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Noticong the way Dhaos was talking and acting, Akande couldn't help but smile. He could wager a guess what his forbidden action might be. As for himself, he crossed his arms and smiled at Nadine, not seeming to be bothered by his own forbiggen action. "I agree with the others! Even with fewer numbers, having a base like this tower could help, especially if those other teams are dangerous as Nadine says."

@Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Lucky @Everyone​
"And what talents do you have?" Kokichi asked, looking toward Izuru. "They must be quite remarkable for you to make that kind of claim, right?"

Nadine looked hesitant once again, though soon she looked a bit upset. "They're all dead," she said to Akande. "It was a city of the dead when we woke up. As for the other team..." She closed her eyes and nodded at what Megatron then said. "They have a robot like yourself. One who has killed many. As for what happened to this one..." She opened her eyes and looked down at the alien who had once been Loki. "... Defying the bracelets should only mean you die, as I said. I do not know why he changed."

Cole crossed his arms. "They're desperate. They'll say whatever they have to so we don't kill them. They're pretty much dead already." He then tilted his head to the side in thought. "Hold on, do any of those teams have, like, special powers?"

Nadine nodded her head sadly. "To a degree. There are those in our team who had similar powers, but they were weaker than the first team. In the end, they could not survive."

Cole grunted. "Okay, so, I guess while we get the advantage of waking up later, the first team has more of their powers open to them."

"Look," said Isa shakily, "we should explore this tower and meet her team. Then we can decide what to do with them, right?"

@Gummi Bunnies @ShadowCoyote0 @Crimson Spartan @York @dark @Xelian @Minerva @Sark @Siege @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Ver @Crow @RebornRainbow @Kaykay @will30358 @Space_Candy @Ottonomous Ghost @Lucky @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Takumi
"You're correct"

Thaal interjected, stumbling over the words as if the very notion of praise was alien to him. Regardless of what the group's decision was gravitating towards, Sinestro was growing impatient; every moment they wasted discussing the matter was another second as a stationary target- their first encounter may have resulted in minimal casualties, but the second attack? The third attack? Sinestro didn't intend to throw lives away so early on in their escape plan... or he had least didn't wish to jeopardise the safety of his more useful 'troops'.

Time such as these reminded himself as to why he chose the path he was walking. Democracy was so... ineffective. True leaders- strong leaders- needed to make decisions on behalf of the cattle. One could not expect cattle to make the best decisions for the farm. In times of Crisis, swift, ruthless decisions needed to be made... how fortunate it was that Sinestro possessed both a swift and ruthless mind...

"The tower is the obvious place for us to set up camp; from there, we can survey the environment and get a better idea as to the placement of the other groups. I doubt any of the other factions have the power to level the tower of their own; stairways and elevators should provide us with enough choke points to thin their forces should they try to overrun us with numbers alone. For now... I supposed that...oh, how does that old Earth phrase go... ah, yes... 'the only way is up'"
"I say we split up," said Candi, having already grinned at her forbidden action. Her's was interesting. Especially considering what had happened. But looking at people like Lucy, Larxene, and Niskiki... she knew that she couldn't afford to tell them. For now, she'd just stick to the plan and try to follow the rule she'd been given. "I doubt that they're all together in one big happy clump. In fact, I bet that they're scattered, too. If we split and then we find at least two groups, it'll all be evened out, and while they have the powers, we have the.... waking up later, I guess."

Candi shrugged. "We should always split up all the supplies then, like those good ol' healing herbs that girl and I got. We wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, right?" Candi chuckled before continuing. "Followin' up with this, we should probably have a couple big guys in each group to tank damage and general protect anyone. I'm not sure if it'd be safe for me to use my hair again," Candi half-lied.​
"Without communicators, we'd only be making ourselves vulnerable, Candi" Thaal raised a pensive eyebrow as he broke away from the group and began to search for a way to climb higher up the tower, shouting back over his shoulder as he paced the room "Say- for the sake of the argument- you find enough guns and drugs to fuel a militia. How would you bring them back to us? How would you transport them? Until we need to establish a base camp before we start laying out supply lines... that said, I admire your zeal. I assure you, we won't be bottled up in here for much longer. Soon you'll have a chance to... let your hair down, so to say. We'll need all the manpower we can muster for our first offensive..."
❝ Then we'll make our mark on this tower sooner than later. It'd be a pain to deal with the first team if we didn't make use of this grace period. ❞ Nishiki crossed his arms and expressed that it was in their best interests to get a move on now. He didn't exactly like how this scenario has unfolded, specifically with Nadine requesting for their group's assistance. This entire team they had was a mix of liabilities that Nishiki didn't want to associate with, but with how this was starting to shape up to be, he'd rather have more people teamed up with him to deal with this problematic first team for him. The yakuza patriarch didn't like the idea of dying here, whether its by anyone here or by that absurd forbidden action he was given.

