Winter's Shadow


Dream as if you were dying.
The soft drifting of snow fell lazily from the dark skies above as the King of Shadows strolled up the stone covered path before him that lead deeper into the forest. It pleased him to be in such a comforting place even if nature wasn’t at its finest these days. Flakes of snow clung to the crown of his head and parts of his hair before slowly melting causing them to become damp. He didn’t mind the cold even if he was bundled in a fur trimmed kimono fashion from silk and wolf pelts. The colors of amber fur mixed nicely with black and red cloth. His leather boots crunched the layer of snow that coated the path and most of the woods.

A soft smile crossed his pale lips as his dark eyes trailed over the empty skeletal like branches of towering oaks and pecans. The resistant cedars making itself known with its haunting fragrance and emerald green foliage that fought against the bitter cold. Despite winter not being his hand of power he enjoyed the beauty of the scene none the less. Darkness came earlier each day giving way to his domain. Shadows and blindness from the absence of light.

Kuro was a strange sidhe fey for straying so far from the sithen where it was safe and warm from the harms of the world of man. But there was little point in his mind of existing if he didn’t push the boundaries of own comfort and even more so his world. He found himself always watching the ways in which mankind moved attempting to understand where they were headed and why it was the case.
Glancing around wearily around the forest, Nina was sure she had lost them for now. Her silver hair gleamed in the light coming from in between the tall and towering trees, making her noticeable as she ran. She knew that she shouldn't have done what she did. She knew, and yet could not help blame the men for their greedy and fearful ways of living.
Stopping amid the tangled trees, her eyes scanned her surroundings.
" where..." She spoke aloud her thought, now knowing that these part of the woods were unfamiliar. She was lost, and could not go back, for her town was very far away now, and her black leather boots made crunching sounds as she walked upon a tree and leaned on it, catching her breath.
Kuro paused in his wandering stroll as he heard the tired panting that lead him to believe someone was closer to him that he had intended them to get. Granted he was at a distance they wouldn't be able to hear him should they be human. His hearing was exceptional to say the least among lesser beings but average among the sidhe. His gaze drifted over towards the sound of the soft breath. The shadows stretched eerily towards him telling him their secrets and those of those who had pasted by.

Slowly he gathered his own shadow under his feet and sank into its depths so he could step out of the shadows before the young woman whom he had heard, "Running from a long distance, lovely child, whatever for?"

The King of Shadows stared down at the woman with dark eyes that seemed to glow with a hint of stars in their depths. Tilting his head to the side sent his long black hair cascading down his left arm. He was an eerie creature that appeared somewhat human but clearly wasn't.
She looked up, exhaustion clear in her crimson eyes as she stared at the man.
" They are looking for me. The people." She breathed, shivering slightly in her thin cloak from cold winter wind. " They called me a monster." She crumbled to the snow, willing the tears to fall. She had to admit she was afraid. She knew he was not human but knew he meant no harm either. Nevertheless, she was still afraid. " Who are you? Can you tell me where i wandered to?"
Kuro was amused for a moment as he stared down at the weak being before him. So many people assumed the wrong things about him so often he cared not to understand their reasoning any more. He folded his arms slightly behind his back to show the cold didn't have any effect on him a continued to take in the little one before him, "Oh? A monster?" He cooed softly, "I do like monsters dear. What makes you a monster, though?" The dark haired king asked as he rocked back on his heels slightly bending slightly at the waist to keep his balance, "Grow a tail or something, hm?"

It was in his nature to be curious. It was also in his nature to crush the weak under his boot for it was never good for the pack. Yes the pack... He had always considered his kingdom and all the subjects he ruled over his pack and while there were a handful of weak beings they served there purpose with a pride that allowed them to continue living. None of his feyfolk ever called him weak much less cruel for stamping out beings that would tear down their strong walls with their inabilities to keep their emotions in check an to at least be self dependent. Only newborns escaped his attention in that regard for they were the only true innocence of the world. Once they learned to walk and talk though they had a long hard path before them before considered an honorable part of the kingdom.
Her crimson eyes fixated on him, taking in his appearance. Her eyes seemed to glow, changing its color from crimson to a more mild red.
" I am only half human. My mother didn't want me so I ran away because I heard them talking about getting rid of me." Was her answer, wiping her tears with the hem of her dress.
" And you still didn't tell me who you are. I can tell if someone isn't human," She glanced at him again, her eyes wide. " You are from Sithen. Where my sister went when she left me. She said that I could join her when I was old enough." Her expression was just astonished and curious now, no more traces of fear and hurt visible.
Halfling. They were rare to begin with as most human women couldn't survive the influx of magic that occurred when one was blessed with a child of the fey in their womb. Most these days forgot about the gifts the fey blessed them with and left then unaccepted by the wayside to rot and deteriorate into the sands of time. Slowly he crouched before her, "Who am I?" He asked softly in return, "Why dear child I am the very thing all life must fear. I am the darkness that pulls you close and drowns you in silence."

