Character Sheets and Notable NPC's


Grumpy Badger
This is the area to post your character sheets from now on.
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Name (& pronunciation): Zieg (No last name)
Date of Birth (& age): Birth date unknown. Has been reported to be over 200 years by history.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Collared.
Powers: Besides the basic vampiric powers, such as extreme strength and speed, he does have the ability to manipulate shadows. He has the ability to travel short distances through these shadows, create weapon copies to an extent, and the ability to create a shadowed clone of himself for short periods of time. We believe he is hiding more of his abilities, but it is hard to tell at this time.
Language: He seems to show a surprising amount of language knowledge ranging several centuries. But his exact knowledge is unknown.

Physical Description

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 167 lb
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue when fed. Red when hungry.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: When on missions, he is allowed to carry daggers, although he very rarely uses them. He wears typical dark clothing of a vampire.


Personality/Attitude: Stubborn/Defeated/Quiet
Skills/Talents: Besides his powers, Zieg has decent hand to hand combat skills. However, matched with another of his unique strength and speed, he can be taken over easily as he relies heavily on his shadow ability.
Favourites/Likes: N/A
Most Hated/Dislikes: N/A
Goals/Ambitions: N/A
Strengths: N/A
Weaknesses: N/A
Fears: N/A

History: We encountered the specimen Zieg on December 28th, 2009 in an old abandoned castle in the north country. We had prepared a huge party to obtained him, but when the parties rushed the castle, the merely found him sitting in the middle of a room on a broken throne, staring at the floor. He put up no resistance when the team captured him. One of the members of the team described him as the following.

"He just sat there in the glowing light from the candles lit around him, staring down on the floor. It was as if he expected us, a regal king who's pride wouldn't be taken against his will. He wanted us to find him. However, as I grew closer to inspect him, my eyes locked onto his. They weren't angry or prideful, as I had expected. But that of someone who'd been defeated or had lost something that had been the meaning of living to this man. I couldn't shake that image of those sad eyes out of my head as we carted him away."

So far, Zieg has proven useful to our mission, though it seems he does not put his entire strength into it. We have tried more.. Aggressive ways to try to draw out his latent powers, but to little success. We shall use him. Until he proves he is no longer useful.
Name (& pronunciation): Morrigan Kerrigan
Date of Birth (& age): August 7th, 1989 (31 years old)
Place of Birth: Rayvale
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Handler
Powers: N/A
Language: English

Physical Description

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 123 lb
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Honey brown
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Uniform. All the time. Except when working out on her days off.


Personality/Attitude: Hard Headed. Obedient to a fault.
Skills/Talents: Trained at a young age to the academy and excels at hand to hand combat. Has a good eye when it comes to her marksmanship. Has a great talent at breaking glass (and ear drums) when she sings in the shower.
Favourites/Likes: A good book.
Most Hated/Dislikes: Laggards who disobey orders.
Goals/Ambitions: To get to the a top rank in command.
Strengths: Very firm decision making.
Weaknesses: Secretly has insecurity issues.
Fears: Making a fool of herself in front of her superiors.

History: Subject was orphaned early on in life. Both her father and mother were killed in an incident involving a unchained. Since then, she has been very.. Driven. She was brought into the academy at a young age due to her potential, and she has met goals as expected. As of late, she has slowed down in her drive, however, and it is obvious something is troubling her. Proceed to keep watch on the subject at hand.
Name (& pronunciation): Darius Shoemaker
Date of Birth (& age): March 31st, 1972 (48 years old)
Place of Birth: Rayvale
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Handler
Powers: N/A
Language: English, French

Physical Description

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lb
Hair: Dirty Blond
Eyes: Grey
Typical Clothing/Equipment: TBD


Personality/Attitude: TBD
Skills/Talents: TBD
Favourites/Likes: TBD
Most Hated/Dislikes: TBD
Goals/Ambitions: TBD
Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD
Fears: TBD

History: TBD

(I'm tired, will edit later.)
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Name: Praetor Beck

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Occupation: Military, Council Special Operations

Personal History: Drafted at the minimum age from a rural community far outside Rayvale, Beck rose through the ranks of the Rayvale Council military, serving as a rifleman, then sniper, and eventually platoon commander before transferring to Council Special Operations to deal with the rising issue of “powered” individuals in and out of the military jurisdiction. While this often meant working alongside those with collars, Beck’s calling from the brass came in the “dark” assignments of tracking down uncollared P.O.A.s to bring them into the fold or chasing after those who escaped from Council control.

