Cordova's CREEPY basement


Light 'em up.
There are no classrooms in the basement.

The auditorium is on the main floor and the balcony part is up on the second floor. At the very front of the auditorium is the stage area and like all stages, has a trap door, which leads into the basement. The chairs are theater style chairs that rock ever so slightly. They are black and red, alternating to go with the Gothic feel of the church.

The entire basement is filled with storage rooms, a furnace room and a maze of corridors off limits to the students. Part of the basement area beneath the auditorium is used frequently and that’s storage for the Drama Theater class and plays. Another part of the basement that is used is beneath the roundhouse gymnasium. It is used for the wrestling room as well as the weightlifting room and exercise room.
Where nowhere intersects Cordova High, somewhere beyond the terminus of time...

In no particular place of note, It slumbered.

It always slumbered. It had always slumbered. It had never slumbered; To It, time was not a concept to be concerned with.

Within a formless void far beyond the edges of time, It laid. It's form was undecided, for It had yet to determine what It was. It did not concern itself with questions of being. Merely with whether there was anything here now, and if there was...when there would be. Then, well, then it would be. Then it would awaken. Then it would feed.

Minutes, hours, years, decades, aeons. All of time, and no time at all. It slumbered contently, or at least what passed for content for an entity of It's ilk.

It slumbered placidly, up until the non-instant of time when everything went wrong for all the denizens of Cordova Highschool. It really wasn't their fault. At least, as far these things go. Sometimes, the vagaries of fate just play out a certain way.

As time flows forward. As space unspools. Light travels the cosmos, particles interact. All of creation usually just goes on and on, all neatly and orderly following the rules.


On this particular day however, for reasons that the poor people within were not equipped to comprehend, and that It without cares not about...

On this particular day, Cordova High School and it's environs—along with anyone unfortunate enough to not have played hooky today—found themselves betrayed by the uncaring universe they had no idea existed beyond their understanding. The metaphorical ship of their destinies and the literal plot of land their school stood on collided on it's cosmic voyage with elsewhere.

Unfortunately for them, that's where It slumbered. Casually, and without guile, It seized the thing intruding within Its domain. It wasn't quite awake yet, but It didn't need to be. Not yet. Not until It knew if it needed to fight, or if It needed to feed.

With what passed for a casual thought for It, one of Its envoys which were also Itself (but only a tiny part of Itself,) was dispatched into this new space which dared define itself.