Reaching out a hand he trailed it over her head giving off a soft smile, "A mother that no longer desires her young is a woman that has forgotten the path she stepped upon when she kept you after your first breath of air," Kuro took pity on the little thing before him. He oddly had a soft spot for halflings and their torn hearts that tugged them tightly between two worlds, "I'll take you to the Sithen but you may never return to this world of man. You will abandon your human name and your human ways. I can not promise you a sister awaits you. Who knows how much time has passed..."

Kuro stood and held his hand out to the little girl, "Come, sweetling, follow me into the shadows where the path between this realm and Faerie is thinnest," He held out his other hand as a black wooden staff appeared, "Part your branches, hawthorn tree. Raise your boughs, and let your king pass. Gentle spruce, show us the path to home."

From the shadows between to barren trees formed a large arch way of throne covered branches that twisted together. Beyond the black archway was a misty land where only a few spruce tree branches were visible. Stepping through the archway he lead her into the realm of Faerie. A place that bent the very laws of reality.
She held her breath, taking in her surroundings. If she were to be honest, she never did want to go back to the people who had tried to harm her so many times she had lost count. She had missed her sister very much, but she knew already she might not find her. She was not naïve like most children were and wasn't planning to be anytime soon. She didn't like to see the world as it wasn't, colorful and full of happiness. It never was that way as children saw it.
She was not afraid. At least not anymore. She knew that no harm would come to her from men anymore, and for once in a long time she let herself smile.
The stepped out onto soft soil with the scent of a gentle summer rain hanging in the air. Through the mist the sound of water dripped from leaves to the the forest floor. It was peaceful and relaxing as the warm air curled around them warming their flesh and melting any stray snow that lingered. He held her hand lightly as they stepped through another archway of hawthorn branches and into what looked like a never ending garden. Roses bloomed everywhere as did lilies and many numbers of other beautiful flowers. Butterflies flitted from bloom to bloom. Or one thought they were butterflies till they saw they were in fact very tiny lesser-fey with large butterfly like wings. Some had the wings of dragonflies, other birds.

They paused in their work to stare at their king before bowing and chiming softly, "Welcome home, my King Kuro."
Nina scanned the area with gaping awe.
" It is very beautiful." She commented after she had gathered her strength. She noticed the lesser fey welcoming them and smiled warmly, waving with her pale hands. She had to take her cloak off as it was very warm now, and glanced at the flowers in newfound awe. She had not seen any flowers where she lived, and was astonished to see such things here. She had heard of Sithen's beauty so many times from her sister, but had never known it would have been as her sister described it. She had been crying after her sister left them, and then hadn't cried or shown any signs of emotion ever since.
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The Shadow King spoke briefly to one of the lesser fae while the others returned to work or drifted over to the child in curiosity and wonder. It had been a while since the great faerie king had returned with a child at his side not that finding abandoned little one's wasn't something of a norm in the woods. Kuro told the lesser fae to find his most trusted friend and inform them they would have a guest headed there way. The fae flew off quickly to do as told.

Kuro settled himself into a chair made from small branches woven together as he watched the child become comfortable in her new environment. The world of Faerie was much different than the world of man in many ways but most simply was its people. Everything believed in unity and viewed the world as a place where everything effected everything else.
Nina was crumbled on the soil, her dress all about her, and her long silver hair falling in curls on her shoulder. The lesser fae were twirling around her, and she appeared to be smiling and laughing as they told her all about their world.
" Really? And then what?" She questioned, one of the fae resting on her shoulder and nuzzling her hair. She was answered, and smiled softly.
" Where do you get all your flowers?" Was her next question, and the fae on her shoulder chuckled to itself.
"Why, child, we get it from our king. He made all of this," The fae kept nuzzling her hair, and one was braiding it. " Where do you come from, child?' Nina sighed, and turned her head slightly to glance at the fae.
" I come from the world of men. I am half human." She responded, smiling again. The fae was in awe and touched her cheek with it's tiny palm.
" You are welcome here anytime." Nina nodded, her hair now completely braided. The other fae flew away, but the fae on her shoulder, which had dragonfly wings, still sat there. She silently stroked her wings, and the fae giggled softly in pleasure.