Beck lives on the campus. A marriage at a young age didn’t work out despite a child thrown into the mix as a last-ditch effort, so he lives alone in the provided apartments, albeit a slightly larger one befitting his years of service. He does keep correspondence with a child, but he guards it close enough to the chest that most who know him aren’t given sure if it is a son or daughter.

Personality: Beck displays a wry, dark sense of humor to compensate for the emotion pressure and psychological toll of the work burdened upon him. Gruff and uncompromising in his speech regardless of the audience, he does not buck the chain of command but displays enough cavalier attitude to prevent promotion beyond that of a field operative. Despite his deep distrust of P.O.A.s, he is not outwardly aggressive or hostile to them save for the parameters of engagement laid out before him. Over time, there are a few for whom he has developed something of a grudging respect, both as fellow “soldiers” under a common yoke or as worthy adversaries.

In his spare time, Beck is often found at the on-campus gym facility, training to stave off the ravages of time as the years begin to pile on his body, yet the work before him continues.

Strengths: Beck is a career soldier. While he lacks any powers, he is a trained physical operative and proficient in close-quarters combat and a crack shot with a rifle. He has a natural tactically-inclined mind and his gruff exterior conceals a deeper intelligence than many would credit Beck for.

Weaknesses: Beck possesses no powers. He lacks the suave, charm, or delicate nature to talk his way in and out of situations. His prejudices prevent him from forming lasting bonds with many and also prevent him from being as effective as he would be would he fully trust those with whom he works.
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Name: Schuyler Callahan
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Professional Model

Physical Description: Schuyler who is unnaturally tall for her age stands at 6’0 and weighs in at 137. Her slender, tan, and toned lithe frame is in perfect shape. Long crimson red hair sweeps across her shoulders, draping down to her mid-back. Her eyes are a beautiful green shade and are used to draw people in. She generally wears whatever suits her current mood. Her footwear is a simple pair of tennis shoes that are generally rugged and worn in.

Personality Description: Schuyler has an endearing quality about her that makes her enemy forget what she truly is. She is a generally go-lucky gal who was fortunate to have life handed to her since her mother basically attempted to live her life through Schuyler’s. Born with exquisite looks, she won pageant after pageant and at the age of five began her modeling career. While modeling, she also acts on the side doing several commercials, soap operas, and movies. Even though she has almost everything she wanted, she isn’t someone who takes people for granted and when she’s home alone, she’s nothing more than a down-to-earth girl who loves playing video games with friends

Skills, powers and abilities:

Telepathy: Schuyler has the ability not only to connect mentally with others, but the dead as well. At this time however, those she is connecting with mentally have to be within a certain range and the dead have to be newly deceased for her to communicate with.

Psychokinesis: She has the ability to throw items around, move items from one place to another, and influence objects to land in a specific area when the object is falling. More specifically, Schuyler can move almost anything ranging from a feather to a small car without having to put her hands on it. If something is falling towards her or being shot towards her, Schuyler can almost always change the trajectory so it misses her.

Catapsi: Catapsi allows a trained psychic mind to broadcast passive telepathic static across wide distances. This telepathic static makes it impossible to read auras in the area of effect and as such it is impossible to determine relative levels of power through psychic, magical, or technological means. In addition, those affected by the Catapsi field find their sense of right and wrong diminished or removed entirely, their inhibitions shattered, and their mind highly susceptible to lies and half-truths so long as they originate from the source of the field. Even those with highly structured minds normally immune to psychic interference or those with no conventional mind at all, such as androids, are not safe from the field's effects, though someone of sufficient skill can exclude whomever he or she wishes. This is her dominate power and with more training, she could no doubt do more damage than she can do currently.

Character Equipment:

6 ft bullwhip is hooked into the shoulder harness, most of it resting tightly against her back.

