An Introduction to Filtiarn


New Member
Distant footsteps. They echo around the desolate looking woodland as you frantically look around for whatever is making that sound. You are dizzy after something hit you hard around the head in what to you, a human (most likely!) seemed like the middle of nowhere. You can see a small fire in front of you. It's fumes drift up your nose as you listen to hear those footsteps. But they get closer, and closer, and closer.

The sun is setting, it is almost night time. Struggling to move, you stand up, but it hurts everywhere. It was like, you had been mauled. You look down at your chest to see all of the scratches and wounds inflicted upon you; the blood now having dried up since earlier.

A figure is in the distance; but can't see it clearly. Is it... some help? You fall over once again, next to the fire, as the figure approaches. It's left eye glows red for a moment, as it slowly approaches, to make you quiver in fear. It's physique becomes clearer and clearer; the fur, tail and ears of the beast revealing that it is not human. It's muscular frame and sharp claws and teeth soon come into view, blood stains all over them. It opens it's mouth to talk, once it gets close enough to look at you, weak, next to the fire.

"Well, well... what do we have here?"

Filtiarn squats down to your level, and looks you in the eye. You can see the scar on his right eye, finally, and once again his left eye flashes red. If he wanted you dead, he would do it; that was more than obvious. He sees the fear on your face, and smirks. He starts to laugh in your face, almost breaking into a howl.

"A mere human? What a shame... I was expecting much more when the pack members said they caught something crucial."

The Alpha grabs your arm and squeezes it, inflicting as much pain as possible.

"So... why are you here?"

(This is my introductory post for my character as well as my roleplaying style, if you want, continue down below!)