@Atomic Knight @ShadowCoyote0 @Crimson Spartan @York @dark @Xelian @Minerva @Sark @Siege @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Ver @Crow @RebornRainbow @Kaykay @will30358 @Space_Candy @Ottonomous Ghost @Lucky @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Takumi
"And what talents do you have?" Kokichi asked, looking toward Izuru. "They must be quite remarkable for you to make that kind of claim, right?"

Nadine looked hesitant once again, though soon she looked a bit upset. "They're all dead," she said to Akande. "It was a city of the dead when we woke up. As for the other team..." She closed her eyes and nodded at what Megatron then said. "They have a robot like yourself. One who has killed many. As for what happened to this one..." She opened her eyes and looked down at the alien who had once been Loki. "... Defying the bracelets should only mean you die, as I said. I do not know why he changed."

Cole crossed his arms. "They're desperate. They'll say whatever they have to so we don't kill them. They're pretty much dead already." He then tilted his head to the side in thought. "Hold on, do any of those teams have, like, special powers?"

Nadine nodded her head sadly. "To a degree. There are those in our team who had similar powers, but they were weaker than the first team. In the end, they could not survive."

Cole grunted. "Okay, so, I guess while we get the advantage of waking up later, the first team has more of their powers open to them."

"Look," said Isa shakily, "we should explore this tower and meet her team. Then we can decide what to do with them, right?"

@Gummi Bunnies @ShadowCoyote0 @Crimson Spartan @York @dark @Xelian @Minerva @Sark @Siege @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Ver @Crow @RebornRainbow @Kaykay @will30358 @Space_Candy @Ottonomous Ghost @Lucky @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Takumi

Izuru didn't look like he had much interest in questioning the group's decision, silently exchanging stares between each as they spoke before softly sighing and retracting himself from the dilemma. However, Kokichi's remark held him in place, but only for a second.

"I misjudged."


"I'm not particularly knowledgable in the field of engineering, the arrow just didn't look very impressive to me," he stated clearly, turning his back on the Ultimate Supreme Leader and beginning to stalk away to the back of the crowd. "... I don't care enough to speak out of turn again. Do as you please."

@Atomic Knight @Whoever

Mid-chapter update

As the group continued to talk Dhaos noticed where the consensus was going and turned his attention back towards Nadine. “I think we have reached an agreement, clearly not an unanimous one, but it will have to do. Lead us to your teammates, and perhaps from there we can plan accordingly.”

Nadine seemed pleased with the response. “We’re grateful for the assist. I understand if you guy don’t trust us, but right now this is the only way that we are going to survive.” Flinging her bow over her shoulder she maid her way back to the main area and the elevators followed by the others, some more begrudgingly than others.

“I was led to believe that this equipment was inoperable,”
Dhaos replied as Nadine stopped at one of the elevators.

“That’s by design.”
With some quick button presses that almost seemed like a password of sorts the group could hear heavy machinery wake to life as the door opens and they are met by the large service elevator from before. “A little something one of the team cooked up. You can’t reach the upper floors without doing that code every time.”

Dhaos muttered. “Will there perhaps be a point where you share this knowledge with us?”

“Maybe, depending on how our meeting goes.”
With a push of the button the elevator came to life as the group were taken to the upper floors of the building. Soon enough it ground to a halt and the doors opened revealing a circular open area with a guy sitting next to computer that seemed to have been built from the ground up. “Matt,” Nadine said stepping out. “We got guests.”

The guy had been so enwrapped in whatever he had been doing he let out a startled yelp when his attention turned to the elevator. “Oh God!” Falling out of his chair he quickly scrambled up to his feet.


“You found team four? And they came here willingly?” He asked eyeing the people behind her.

“Well...more or less.”
Stepping further in Nadine looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”

Matt pointed to the back. “Meeting with the boss lady? I can go get them, cause this is huge news!”