6 - silver-plated throwing knives are sporadically placed on her body. These knives are not made of normal material and though the handles are silver plated, the actual blades are made of a magical material that not only gives them a fire-like glow, but allows the blades to dissipate whenever they're not being utilized. The blades can cut through most material that can be found on Tarsus, which makes them really handy to keep around.

Character History: Twins Schuyler and Orion were born to a normal family that had enough money to fuel the extracurricular activities that the twins wanted to do from an early age. They wanted for nothing and while both were adored, it became clear that Schuyler was the more favorite of the two. Their mother, unable to fulfill her dreams of becoming a famous actress and model, decided that she would live out those dreams through Schuyler even if her daughter did not want to be those things. Their father, willing to keep the peace, did whatever his wife wanted, including forcing his little girl into a world that was judging. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, depending on which way one looked at it, Schuyler was a natural at modeling and all the acting gigs she auditioned for and it became clear there was no backing out of it.

By the time she was an adolescent, she was making more money than her parents could ever imagine and unbeknownst to her parents, Schuyler had started to hide large sums here and there so that when the time was right, she could break away from them and take care of herself. Also unknown to her parents, she came to realize that she wasn’t like them thanks to the powers that had presented themselves to her. Not stupid, she knew what happened to those with powers and refusing to become like them, Schuyler kept the powers hidden, biding her time until she could reveal herself. If the world ever changed, which by the time she was a young adult, she realized wasn’t going to happen. To make matters worse, the other reason she refused to let anyone know she had powers was because she saw what happened to her twin. She knew without a doubt that she was going to do everything in her power to get him back.

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Name: Orion Callahan
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Description: Thanks to his tall and lanky form, Orion was forced to work out at an early age to get an overall muscular and toned frame. Despite his slightly long red hair starting out neat, it always winds up messy. The front part constantly drops into his red eyes while the top and back spikes out with the help of gel. By the time he’s finished with whatever task he’s attempting to complete, the spikes are less than defined and it sort of just looks unkempt, but attractive. Although he rarely has sun exposure, his flesh has a light tan appearance to it.

Personality Description: Orion is the complete opposite of his sister. He has trouble conforming to society, finding people to be too shallow, self-centered, and dishonest. Although somewhat boisterous and out-spoken when with his tight-knit friends, he is very humble (and perhaps even slightly introverted) around strangers, never viewing himself as superior to his peers (even if he far surpasses them).

Skills, powers and abilities:

Astral Projection: Orion can send his astral/ethereal form away from his physical location. He uses the second form to distract his enemy or as a diversion, but cannot fight with it. This form does not last forever and if it sustains a number of injuries, it will disappear. Killing the astral form does not kill Orion.

Healing: Orion has a special ability that allows him to heal physical damage unnaturally faster than others. He uses energy around him as well as his life force to speed up the healing process.

Hydrokinesis – Using his gifted mind, Orion has the ability to manipulate water. Whether it’s to get a drink from a fountain without pushing the button or causing an ocean, stream, lake, or creek to raise up, he can do it all. He was forced to train with this power to refine it so that it could be used to drown the enemy when needed such as sinking battle ships. Due to all of the training, this ability became his most dominate while the other two remained weaker.

Character Equipment:

Wristband. Two chrome snaps keep the black leather wristband attached securely to his wrist. The wristband has a dual purposes and beside being fashionable, is actually the collar to show that he was a Person of Abilities and therefore bound to his handler and the military.

Gum: Orion likes to have gum on hand in case he wants something to occupy him or if he encounters someone with bad breath. In addition to the normal “Flare” Five gum by Wrigley, he has a special pack of gum that was created specifically to blow up things. Meaning, if there’s a door he needs open or a car he wants to blow up, he places one or more pieces of the special pack on the object and the explosion is activated with water or spit. The bigger the object he wants to explode, the bigger the piece he uses. The packs of gum are so similar that he has to be careful when offering someone a piece so that he doesn’t accidentally (or maybe on purpose) give the person the piece of exploding gum as opposed to the normal safe gum.

Also anything given to him by the military.

