What would you do when attacked on the roadside?


.°•. When rain shall fall & wings shall fly .•°.
Anything very ridiculous and very imaginative is very welcome.

This is for fun, anyways...
I would glare with the power of a hundred suns before he dissipates into ashes...
(Just playing around...*snickering*)
Hmm, perhaps you are right. You did say to be ridiculous and imaginative, and it is not at all difficult to imagine, nor all that ridiculous, to believe that someone might be struck down from my sheer magnificence.

How about... While they attempted to attack me, I stepped aside, tripped them, and they fell down a manhole, never to be seen again.
Or there could've been a dimensional portal accidentally or purposely opened wherever the guy fell.
Or those things from five nights at freddie's could've wandered down the sewer and devoured him...
I would hit them in the head with a large rock. C: until they are knocked out and take everything from there person afterwards.
Well. I would tell the police once i locate them that i tried to get robbed/attacked and here is their stuff, I left them back on so and so road lol
As I sit on the side of the road, suddenly to be attacked by an ex, I would then proceed to gut shank the man. As he doubled over in pain, zip tie his palms and feet together, like a hog tie. From there, I would open the rear of my death wagon, wheeling out the casket inside to stuff the man in. Roll the casket back in place, after shutting the lid. Take off from this spot, find a nice backwoods area to bury him alive. Leave him for the worms. In the end, it was a ploy to bring my ex in.


Heh heh heh heh heh :p