Chains of Retribution Abandoned Train Yard: A New Base of Operations

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Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Rue Vive served as a small one way road situated among the back streets of Lupaix. It cut through a small derelict stretch of land lined with unmarked warehouses, abandoned hovels, and the remnants of a train yard. Trains still passed through along the tracks from time to time, but the train yard itself had long since fallen into disuse.

The open and largely off-road nature of the surrounding structures made it easy for people to come and go unnoticed on foot - a fact that Julienne and Bastien put to their advantage as they loped out onto the open tracks to head into the abandoned train yard rather than sticking to the road itself.

Bastien had guessed right as to Julienne's pacing being within Seri's ability to keep up, and the light limp in her stride spoke of the strain upon her injured shoulder as she slowed to a walk upon their approach. Though what had been a relatively easy jaunt for the wolves had no doubt been a rigorous ordeal for the much smaller feline.

Julienne scented the air lightly before throwing a glance back at the others to ensure everyone was in tow before she made her way towards the warehouse that Ragenard had spoken of. It was as he had recalled, chained up with a rusted out padlock that they likely couldn't have gotten open with a key even if they had it.

A moment later, she began to shift back.
Whilst Seri had been hard pressed to match the pace of the werewolves at some points of the journey, knowing their destination left him able to duck through some narrow alleyways and over a few rooftops to avoid having to struggle too hard. Being well used to long journeys across the city, despite the task of keeping up being a challenge, he arrived at the warehouse with plenty of energy to spare.

Quinn and Connor weren't far behind, and both of the oversized Iverian wolves joined Julienne in returning to human form a few moments after she began to shift.

Seri, in the meantime, merely hopped onto a half-demolished wall and took up a perch, content to remain in cat shape for the time being.

"Almost feels like home," he remarked dryly, thinking back to not so long ago when the runts had been holed up in a warehouse (albeit significantly more decrepit) in the Phantom Quarter.
"The warehouse has belonged to the pack since its gun running days, but the rest is newer acquisitions," Bastien explained to the Iverians. "Baron's been buying up property our here for a while though, so we shouldn't be bothered by anyone. None of it's down on paper as ours either. Various associates hold the deeds. We've got a lot of places like it throughout Vargeras."

"If you're done giving them a history lesson, you want to give me a hand with this?" Julienne interjected as she gave the chain a rattle.
"Nice," Connor remarked, gazing around at the trainyard like a kid in a toy-store and whistling. Abandoned trainyard safehouses and property fraud. It was like something out of a gangster movie! "Nobody could call you guys unprepared, huh?"

Quinn just nodded her acknowledgement of the explanation, then a Julienne's request started scanning the immediate vicinity for anything they could use to break the lock. Her eyes came to rest on a solid looking length of metal pipe, and she stepped over to pluck it from the ground. "This oughta do the trick," she said, walking back over to the door while testing it in her grip. Once Julienne had stepped clear, she eyed up the lock for a moment before bringing the pipe down on it hard, snapping the rusty bolt and leaving it to clatter to the ground.

Seri continued to watch from his perch without comment, content to let the wolves do the 'heavy lifting', so to speak.
Julienne grabbed the handle of the heavy door and gave it a jerk. It groaned in protest but gained momentum as it slid open to allow some moonlight into the large warehouse.

It was dusty, and looked like it hadn't seen much use in a while, but there were some crates stacked around and a large loading truck.

Bastien followed her on in to make sure that everything was in order, but even the dust on the floor hadn't been disturbed in what seemed like years. Their footprints were clearly visible behind them.

The crates themselves looked to have weathered out the years just fine though, and Bastien cracked one open. Inside were piles of old clothes that left much to be desired from a designer standpoint - largely sweat pants and loose shirts - but they were popular with the pack caches due to their versatile size ranges.

Julienne joined him in searching the crates, and the one she popped open had several handguns - three in total - resting in holsters atop the clothes next to some ammo boxes. She wasted little time in pulling them out and checking them over, before tossing one to Bastien, and one to Quinn.

"Alright, let's see if the truck still runs," she told the others.
"Coool," Connor whistled as they walked inside, and then promptly sneezed, as some stray dust floated up to irritate his nose. Rubbing at his face awkwardly, the younger wolf peered around the decrepit old building with fascination. "Man, this'd be a great place to do a gig," he joked, grinning.

Quinn just rolled her eyes, finishing pulling on a set of clothes and deftly catching the gun that Julienne tossed her. "Aye, very atmospheric, I'm sure," she muttered as she fastened the holster around her waist.

"I'm just sayin'," Connor's grin faded into a huff, and he shrugged. "Not like I was actually suggestin' it, I'm not an idiot."

"So y' keep telling me," Quinn replied, sounding unconvinced as she walked after Julienne towards the truck.
Some time later...

The moment of truth came as Julienne hoisted herself up into the drivers side seat of the truck. Among the assortment of crates had been the proper equipment necessary to service the vehicle after it had sat idle for so long, including fresh gasoline, an oil change, and getting the battery recharged.

A bit grimier for her efforts, Julienne inserted the keys into the ignition. A moment later, the vehicle was rumbling to life and she gave Bastien the thumbs up.

"Alright, time to go," Bastien told the others. "Quinn, you go with the truck and Julienne to pick up the supplies. The rest of us will stay here and finish going through these crates."

Of the two Iverians, Quinn seemed the safer bet to send with Julienne. At least as far as which one was less apt to annoy the fuck out of her and provoke a situation.
"Alright," Quinn nodded and made her way around to the passenger seat, swinging the door open and climbing in. She paused momentarily to glance at Connor, but she couldn't keep him in her line of sight the whole time they were here. Better to get used to that idea now, than when it mattered. "Back in a few, then."

In the meantime, Connor was doing his best to wipe the grease on his hands off onto his sweatpants, with limited success. The younger of the two Iverians had proved to be surprisingly handy with respect to helping fix up the truck, thanks to his years spent helping Brendan with similar work back home when he was younger.

Seri had remained on his perch outside, curled up lazily to keep watch. For what? He didn't know. The place was abandoned, after all. Still, that was what Ragenard had told him to do. And until someone told him to do otherwise, he would use it as an excuse to avoid any heavy lifting. Or indeed, any effort at all.
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