Character History:

Twins Schuyler and Orion were born to a normal family that had enough money to fuel the extracurricular activities that the twins wanted to do from an early age. They wanted for nothing and while both were adored, it became clear that Schuyler was the more favorite of the two. While Schuyler was forced into any modeling or acting gig, Orion was left to his own devices and in order to try to please his parents, threw himself hard into his sports, but only his father seemed to notice. However, if his activities conflicted with Schuyler’s, both of his parents went to her gig instead of his games. He quickly got used to it and while he held no ill-will towards his sis, he loathed his parents entirely. He worked out nonstop, needing to get strong enough to protect himself since it was clear he was basically on his own, though Schuyler did hang with him anytime she could, but that wasn't often. His life was turned upside down however the moment he started to go through puberty. One day while at school a few kids started to bully him and Orion having completely lost it caused the water fountain to break and soak the bullies. Immediately running home in fear of what was going to happen to him, he told his parents through heavy tears about the school incident. His mother, determined to keep anything from ruining her precious daughter’s chances at becoming the best of the best, called the military and turned her son over to him despite his young age. He was torn from his home and pushed into a world that was cruel and unfamiliar and he hated his parents even more for that.
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Alaska Silk

DOB: 03/24/1994

Gender: Female

Occupation: enslaved military personnel P.O.A.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue/Gray

Height: 5'1''

Weight: (an extremely malnourished) 122-128 lbs (she fluctuates, okay?)

Empathy: She can feel the emotions of those around her and it's particularly strong through touch -- she's also working on learning to influence other's emotions; it's something she's getting the hang of, but in the moments when she can manage it, it's not incredibly subtle.

Retrocognition: Alaska has the ability to discern the past and past events. She enters a trance-like state to see what has happened. This does not always happen at her will. This ability ties into her empathy, allowing her to see into the past using emotion and sentiments. When her own emotions are too high, though, this becomes difficult. When she is in this trance-like state, she is unaware of her present surroundings (making her physically vulnerable), and when she wants to discern the past, she has to have intense concentration to bring upon her trance.

Languages: English, French, German

Typical Clothing/Equipment: A cheap pendant from one of those machines where you stick a coin in and you get a cheap toy, her Government Issued Collar (all the rage these days), a sarcastic expression or a frown. Clothing is usually some variation of jeans and a t-shirt.
Other physical descriptors: a few freckles across her face and chest, a small mole on her chest, and a scar on her left earlobe (when asked about it, she provides a different story for the scar every time). When she lived on the streets, she kept one dagger on her at all times, though she was loathed to use it (and only partly because she didn't have much skill with it). One (1) epipen (or this world's equivalent, if there is one).


Defensive, sarcastic, sharp.

Skills/Talents: Lockpicking, jumping to conclusions, lying (she's a helluva fast talker), keeping people at an emotional distance, pick-pocketing, swimming, and knitting.

Quirks: Prone to tinkering with things, likely to shut down when agitated, and has a habit of biting the inside of her cheek to keep from showing amusement.

Favorites/Likes: Music, food, freedom, puzzles (in all forms) and books.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Bragging, arrogance, rats (of the rodent and metaphorical human rat variety).

Goals/Ambitions: escaping her servitude Surviving.

Strengths: Patient, quick-thinking, street smart. She's great at moving about soundlessly and remaining out of sight.

Weaknesses: Obsessive, vindictive, distrustful, unforgiving, and seriously allergic to strawberries. The inability to let anyone in, emotionally. She's also not particularly strong. Maybe a teeny bit stronger than the average person (like by a hair), and she's more scrappy than having any real skill with up-close fighting.

Fears: Roaches, lack of control (over her life, her body, etc), tight spaces in which she cannot move.

Education/Special Training: Self-taught the ways of the world from living on the streets, yo! ... And then whatever she's been taught since she was captured and brought here.

Other: Frequent use of the phrase "moving on", will avoid giving a straight answer whenever possible

History: Alaska has just recently been captured and collared. Her first week resulted in an embarrassing failure of an escape attempt. Thankfully she managed to survive, but it was made clear that any follow-up attempts would be dealt with much more harshly. Since then, Alaska has not attempted to escape; she has not been the model Collared that they might want, constantly toeing the line, but she hadn't exactly made trouble, either.

