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Yun Lee

The Sculptor
The Convergence Series GM
Staff Member on Hiatus
(This sandbox was hosted by @Jeremi and can be found here.)

Columbia is a city floating in the sky that was commissioned by the United States government and founded by Zachary Hale Comstock as a symbol of American political and religious ideals.

This Columbia however grew into something else entirely...something better in fact. Relocated outside time and space into a realm called Limbo the city has been turned into a multiversal tourist resort! What other place can you visit and spend years in with out fear of aging and having the time to do everything you want yet return to your own universe with out anyone even realizing you were gone? No other place offers this luxury!

The city is fully automatic with the every day routines performed by highly sophisticated machines that are at your beck and call for any needs you may desire, be it transportation, food or anything in between! You name it Columbia and its staff has what it takes to get your jollies off!

All areas are open to you! Want to feel like you are part of the wealthy and rich? Then settle down at Emporia where you will find the good things in life! Or perhaps you prefer to go for some slumming? Columbia provides that as well thanks to Shantytown home to some of the seediest bars and smelliest alleys you will ever have the pleasure to visit!

So come on down to Columbia! An eternal vacation awaits you in a plane beyond time...

The first place you will find yourself when you materialize at Columbia was the Garden of Eden located in the town center.


Nearby you'd find a map and an information screen that would explain the different areas to you.

Town Center


Your current location and where all newcomers first arrive. From here you can use a nearby teleporter (note these are easy to find and use. Just think of where you want to go in the city and they will send you there) to venture easily further into the city or investigate the area.

Comstock Center Rooftops


The locality is a mix of businesses and middle class residential buildings and houses the famous Blue Ribbon.

Monument Island


Once it was the prison home of Elizabeth, the daughter of Zachary Hale Comstock. Now it has been repurposed in an attraction that houses one of the most impressive libraries the multiverse has to offer.

Soldier's Field


The amusement park area of Columbia. Here you will find arcades, casino's, cafe's and a lovely beach area where you can just soak in the rays and have a good time.



If you feel like getting the working experience or feel like slumming in the shantytown? Then Finkton is the place for you!



Was once the residence for the wealthiest citizens of Columbia, now it's all open for the new visitors of the city to feel like how it is to live like the crème de la crème!

Note that all areas are operated by solid holographic creations in the form of of residence of the area to bring some authenticity to the entire town. If you ask them they will certainly cater to all of your wishes.

We hope that you enjoy your stay here in Columbia, have a pleasant continuation of your day.​
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