What Wuld You Do To The Person Above (PG13 rated)


Queen of LaLa Land, state of Capital Bulshit :P
Ok, this is my adaptation of a fun forum game I used to love on another site. On there, it vas a full tripleX rated thing, basicly no limits, ppl used to snuff each other out all the time, vhen they werent fucking each other, but I think it can work as a more tame verzion, too. So basicly the idea is, you post anithing and evrything you wuld like to do, to the poster above you (note, POSTER above, not vhat-ever pic they may use for avatar, since that wuld be too easy for ppl to hide behind avis, since I havent seen many here use there own pics for avis, asyde from myself and a couple others). Limit is 3 things, per post (to avoid ppl vriting essays each post XD). And it can be anithing you want (but in this iteration, vithin the PG limits). Nice, nasty, naughty, neutral, peaceful, violent, mundane, special, unexpected, weird, creepy, crazy, outlandish (feel free to add more adjektives, I'm limited by my crap english :p ), etc. etc. - anithing you want.

So... since theres nobody above me and I'm the first in line... come at me! :)
Share my powers and abilities with you...so we could go on exciting adventures of conquest together.
make your favorite dish
remain with you, conquering the known universe together
Take long walks in the silent forest together
Search for hidden treasure in remote places with you
Do missions together