Search results for query: *

  1. Tarabearable

    Returning User Well now, hello there.

    According to my account it's been around 4 years since I remembered to log in. We have had such a wild 4 years of darkness, pain, and confusion in the US. It is absolutely no wonder why I havent even given a thought to this place. I sure hope everyone has survived their own wild struggles...
  2. Tarabearable

    Its cold......too cold.....WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE LOCKED IN THE FREEZER?

    Its cold......too cold.....WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE LOCKED IN THE FREEZER?
  3. Tarabearable

    New User Fact: I am not very good with titles. 'Sup.

    BRAVOOOOOO. Welcome to Story tellers. WE are a collective. WE are united. WE are the future of roleplay. Join us as we try to help you get approved. pay attention to the general chat and we'll be there every step of the way. nah I'm just being silly. My name is Tara and I am new as well. Best...
  4. Tarabearable

    Beyond the World We See

    Down to clown
  5. Tarabearable

    Heckin Frustrated

    Heckin Frustrated
  6. Tarabearable

    New User Greetings and Salutations

    WILLKOMMEN blackstone. Id love to see what you bring!
  7. Tarabearable

    Phobias and Scares

    I'm terrified of thunderstorms. I don't do loud noises. I'm also like a very aggressive person about it. Like if we're hiking in the woods as per usual and you look at the GPS and the radar says T-storms less than 20 min away....I'll freak out and start running for a cave of any kind or demand...
  8. Tarabearable

    What's Your Major... ?

    I'm an international business major minoring in german. I plan to travel as a nomad working for companies around the world. It might be a loner life but I know when the road calls.
  9. Tarabearable

    New User Salutations

    Thanks cream!
  10. Tarabearable

    Feeling Determined.

    Feeling Determined.
  11. Tarabearable

    What was your first role-playing experience?

    God, ok so this is going to be so weird. When I was 10 I got on my family's only computer to study for a test with this website my teacher told me to use called quizlet. This was my first experience with forum role play. I hecken loved it until quizlet was like:"Hey this isnt studying!" and...
  12. Tarabearable

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    *I tend to avoid making things remotely sexual unless in a private chat with two consenting adults. *I would make sure the RP isn't totally one sided and give the other person some room for their character when they enter. like for example in an open world chat it would be a good idea to expect...
  13. Tarabearable

    New User Salutations

    I'm sure from the title you can already tell: this one is a nerd ELITIST. You would in fact be correct. I consider myself a WELL-TO-DO role player. In fact I've been role playing for 11 years on MULTIPLE platforms. Recently due to some CORRUPT and thrilling conclusion engagements; I've been...