Growing up, Alaska did not have an easy life. When she was very young, her parents fought a lot. She doesn't really remember much aside from the intense feeling of fear and hunger. One day her mother went off to the grocery store. She never returned. After that, Alaska lived with her father who didn't even tolerate her existence. It wasn't long before there was interference and then Alaska was in the system.

Weird things tended to happen to her when she got upset, things that bothered her ever-changing caregivers. There was one lady, in the beginning, who might have kept Alaska, but she'd been older and when she had gotten sick... well, Alaska never saw her again. She'd seen what the others would come to figure out: Alaska had abilities. She encouraged Alaska to learn to control them, to keep them hidden, but as her time with the woman had been short, she hadn't had much help with either edict.

Alaska cycled through several homes over the next couple of years. Some were bearable, some were more than tolerable, most were pretty shitty. Eventually, she gave up on the system and headed to the streets where she lived her life up until her recent capture. There, she learned how to be a thief, how to run a con, how to tease a crowd so others could slip their hands in unprotected pockets, and how to survive. However, she was already in the system and eventually, the government came a'knockin'.

Now? Now she's biding her time, or so she tells herself.
Name (& pronunciation): Robin Legend
Date of Birth (& age): 22 years
Place of Birth: Rayvale
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Working Girl
Powers: Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an "energetic" incision that heals immediately afterwards. (Weak ability.)
Language: English

Physical Description

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lb
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green/Grey
Typical Clothing/Equipment: TBD


Personality/Attitude: TBD
Skills/Talents: TBD
Favourites/Likes: TBD
Most Hated/Dislikes: TBD
Goals/Ambitions: TBD
Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD
Fears: TBD

History: TBD

(Will edit later.)
Name (& pronunciation): Grey Planck (gray plank)
Date of Birth (& age): 17 Jul 07 (12)
Place of Birth: Rayvale
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Occupation: Unchained P.O.A.
Language: English

Aerokinesis: While unrefined and raw, Grey may control the air currents. His control on his power is still poor, so he won't be asphyxiating enemies any time soon, but he is capable of generating squalls and gusts of any gasses within his sphere of influence. As he is still discovering his power, he mostly creates a blast by reflex when frightened.

Vitakinesis: Again, this is very raw, as Grey is still discovering his powers. In times of calm, the best he can muster is to unwilt a flower or take the edge off of someone's fatigue. However, in times of crisis, especially when emotionally connected to the victim, he can bring someone back from the brink of death. He cannot, however, heal himself.

Physical Description
Height: 4'6" inches
Weight: 70 pounds
Hair: Stark white
Eyes: Deep Green

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Grey wears a sweater and jeans most of the time, and carries a token from his father: a small coin with the words "Serenity," "Courage," and "Wisdom" superimposed over three interlocking rings.

Personality/Attitude: Skittish
Skills/Talents: Hiding, Running

Favourites/Likes: animals (especially birds), plants, warmth
Most Hated/Dislikes: Cold, people (especially loud ones), threats
Goals/Ambitions: Looking for his father, who was captured as a P.O.A.

Strengths: Math, sneaking, gardening.
Weaknesses: Distrustful, Physically weak, lack of impulse control.
Fears: Government officials

Education/Special Training: Did pretty well in middle school.

History: Grey had an idyllic childhood until he was eight. His mother was normal, but his father was a P.O.A. He was unchained but hiding in plain sight. His father's power was telepathy, and he often used it to disguise his presence from other P.O.A.s. Eventually, of course, he tinkered with the wrong person's mind, and the government tracked him down. His father went out to try to buy time for Grey and his mother to escape, resulting in his capture. Grey never saw him again.

He and his mother went on the lam for years, bouncing from area to area, trying to stay hidden. Grey never got the chance to make friends with other kids with all of the moving around. When his powers started to manifest at the age of 12, the government again caught on, and his mother sacrificed herself so that he could escape.

Having lost both his parents to the government, Grey us extremely distrustful of agents and has been on the run since. With nothing to his name, he has been forced to sleep in the streets and steal whatever he can find to eat.
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