Cerwyn Café

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We promise to bring you happiness!

Cerwyn Café is a popular, hot spot from folks of all walks of life. The café's structure claims 4 floors of the building it resides in, usually between floors 114 & 117. Although, the café was established in Old New York City, it has moved locations multiple times and has finally found it headquarters, at the heart of the Nova Metropolitan District. The current Owner, Davos Cerwyn, has recently inherited the business after his wife passed of natural causes. The utterly unique thing about this particular café, is that each floor has a different theme to it. The 114th floor having the old, rustic, and hipster theme to it - the more popular and demanding floor. The 115th floor is more catered to those above the drinking limit, which is 21, and has a bar, an original jukebox (quite rare to find in Nova City), and serves drinks from the 21st century. The 116th floor is an animal theme; you can have drinks and eat while playing with an (approved) animal of the customer’s choice. This floor typically has different bubbles to sit within as to have privacy and not disturb other customers. And the final floor is a maid/butler theme to serve the customers like royalty, this floor is the second most popular amongst the floors as people in the future tend to feel less appreciated and seek it out often.

- Setting -
Zinnia works on one of the many floors, she's a highly requested barista and are popular with the customers – and she's a Senior Member of the people employed. However, Miranda is someone who has been alive, for an exceptionally long time. What no one knows about Miranda is that she's the original owner and founder of Cerwyn Café. Miranda visits Cerwyn Café to see how it has fared throughout the years of the centuries. Miranda comes from another country, who left home after the café transferred ownership and was no longer doing well. What species Miranda is, no one knows, in fact no one knows much about the mysterious customer that has recently popped up into Cerwyn Café. The Mysterious Miranda takes a liking to Zinnia after being served once or twice by them. Because everyone is required to wear chips these days, it doesn’t take long for Miranda to learn all that they can about Zinnia. While Zinnia struggles to even find any information about them. Zinnia and Miranda are irrefutably drawn to each other.

- Main Cast -

The Barista

Name: Zinnia Cerwyn

Age: 22
Height: 5'5"
Birth Place: Nova
Occupation: Barista/Student

Personality: Zinnia is a very practical person, able to manage menial tasks and routine maintenance, she enjoys making sure those around her are well cared for. Which makes her a perfect candidate for dealing with responsibilities, even obligations required of her to help with running the café. She has a strong sense of duty and is fiercely loyal to preserve the status quo, making her an equal pillar of any situation she’s in – whether it be at her father’s café or even in her hub of family or friends. Zinnia can always be relied on, even to ensure that stability and security is not knocked from its usual job.

Zinnia is the type to care deeply about others’ feelings, being careful not to offend or hurt anyone. She’s a strong team player, and hopes everyone around the group is in a win-win situation. She’s very good at connecting with others, she thrives in social settings and can be counted on to make customer/others comfortable in an uncomfortable setting. Though this makes her prone to becoming too selfless and can spread herself thin.

She can place a lot of importance on what is socially acceptable and can be very cautious, even critical of what lies outside the norm. Making her inflexible, even reluctant to innovate or improvise to step outside her comfort zone. Zinnia can be quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism, making her quite defensive and hurt if anyone – especially close ones to her – criticizes her habits, beliefs, or even traditions. Zinnia can be too needy, often needing to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. If it goes unnoticed she may start fishing for compliments just to get reassurance of how much she’s truly valued.

History: From a young age, Zinnia was abandoned by her biological parents to an Orphanage that treated its orphans right. Before she turned two, she was adopted by Davos Cerwyn and his now deceased wife. She grew up and was raised in the sprawling metropolis of Nova, a city that is quite a power house. Zinnia was named after her adopted mother’s favorite flower, which has all but become extinct by time she graduated from school. Presently, she works as a Barista in Cerwyn Café, a popular café and is a highly requested barista from all floors the café lays claim to. Though she only works as a part-time barista, she goes to Nova U as a full-time student, she’s studying to obtain a Bachelor’s in Business with a minor in Photography and has a cushy programming side-job for coin. She works whenever she can to pay for tuition which ranks in the hundreds of thousands that her father is currently unable to help with, she doesn’t mind.

