Count to 50 before a staff member

11 ive gone high before, shall I soar higher this time? please let my 1 week prediction come true!
15 just like page 49 or before that, and yes, to pass the number of 172 the previous record.... set by me and a friend.
17 page 46 beginning of it. I said it would take 1 week to get past 172, which took 3 days.
19 its staff, and cream didnt care and unwatched, goat demon (she who must not be named) was busy and nobody else was on the thread.
20 well i will post as long as i can but i do have work in the morning so i need to sleep in a bit, we need another member to pitch in here lol
23! NO! the frog must sleep hop or they shall die, forgotten in the memory of yesterday.