Changes to Unapproved User Permissions


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Please be aware that some changes were made to the permissions for unapproved users.

Unapproved users can no longer initiate Private Conversations (AKA PMs). They also can no longer post profile posts.

It's not a bug. It was deliberate. If anyone inquires into why this decision was made (or is asking why they can't do these things), feel free to either link them to this post, or explain that it was specifically to counter the following issues:

1) It serves to stop the lines of new users ignoring the approval instructions and PMing admins asking them to be approved. Sending Admins 'hey can you approve me' 'hello?' 'are you there?' is not just annoying, but it actively slows things down for them and everyone else. By funneling people into the help forum, they can get actual assistance on how to get approved if they need it (without spamming up Admin inboxes while said Admins are at work).

2) It helps alleviate the ongoing situation of new users exclusively going directly to Admins over numerous minor inquiries instead of reaching out to Wardens or Moderators. The change will as mentioned require new unapproved users to utilize the help forum rather than being able to initiate Private Conversations, so that they can get a faster response time. When people PM an Admin directly they can wind up waiting 8+ hours for a response if we're at work, and then we have to play catch-up on it all when we get off work. Even if it's a matter that could have been answered by any other staff member (or even just a helpful non-staff user) in five minutes had the Help Forum been utilized. The Help Forum is there for the benefit of our users to cut down on their wait time to get assistance, and to prevent any single staff member from bearing the brunt of the entire user base.

3) It alleviates the ongoing issue of new users spam PMing every person online with 'hey want to rp?' messages instead of going through the approval process. This has been reported to us numerous times by various individuals.

4) It also alleviates the mirror issue of the PMs where new users just start mass posting into peoples profiles with random 'hey want to rp?' inquiries when they're not yet approved to participate in the roleplay areas of the forum.
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