Would You Rather?

Be my friend or get stuck in a cell with 096 ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
Drop kicks 096 into oblivion Hes a damn scrub.

Be sufforcated by love and affection (NO HOMO) or smuggled into my cell and color on walls with me using a freshmens fingers.
sit through one of dr brights rants or lock him in a cell with 096
Id lock him in a cell with 096. Be a romantic scene of blood being tossed around~
Unless 096 is frightened into a corner by his intense rants.. Then, I'd be convinced that there is
indefinitely no way to escape 963...

Be filled with abyssal fluids that melt your insides or be filled with roses that tear into your flesh with their thorns?
Would you rather be thrown into a war you have nothing to do with or be promised safety to betray your friends