


Feel free to contact @Meliodas , @Aman, @Kian, @jrusso20, & @Revelree with questions. :)

In the beginning, the universe was void and without shape; but from the infinite darkness came a light, and the heavens cracked, breathing life into man and all of the creatures below. Terrestria is a planet much like our own but plagued by generations of war and decadence. No one really knows what happened or why. Whether it was man who lost faith in the gods, or the gods who lost faith in them, but the world was torn apart and divided. For a time, a balance existed, with the Great Mother, the goddess, Aditi, watching over her children with intrigue and delight. Yet, every good story has its daemons. He has gone by many names throughout the course of history, such as Lucifer, Satan, or Mephistopheles, but the Angel of Darkness has waited patiently to bear witness to the fall of man.

It has been said that in the time before time, Aditi and the Prince of Darkness ushered in the era of man together. Born as two halves to a necessary whole, they shepherded a world at peace with itself, governing over a time of prosperity. However, like all good things, it wasn’t meant to last. No one quite knows what led to the wars that followed, but at the center of it was the fight for man’s heart. Aditi saw hope and compassion in a race forged in their image, while Lucifer saw only hate and greed. In a gambit, he believed he could prove man was just as foul as he was, which is why he was cast from a Heaven divided. With much of his power stripped, he was still a force to be reckoned with, and so cast a shadow over the land, rolling the dice and giving man a not so obvious choice.

Meddling over the centuries as he saw fit, he gave birth to all manner of dark creatures and gave man untold power with the hope of watching them destroy themselves. In a world of endless possibility and magic, a city was crafted, one plagued with lawless corruption. Some believe Aditi showed her hand, while others simply believe the universe chose for itself, but the Wardens rose from the depths of man, with power enough to overthrow maybe even the gods themselves. Cleansing the city, they laid claim to what has been since dubbed for the last eight hundred years, The Pride of Terrestria, New Eden, the last supposed paradise which was built on Hope. But it wasn't long before another "paradise" had rose above the ashes of Despair: The City of the Damned, Abaddon.

The Father of Lies, however, has since vanished, leaving his disciples to stir the unrest. Aditi has long withdrawn from the affairs of man, believing them strong enough to find faith with no guide. New Eden has begun exploring a new path, one withdrawn from the gods where they can craft their own destiny. And on the outskirts, Abaddon is said to be following in the footsteps of the gods, with intentions to reclaim New Eden and establish a new world order. In the midst of man, angels and daemons flourish, trying to steer mankind towards their own versions of right and wrong. Which side will you choose in a world where Heaven and Hell collide?

So, above is the basic story which hopefully makes sense. This is meant to be a sandbox, and it already has roughly seven or so members interested, which makes it eligible to be an Epic I believe once I figure the details out. It has a story, but the main focus revolves around gods and men. A story of angels, daemons and the choices man makes to redeem itself or fall further from grace. While I do have endings in mind, it is really going to be left up to the players who will decide their fate. This will be a story with multiple factions and influences that will ultimately try to get their point across.

The real trick is, I really want to challenge the conventions of right and wrong or good and evil. This is a story that has no right side. Everyone has an agenda, and there are a lot of unseen forces working behind the scenes to stir problems. Not everything will be as it seems. The overall goal is to make this very character and story driven, with people filling the world and making their own choices to direct the story. This story does have a lot of influences in it that may or may not be noticeable.

Options are unlimited, for the most part. Magic, vampires, humans, angels, daemons, are just some of what you can expect. I don't feel limiting people is necessary. Although, all characters will be briefly discussed in private before the creation process. This is NOT an RP with dragons and of the such. Everything is to be humanoid, and able to function in a society for the most part. Gods will not be playable, but angels and daemons can be, which are quite powerful and almost godlike in their own right (but there will be limited openings). But don't count man out just yet. They are coming into a power of their own, almost enough to potentially overthrow the gods. This is an RP that will not just be a war of swords and magic, but one of wits and strategy. Expect the kind of freedom here, but with a central story, like seen in the Omniverse. I want people to help build the world and lore around them as well as the story that drives it forward.

However, this is not a competitive roleplay. It will be about the story I am trying to tell, one that touches on religion, free will, destiny, and even the meaning of life along with what many would call Judgement Day. Can man save themselves from judgment, or will they choose another path? That is up to you.

As of right now, aside from the story, man will be mostly confined to New Eden, with Abaddon being the home to primarily vampires, and other dark creatures. But that doesn't mean either or are good/evil. Don't make that judgment. Even angels and daemons shouldn't truly be considered one thing or another just because of their race. While Heaven and Hell will be real places, for now, they will be nonplayable locations unless I feel they are required. :) This will take place on Terrestria.

Thoughts, interest, ideas, and just about everything else is welcome. I will have more in the following few weeks when it is my hope to turn this into an Epic. Some things needing to be worked on are some minor world building, possible names for things, etc. I feel the story is about there. I don't want the story to be too restrictive.

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I 100% wish to join and I will most likely be making a fallen angel or perhaps a demon. As for what side or what my character's agendas are that is unseen for a moment as I am contemplating what I want to do.
So, I'd like to state simply that, the following mentions above will have the first choice at roles. But, while this is open, I will close roles off until we strike a nice early balance. I'd at least like to have a primary batch of angels/demons/etc so everyone is represented. :)

Looks pretty interesting. I'll check this out in further detail tomorrow when I can, the concept is nice and with a bit of development could possibly be rather spectacular. Count me in.
Awesome to hear! :) Look forward to having you and everyone else for that matter.

o-o I'm looking to make an angel that has committed a sort of sacrifice of his status as an angel from sympathy to people on Terrestria and being restricted from taking action and descended into a mortal state but still retains power such as his own wings among other powers. Thus sorta joins the Wardens in an advisory position or as a warrior. Shrug.
Is it possible to become an archangel or guardian angel of sorts? I'd like to present a character who can be called for, just like Gabriel, Michael etc. in Christianity. Personally, I'd like my character to be the presenter of 'holy war', so to speak. To fight in the name of good, to only grant her help to those with a pure heart.
Is there spots still open? If so, I've two characters I could use (Alwyas Esra for my female, but I have a Male called Lupin who DEFINITELY spices up most of my Roleplay.... and usually makes many enemies )
This is an interest check presently, but will be an epic, meaning there will not be a real cap on players. :)

It is my hope to have this rolling in the next week or two. I have several people helping me with various parts. :) Stay tuned!

Good news folks. This was ACCEPTED as an Epic. :) For now, I will not have any sort of forum done until I get it all organized and squared away. But expect some big things in the next week or two.

Everyone, we do have our own chat room now below. :) Just check out the rooms and you'll find us.

While we are a week or so from getting this AVAILABLE for viewing and joining, please, if you have questions, shoot me a message. I don't need help with the creation, but, I am willing to let people start mulling over ideas. Races are very diverse and endless, so, if people want to contribute to this as it pertains to a character they had in mind, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.

Creating the RP and getting everyone hyped up and prepared will help us roll right into IC. :)

Not yet. There will be a /basic/ sheet. That is all I'll say. But real basic. You are free to change it. :) I don't care if people start slightly, just don't get ahead of yourself - but start thinking about it.

Do you have preferences for looks: realistic or anime or anything. I know many roleplays I have done elsewhere had rules on these...