Bulletin Board Rules


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Nexus GM
In generally we aim to keep our forum specific rules relatively relaxed, and the Bulletin Board rules are no different. We do have a few simple guidelines though. As the Bulletin Board is often one of the first stops for newly arriving writers to assess our site, we ask that everyone maintain a level of professionalism with their threads. Titles should be properly capitalized, and informative. We should all take pride in our website and do our part in keeping our roleplay bulletin board looking clean and crisp.

The use of [tags] (or any variation of) is more than acceptable and encouraged to help visitors easily identify threads.

Examples of good titles:
  • [Epic-Roleplay] [Mixed-genre] Chronicles of the Omniverse Recruitment Thread
  • [Fantasy] New Roleplay Looking for Players
  • [High Fantasy] Elysian Vanguard Accepting Players
  • [Romance] [Slice-of-Life] Seeking Roleplay Partner for Slice-of-Life Roleplay
  • [Science-Fiction] New Player Looking for Sci-fi Roleplay to Join
  • [Multi-Genre] Seeking 1x1 Partner for Variety of Settings
  • [Fantasy][Science-Fiction] Seeking Players for Multi-Paragraph Space Odyssey Roleplay
Avoid the use of excessive punctuation or spammy, rude, and uninformative titles.

Examples of poor titles:
  • Someone roleplay with me plz!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1x1 rp
  • Looking for LITERATE roleplay partner!!!
  • new roleplay!!!!
We also ask that people please don't use the terms 'literate/semi-literate' as a recruitment label. We fully encourage people to distinguish a wish for more advanced/complex roleplays from simpler roleplays, or to request lengthy post demands over quicker/shorter post roleplays, but it's rather derogatory to label writers as non-literate simply for not being advanced writers or for preferring shorter posts.

Literacy is by definition the ability to read and write (most people are literate by the end of first grade!). Labeling people as semi-literate or non-literate has become common place in many roleplay communities, but we do our best to discourage such things here due to the derogatory implication. We don't approve of branding someone's writing as so awful that it's less than literate just because they only write small paragraphs instead of seven-hundred word posts. Every user capable of reading and writing is literate.
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Edited the rules a bit since we've added some new features since the original write-up.

Please be mindful that we have no intention of banning anyone or closing roleplays because of a mistake in a title, but for the sanity of our staff we would appreciate if everyone makes a concerted effort to meet these guidelines.

Titles that don't will just be edited as we spot them.

Thanks to everyone for doing their part to keep our bulletin board crisp and clean :)
Update: We have indefinitely removed the multi-prefix feature due to an inability to force a cap on the number of prefixes allowed (the feature is unfortunately just a toggle on/off option between 1 prefix or infinite prefixes), and a lack of people adhering to the requested guideline of limiting their prefixes to a requested quantity that didn't just turn the bulletin board into jumbled chaos. The prefixes were meant to be a means to help locate roleplays by interest, but instead had come to simply overwhelm people with excessive and frequently contradictory prefixes that just made it confusing to sift through everything and to find what they needed. If we can get the feature fixed to cap the number of prefixes, it may be reinstated. For now we have disabled the multi-prefix option and have reduced the available prefixes to only four: open, closed, interest check, and 1x1.

For those using the feature as it was intended, we apologize for having to disable it and hope to either find a way to improve and return the feature, or find an alternative to offer.
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