New User As green as they come lol


Hi, atepm here! Thanks for bothering to read this haha

I'm very excited to join and start all this rp action, it always seemed really fun to me. Only problem, really, is that I'm new to anything and everything roleplay and I haven't a clue on what I should really be doing?
I've looked at other forum stuff but I've just been getting more and more confused lol

It'd be great if someone could offer some cool tips or something? Anything really. Pls.

Much thanks!:emoji_slight_smile::emoji_upside_down:
Hey no problem at all. First step you need to take is to be sure that you gain full membership. To do that the staff like to see that you're going to be an active member. Take part in the Main Lobby discussions and you will get accepted anywhere from half hour to a few hours. That will depend on how much you interact with others. Once you have been accepted you will be able to take part in role plays and forum games. As for the role playing I would be willing to work with you and get you going into the business of writing.
Wow, that was quick! Thanks for that!
I guess that makes sense, wouldn't be good if an rp site had users only logging in once a year.
And, if you don't mind, I'd absolutely love to have someone helping me out. I'm not the most experienced writer but I've tried my hand at it enough times to be at least adequate.
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle :)

Don't worry too much if things are a little confusing at first. It generally takes a bit of an adjustment period to really acclimate to a new community/website. Just take things at your own pace. Looks like Silence is happily lending you a hand as well!

If you need any further assistance feel free to ask. We have a pretty friendly and supportive community of writers here.
Welcome to the site...I'm still a little new to forum roleplays, usually when I roleplayed it was in person with someone, so I know how you feel there. But from what I've seen everyone is very nice and willing to help
I'm sorry sir we don't allow green people here...

But I can give you some tips.
This tip is rather lush and lucrative.
This tip you shouldn't touch, might bleed.
And this tip is titanic is scale.


Oh, you meant site tips didn't you? XD
Well, thankfully I've got this handy guide on stand-by!

To find certain character bios you'd have to go the Character Depository within Out-of-Character > Character Depository.

And as for the Posting Process?

If you mean setting up for one, you first find an Interest Check which is where people are looking for people to join their RPs. You can find those in the Bulletin Board within:
Out-of-Character > Bulletin Board

Then when that's done usually the GM (Game Master) of the RP will set up an OOC (Out of character) forum and link to it. Which is where players discuss the RP and plan about it. You can find those within:
Out-of-Character > Out-of-Character Discussion

And then once everything is properly planned? Your GM will set up an In Character thread where the actual RP takes place, and likewise will usually link to it. Which you can find within:
Play-by-post > Select your Genre

If however you mean the workings of an RP itself? Basically it's you and another player writing a book, except instead of just going on and on by yourself you each control different characters, and you take turns respond to one another. So in an RP with just two players you'd make a post, they would make a post replying, and then you'd reply to them etc. If it's a Group RP it differs by group, but usually you either just wait for one other person to post OR wait for every player in the RP to post before replying.

Does that help?

Also, I like to ask newcomers some ice breaker questions, to keep things flowing and engaging, which should hopefully help you out a bit? XD

1. What's your favourite Genre? May it be for literature, TV, Movies, Games etc?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. What's the best tip you had ever gotten in life?
I'm sorry sir we don't allow green people here...

That whole series woke me up inside 8/8

For the q's...
1. I'm down for any genre of games/books really as long as it's interesting. Movies don't even have to be entertaining for me to sit through them really lol
2. Me ;(
3. When I went on a trip once with some strangers and purposefully tipped our boat over. Or at least tried to, I got like two people in the water before they threw me in and left me to die
That whole series woke me up inside 8/8

For the q's...
1. I'm down for any genre of games/books really as long as it's interesting. Movies don't even have to be entertaining for me to sit through them really lol
2. Me ;(
3. When I went on a trip once with some strangers and purposefully tipped our boat over. Or at least tried to, I got like two people in the water before they threw me in and left me to die

1. It's good to be adaptable, and I know that the movie thing is like. XD
2. That sad wink has me imagining a depressed person trying to flirt, but with puppy dog eyes begging for it to work. XD
3. I bet that tipped the scales in a way to throw you off. :p