When the devil drives, needs must [1x1]


Smol and soft
//Astaroth here ^^ I hope this is alright!

Another morning without sun really getting up to the sky - in truth that wouldn’t happen in several hours as Ginny made her way to school. But that’s just winter, she thought, kicking the snow on her way and pulling up her collar against the icy wind. In few months it should be over, and for someone else that might be a long time to wait, but for someone like -her- it wouldn’t be long wait at all. For someone born one and a half centuries earlier, few months felt more like some days, a few brief moments to hold back her breath before it would be warm again and the world would be free from the shackles of the winter. She sighed at the thought as she stopped by her university doors, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and lighting one. Slow inhale and exhale, she felt the smoke in her lungs and closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them again. It’s not like smoking was going to finally kill her, Ginny thought, as much as she had learned to do to make it appear like she was a mortal herself too.

Things like wearing gloves while smoking in the freezing cold weather, it made it a little tricky, but without gloves anyone would see how warm they looked. Or at a gym class, she had to get up to breathe whenever they would be going to swim, even though it was just for the show. In all honesty, living as long as she had been living had been slowly turning boring, exhausting almost. What would someone do if they had limitless time on earth, yet no one to share it with? Most of the time she kept company of animals to herself, despite their relatively short lifespans they were loyal and never got suspicious. Unlike the people Ginny’s gotten attached to. People are trickier.

Ginny fit right into the University of Art, with her quirky style that looked like she had put very little effort into it while doing a ton to achieve it. Her hair had been pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, some strands of chestnut brown hair falling to her face, a pair of glasses holding her hair back. Clothes were practical first, stylish after, a pair of sturdy shoes reaching to her knees almost, a knee-high wool skirt - black, of course - and a wool jacket reaching down to her knees too. Her leather bag looked like it could carry everything she owns in it - not far from the truth - and only her nose peeks over the long scarf wrapped at least four times around her neck. She dropped the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to finally step inside to the warmth, although to her it felt little different.
Uh sorry for breaking in unannoinced and out of character but I see this thread hasn't picked up so I wanted to ask if I may join?)