The Mysterious Customer
Name: Miranda Quallo
Gender: Female
Height: 5’9”

Appearance: Miranda is highly intimidating, due to her tall stature, ghostly white skin, and dark aura, which comes from her impeccable, jet black outfits and natural features. Her most common ensemble is a shoulderless turtleneck sweater, with jeans, knee-high boots, and sunglasses no matter if she’s inside or outside, and no matter if it’s night or day. Of course, these articles of clothing are all black.

Personality: Miranda first comes across as stern and intimidating, again due to the atmosphere she brings with her, but once one gets to know her, they find that she is thoughtful and faithful to the end. A trait of hers that you can see no matter your relationship, she is observant and a perfectionist. Miranda will often spend long periods of time staring at specific things, and then/or rearranging those things to fit her perspective of flawless.

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It was a beautiful day in Nova. There was a slight breeze, making leaves on the ground dance around and the remaining leaves on trees descend to join. The sun shined down on the various buildings, though there was a nip in the air, indicating that autumn was coming, along with a few sprinkles. This weather change made cafés either gain some popularity or even more popularity than they already had, due to people’s needs to stay warm. One of the cafés that were in the latter group was Cerwyn Café, which Miranda loved with a burning passion, though never had the chance to go to since she had relinquished ownership.

That was why Miranda now stood inside, waiting among the hundreds of potential customers to get served. She looked at a single painting on the wall while she stood, admiring the beauty and perfection. It was one of the few that stayed in the café ever since she left, and it was hard to tell if the painting had been decayed or damaged, making it even better than anyone could ever know. The people that stood around Miranda shifted themselves to be as far away from her as possible while still standing in line due to fear, creating an invisible dome around her that remained unbroken.
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The young twenties-something barista stumbled out of bed this morning, her raven curls practically a rat’s nest. She made herself look decent as she tossed on the barista’s uniform. After applying minimal make-up and taming her curls, she rushed out of the urban apartment, was more like a closet as she took the elevator towards main street. Her holo-mobile already bombarded with messages coming from her father to her coworkers who were now taking her shift this very moment. Young Zinnia lived on the 345th floor, the elevator already sucked to the sidewalk within a few seconds, she was racing to catch a taxi. After flagging one down, the hovering car picked her up. She waved her wrist over the hologram held out for her, then they were already moving.

She had a moment, only one, to catch her breath. The rushing around had her brain sprinting to catch up with the rest of her. The hover cab dropped her off and sped off back into the flow of traffic. Zinnia ran around people going into Central Nova Building. Her work was in the heart of the metropolitan district. After cramming herself in the elevator with others, she made it to the 117th floor. The place was packed, crawling with patrons, and one just noticed her, their faces alighting with energy.

“Hey, Zin! Can I request you?”
“Hey, beautiful. Be sure to check my request for you.”
“I put a request in for you since last week!”

The customers were reciting the same string of words, though some in different sentences as she made it to the back office. After clocking in and get her deductible from her check altered, Zinnia was out on the floor to serve patrons requesting for her, specifically. She took them to open tables, serving them as royals and addressing them as, ‘Your Majesty, My Lord, My Queen, My Lady etc.’ and many other titles to befit royalty. Zinnia laid the titles on thick, patrons always gave her a thick tip whenever she did so. As a Senior Member in running Cerwyn Café, she became a top requested employee—which Zinnia was both thankful and dreaded for.
The patrons' calls reached Miranda, who turned to see what, or rather who the hype was about. She noticed the girl, and deduced that this was 'Zin'. She then became curious as to why the barista was getting requested so much, so Miranda turned to the nearest person, tapped them on the shoulder, and questioned, "Who is that barista?" She pointed to 'Zin', and the person she asked answered "That's Zinnia, but most of us call her Zin. She's fabulous at her job!"