“Don’t worry,”
Nadine replied walking past him to an area in the back. “I’ll get them. You can get to know the new people in the meantime.”

As she vanished to the back Matt looked back at the group in the elevator. “Well, hi, I’m Matt Miller resident tech expert. Can I just say that I’m really excited that we’ll be working together? Mainly so know, we don’t get slaughtered out there. I’d offer some coffee or tea, but yeah, so just come on in! Take a load out! Mi casa sue casa and all that!”

What had the group gotten themselves into by falling in with this crowd?

@Yun Lee as Akande Ogundimu/Doomfist [Overwatch]
@Gummi Bunnies as Akira "Nishiki" Nishikiyama [Yakuza]
@ShadowCoyote0 as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]
@Crimson Spartan as Ashe Bradley [Witch's Heart]
@will30358 as Candi Cottonswirl [Original Character]
@York as Cinder Fall [RWBY]
@dark as Colonel Radec [Killzone]
@Takumi as Dagran [The Last Story]
@Jeremi as Dhaos [Tales of Phantasia]
@Xelian as Envy [Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Minerva as Esdeath [Akame ga Kill]
@Siege as Hela [Marvel Cinematic Universe]
@Atomic Knight as Isa [Kingdom Hearts]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Izuru Kamukura [Danganronpa]
@MelodyMeister as Kaede/Lucy [Elfen Lied]
@Ver as Larxene [Kingdom Hearts]
@Cheese_Pizza as Loki Laufeyson [Marvel Cinematic Universe]
@Crow as Megatron [Transformers]
@Space_Candy as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@Ottonomous Ghost as Pyke [League of Legends]
@Lucky as RK-900 [Detroit: Become Human AU]
@RebornRainbow as Sally Boyle [We Happy Few]
@Kaykay as Sera Himeura [Instant Bullet]
@Sark as Thaal Sinestro [DC Comics]​
"I am Megatron."

That was all the Cybertronian said as he raises a cup of tea. Evidently, it was a lot smaller than his hands, proportionally, so he hand it with the tips of his fingers. He glances across the area.

"How many members are there in your little team exactly, Matt Miller? Formerly and remaining?"

"Well, well. It appears I wasn't the only one from my world brought here."

Right beside Akande, a violet haze materialized into a tall, slender woman.

View attachment 3513

"Hello, Akande. I have to admit, there's a comfort in seeing a familiar face."

Akande immedietely grinned as the woman appeared. "Moira! What are the odds?"

"Near-microscopic, really, unless Reyes got involved somehow...which I doubt. Eliminating the both of us is too ambitious, even for him."

"Ha ha! Good thing we appointed some new council members before we got dragged away, eh? Oh-right." Akande turned to the others. "Everyone, I would like to introduce Dr. Moira O'Deorain. She and I work together back home. She's an incredible geneticist!"

"Which unfortunately means almost nothing here," Moira said as her occupatiom was brought up. "Especially considering the fact that there are those who are not human whatsoever." She noticed Megatron, and seemed rather relieved at his appearance. "I can't say for sure how many of us we started with, as it didn't take long for the other team to slaughter us like cattle. But there are five of us left, no more and no less."

@Crow @Everyone​

❝ ... so I take it that if we... collaborate, we'll have better chances dealing with this other team that's become a problem. ❞ Nishiki knew that he was going to get an obvious answer for this, but his gut basically told him that it was safer to ask than to silently comply with what they might end up doing in the long run. Crossing his arms, he took more than a few moments to mentally remind himself that there was a chance that they were going to end up working together, as if he weren't already with the group he first woke up to.

❝ My name is Akira Nishikiyama... so that we have some level of acquaintance. ❞

@Jeremi @Yun Lee @Crow

"Mmm, what a pain," Larxene sighed, lightly rolling her eyes as the other "team" exchanged pleasantries with them, with one of them even seeming to personally recognize Akande. A part of the vixen honestly had hoped that they were a bit less hospitable so that she could scratch that itch she'd been feeling and have a good fight, but she kept that to herself for now. There were more important things at hand, after all.

Besides, the night was still young.

"Seems to be the gist of it," she nodded along toward Nishiki, crossing her robed arms as she looked toward Matt and the others, "I'd ask what exactly is in it for us -- or me really, but I suppose getting to unwind ought to be a good time in of itself."

