A Queen's Promise


The Eager Rper
Okay. So the moment I found out that this site has a Thread that is for short stories and poems and the like, I screamed in my head with delight! Yes, another site where peeps can see the ideas in my head! \^°^/

So, this is from a Pokémon site that I'm in; we are able to type out a description for whatever Pokémon we've collected, and one of them is a Shadow Lugia. When I hatched it, she (Legendaries can have genders) just looked so majestic in the evil sense, and so, off the top of my head, I created a sort of monologue for her.... Something that she would most likely say as an evil Pokémon based off of the back story I gave her x3

So before I begin to babble, here's A Queen's Promise.


"I am the creature that blends in the night sky, watching over you with eyes that pierce your very soul as you cower within the darkness,

The one who screeches your name and beckons you to my bosom, calling you as you get closer to your nightmares...
I am the sinister aura that threatens the pieces of your very sanity...

... As you edge closer and closer to insanity...

I am the one who stalks your every move, watching and waiting to strike you down with mighty wings.

I am she who calls to the shadows, waiting for your presence to grace me,

And the one that dwells in the dark corners of your thoughts, creeping closer to you as you struggle to grip the salvation of the light....

But you will fail to reach it....

Because I am the Shadow Queen, and I... Will...

Consume you..."
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