Why hello!

Elysian Kalon

Clumsy Little Potato
Why hello! So I've been thinking about blogging for a long while now, but I wanted to try it out somewhere first. I figured this might be as good a place as any.
The problem is... I have absolutely NO clue what to write about. So Imma ask a community of people, some of whom maybe bloggers themselves! So Imma tell ya'll a little about myself I guess.
First off, I have an unhealthy obsession Hamilton (LOOOOVE), I read pretty much anything and everything I can get my hands on, I art, I write stories and poetry, I play the guitar and hmmm... I have lived in a zoo (basically) over the years with two ducks, three dogs (one of whom is soon to give birth), two cats, a toad that I caught, and a, erm, froad. We were never sure if he was a frog or a toad, he had the characteristics of both.
Warning: Please go away now if you are a jerk or troll and if you have prejudices against the LGBTQ+ community as I am GenderQueer (meaning there are days when I feel female, days where i feel male, days where I feel like a mushed bag of gender, and days where I feel like a genderless alien)
Uh, I guess thats about all I can give you... Go check out my poetry on the Creative Forums.