"It would be awfully boring if every team was able to get along swimmingly, wouldn't it?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Yun Lee @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Everybody

"Mmm, what a pain," Larxene sighed, lightly rolling her eyes as the other "team" exchanged pleasantries with them, with one of them even seeming to personally recognize Akande. A part of the vixen honestly had hoped that they were a bit less hospitable so that she could scratch that itch she'd been feeling and have a good fight, but she kept that to herself for now. There were more important things at hand, after all.

Besides, the night was still young.

"Seems to be the gist of it," she nodded along toward Nishiki, crossing her robed arms as she looked toward Matt and the others, "I'd ask what exactly is in it for us -- or me really, but I suppose getting to unwind ought to be a good time in of itself."

"It would be awfully boring if every team was able to get along swimmingly, wouldn't it?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Yun Lee @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Everybody

"The night's still young," Larxene could hear a woman's voice call out. "I still haven't decided on if this is really a good idea or not." From where Nadine had gone a new face emerged giving the group a look over.


"Though at first glance maybe we can work together."

Dhaos eyed the newcomer with interest. "You are the 'leader' of this group I assume?"

"That's me, Ashley Barton."

"Or Spider-Bitch if you prefer codenames," Matt replied over from his seat.

"I might have lost most of my strength but that doesn't mean I can't still beat the shit out of you, Matt." Ashley's responded causing Matt to let out an eep and turning back to his work and Ashley continued addressing the rest of the group. "Here's the deal, we're low on team members but have a better idea about what's going on here. You have a big team who barely know anything. You see how this could be mutually beneficial to either team right?"

Dhaos nodded but didn't say anything. His mind after all had been set when Nadine introduced the plan originally.​

@Ver @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Yun Lee @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Everybody
Last edited:
"Welp, this is going well! Arguing teammates, agreeing teams... I dunno about y'all, but I'm all for it!" Candi gave a thumbs-up to Ashley and Matt. "The name's Candi Cottonswirl! Don't forget it!"
“Matt,” Nadine said stepping out. “We got guests.”

The guy had been so enwrapped in whatever he had been doing he let out a startled yelp when his attention turned to the elevator. “Oh God!” Falling out of his chair he quickly scrambled up to his feet.


“You found team four? And they came here willingly?” He asked eyeing the people behind her.

“Well...more or less.”
Stepping further in Nadine looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”

Matt pointed to the back. “Meeting with the boss lady? I can go get them, cause this is huge news!”

“Don’t worry,”
Nadine replied walking past him to an area in the back. “I’ll get them. You can get to know the new people in the meantime.”

As she vanished to the back Matt looked back at the group in the elevator. “Well, hi, I’m Matt Miller resident tech expert. Can I just say that I’m really excited that we’ll be working together? Mainly so know, we don’t get slaughtered out there. I’d offer some coffee or tea, but yeah, so just come on in! Take a load out! Mi casa sue casa and all that!”

What had the group gotten themselves into by falling in with this crowd?​
"Great Quard..." Thaal felt his mood sink and his teeth grind. He muttered a pray under a light breath: "We've fallen in with a pack of morons..."

Announcing his presence with a click of his tongue, Thaal made his way into the new Team's hideout and drinking in the coppery air. Every breath felt like licking an old coin, the sting of metallic dust burning into tongue as he spoke. Unshaken, he addressed his new 'allies'.

"Hello, Mr.Miller" Thaal smiled an open smile "My name is Thaal Sinestro. The pleasure is yours..."

With his hands linked behind his back, Sinestro began to chew the floorboards of the tower's peak, completing lap after lap of the room and observing every wire and screen within his immediate vicinity. Miller's set up was impressive, to say the least. Even if the room itself had been left to him by its previous occupants, simply managing a room such as this would require a genius at its head. The anti-Megatron arrow had failed to impress him before, but this? This had truly caught Thaal's eye... perhaps...

"Tell me, Matt. Do you consider yourself a
fast learner?" Thaal bent his rooted fingers across the edge of Matt's desk "It's clear that you have a remarkably fast mind, but I am curious as to how quickly you can adapt to new technology. If you are looking for a challenge, I implore you to observe this pretty thing..."

