Best Qualities in OCs?

OCs are people, they have quirks and habits but as long as it fits with the story its fine. I like all types of characters, intelligent characters are my favourites.
I enjoy OCs that I can simultaneously love and hate at the same time. Dolores Umbridge in the HP series comes to mind as a completely dislikable character whom you can't help but appreciate for their power to affect you emotionally. I think that is actually the key, being affected by the character and caring about their actions as if they are real.
I enjoy OCs who feel like real people. Like someone you could have an actual conversation with and get realistic, unique responses from. Consistent personalities are lovely as well. Like if you say your character is shy, don't have them starting every conversation in the story. Or if your character is mature and serious, don't have them act all cheery all the time. Obviously going too far the other way is detrimental as well (as I have personally experienced), but don't say your character is one way, then have them act the complete opposite.
I like OCs that are multi-dimensional where their personalities don't completely dictate their actions. An OC who is "cold or reserved" shouldn't be completely hostile to other characters without reason. Then rping wouldn't really be fun..we all have more than one set of traits that define our actions after all
I enjoy characters that are well-rounded and have multi facets. A character could be insensitive, but they could be sensitive. A character could be trusting, but they could also be distrusting. Someone who has more than one side to themselves is a real kicker for me. :)