write weak female characters and male strong characters to basically force the others to sympathise with my female character (who I considered my main character). Now, I try to balance it out much more. Now, my characters have their own sets of skills that differ between them. Rather than all being dainty, skinny, stereotypically attractive... I now add realistic flaws to them and create more three-dimensional characters that aren't interchangeable (when I first started, my characters were essentially all the same person but I changed their name, I never really had a set character).
As Foreigner, I started at a very young age and mistaken a lot of vocabulary and grammar things. I handled those pretty well now.
Sometimes, I god-modded and ignored people's tries to play with me. And the one-liner Phase, oof. Don't even get me started there!
Nowadays, I need to handle fight-scenes better, I guess. And detailing, too. The Basics are there, but if I look at it, it just feels like something is missing and I am still figuring out what xD
For me it was getting too involved in a big group RP because i used to sneak onto a phone and respond so when i got caught i essentially killed the RP

And i still feel guilty becauce i killed a really good rp doing that

Everyone was in my characters house with my character giving them a tour and i got caught so i couldnt respond
If I role-play with too many people at once I'll get overwhelmed. Especially because I put a lot of energy into writing, I'll get drained if I don't remind myself to recharge.
It could be lack of experience instead of mistake but my storytelling wasn't good and my writing style was pretty poor.
I had the worst time with shifting tenses when I first started, right in the middle of a paragraph, back and forth and all around. I think I have a handle on that now? At least, no one's commented on it and I haven't caught myself doing it in a long time ;)

Also, I wrote a book a few years ago doing NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month - it's in November, really cool!) I actually got someone to edit it for me, and apparently I do this thing that I haven't gotten a handle on yet.

'She walked along the wall, running her hands over the rough texture.' Wrong

'She walked along the wall and ran her hands over the rough texture.' Right

I'm not sure why exactly, something about timing and presence of the character in the moment. If anyone has a better understanding of this I'm all ears 'cause I still don't quite get it - even if I can recognize it when I see it.