Miranda turned back around to watch Zinnia once more, and let a small grin pull at the corners of her mouth. She now wanted to get served by the apparently fabulous barista and judge the aforementioned's performance, so she watched as customers stampeded in and out, and waited.
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Zinnia felt like she was dancing around her patrons like those old ballet dancers. She had a lithe step, sure to not bump into anyone as to not offend them. The summer changing into autumn would have more customers than usual, many on the 117th compared to the 114th—where the most packed part of the cafe was. Her energy renewed each time she was given audible compliments, bowing each time as if to thank them. Her requests were near full, the last spot open would likely be taken soon then she would have to close off the requests port for her. Zinnia did not want to take all of the ports, more opting to give the other Barista's a chance at making a fat tip. She continued to serve, the clinking of dishes, and low chatter coalesced with the wafting of coffee in the air as the afternoon continued.
After quite a while, Miranda was finally brought to a table, though as she went, she continued to watch Zinnia, unable to tear her eyes away. She looked over the menu for a bit before finally ordering a black coffee and a slice of chocolate cake and putting down a request for Zinnia on the ticket. Now all that was left was to wait.
On the floor, her holo-pad blinked with her ports being filled. She finally closed it off and let the other baristas take the other ports. Zinnia went through the list of requests without difficulty, eventually making it to the last one. Zinnia went towards the back to make the order of a black coffee and slice of chocolate cake. Then, re-emerging with it on a tray, her uniform swayed around her as she made it towards the table with a mysterious customer. She greeted herself, "One coffee and pastry for you, my lady." Zinnia would swoop in a bow, placing it in front of the patron. Then, straighten herself back up, locking her hands behind her back, "Was there anything else for you, My Majesty?" Keeping her eyes low like a servant would in past times.
Miranda looked towards Zinnia, slightly amused, and answered "No, that will be all. Thank you." She noted the appropriate etiquette being followed, and the picture-perfect food and drink, but the ultimate test would be taste. She looked down at the slice of cake, picked up her fork, and took a bite. The black-haired woman froze in surprise at the marvelous taste and grinned. She now knew why the barista before her was as popular as she saw and heard, and thus she was satisfied.
"Please, enjoy your serving. If you need anything else, at all. Please request me immediately and I shall be here in a heartbeat." She back away, swooping in another bow before flouncing away. Zinnia would continue to repeat the process to her other requests, earning tips as they came here for a quick bite or perhaps in curiosity about her - who knew? She wanted to achieve the highest of her customer's satisfactions. After all, who was going to pay for her tuition besides her?
Miranda hadn't needed anything else but left a plentiful tip behind once she had finished. After she had left, she became curious about Zinnia and searched around for any and all information she could find about the devoted barista. If Zinnia was that popular, then surely there would be at least a bit of information she could find. Luckily, when confronted with the practical embodiment of intimidation, people with the desired information did not disappoint, and soon Miranda had everything about Zinnia she could possibly find.
She continued through until three in the evening came, then she was off work and bounding towards Nova U. It was a prestigious university dead set in the city's center, through working multiple jobs on end she manages to always scrape by. Zinnia would continue to stay until midnight and return home feeling like a walking corpse - only to repeat the process in the following days.
One day, Miranda came back to Cerwyn Café and went straight up to the 117th floor, wanting to get served by Zinnia once again. She stared at the same painting that she did the last time while she waited, maintaining her poise and threatening air.
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As it neared Saturday, Zinnia was graced with the day off. Though others would still request even as she was out. One of the other barista's—Melanie—would take over the requests for her other coworker. She apologized every time she would bring the food to serve her customers.
When Miranda was finally served and had this happen to her, before she got mad, she internally composed herself and smiled. She had found out about the workload Zinnia was taking in her search, and assumed that Zinnia had gotten the day off, so at least her, Zinnia's, father cared, or at least, Miranda assumed he did. Humans were strange like that, unpredictable, and often unsympathetic, but that digresses, and Miranda tolerated the lower than perfect quality of the cake and coffee, and left, still leaving an excellent tip in spite of herself.
Zinnia would be cooped up in her hole of an apartment. Holograms all up around her as she worked through the entire day without disturbances. Aside from the complaints from customers, dare hoping to see her at the cafe, and a reminder from her Father she would need to take the reigns tomorrow. Zinnia was on a roll all up until she fell asleep mid-study. She had a huge test coming up and was doing what she needed to, to stay in her current course.
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