Without hesitation, Sinestro removed his spent power ring, placing the now dulled and scuffed gold trinket on Miller's desk. He was not about to get sentimental over the old thing. It was worthless. A resource he had tapped and spent, and the time had come to toss it aside. Yet, if Matt could crack its code, the wonders the boy could create... He could see it now. A dozen Spectrum Powered Rifles at his desposal. A Spectrum Shield. Perhapse even a Second Ring. As long as Miller lived up to his reputation, perhaps the faded ring was not so worthless after all...

"This is a compact weapon. A hard-light vessel designed to interface with the wearer's thoughts and develop hard-light constructs accordingly. If you can find a way to jump-start it- even better, solve its enigma- you could find yourself with enough power to fuel a way off this mudball. Better yet, it could fuel our weapons... all it needs is a little boost. Imagine the possibilities a mind such as yours could discover with a tool such as this"

"Ha ha! Good thing we appointed some new council members before we got dragged away, eh? Oh-right." Akande turned to the others. "Everyone, I would like to introduce Dr. Moira O'Deorain. She and I work together back home. She's an incredible geneticist!"

"Which unfortunately means almost nothing here," Moira said as her occupatiom was brought up. "Especially considering the fact that there are those who are not human whatsoever." She noticed Megatron, and seemed rather relieved at his appearance. "I can't say for sure how many of us we started with, as it didn't take long for the other team to slaughter us like cattle. But there are five of us left, no more and no less."

@Crow @Everyone​
Oh, how glad Sinestro was to have joined his party in venturing into the tower; at long last, he was in the company of minds just as sharp as his. A historian, a programmer and a scientist; it made a pleasant change from the rabble he had been forced to associate within the cells. Still, though intelligent, his two new allies had proven themselves to be... unenlightened. Opportunities had passed them by. They lacked leadership- true, Machiavellian leadership- and without the push from a more experienced adviser, petty morality might interfere with their efficiency. How fortunate that a smug, old and morally bankrupt ex-Dictator had just stumbled across their doorstep...

"Of course, the enemy may not be human, but surely, an... incredible geneticist such as yourself could find merit in self-experimentation. Bioweapons are not exclusively offensive weapons, Dr.O'Deorain. Imagine how many of your men might still be with us had you provided them with enhancements..."
Mid-chapter update

As the group continued to talk Dhaos noticed where the consensus was going and turned his attention back towards Nadine. “I think we have reached an agreement, clearly not an unanimous one, but it will have to do. Lead us to your teammates, and perhaps from there we can plan accordingly.”

Nadine seemed pleased with the response. “We’re grateful for the assist. I understand if you guy don’t trust us, but right now this is the only way that we are going to survive.” Flinging her bow over her shoulder she maid her way back to the main area and the elevators followed by the others, some more begrudgingly than others.

“I was led to believe that this equipment was inoperable,”
Dhaos replied as Nadine stopped at one of the elevators.

“That’s by design.”
With some quick button presses that almost seemed like a password of sorts the group could hear heavy machinery wake to life as the door opens and they are met by the large service elevator from before. “A little something one of the team cooked up. You can’t reach the upper floors without doing that code every time.”

Dhaos muttered. “Will there perhaps be a point where you share this knowledge with us?”

“Maybe, depending on how our meeting goes.”
With a push of the button the elevator came to life as the group were taken to the upper floors of the building. Soon enough it ground to a halt and the doors opened revealing a circular open area with a guy sitting next to computer that seemed to have been built from the ground up. “Matt,” Nadine said stepping out. “We got guests.”

The guy had been so enwrapped in whatever he had been doing he let out a startled yelp when his attention turned to the elevator. “Oh God!” Falling out of his chair he quickly scrambled up to his feet.


“You found team four? And they came here willingly?” He asked eyeing the people behind her.

“Well...more or less.”
Stepping further in Nadine looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”

Matt pointed to the back. “Meeting with the boss lady? I can go get them, cause this is huge news!”

“Don’t worry,”
Nadine replied walking past him to an area in the back. “I’ll get them. You can get to know the new people in the meantime.”

As she vanished to the back Matt looked back at the group in the elevator. “Well, hi, I’m Matt Miller resident tech expert. Can I just say that I’m really excited that we’ll be working together? Mainly so know, we don’t get slaughtered out there. I’d offer some coffee or tea, but yeah, so just come on in! Take a load out! Mi casa sue casa and all that!”

What had the group gotten themselves into by falling in with this crowd?

@Yun Lee as Akande Ogundimu/Doomfist [Overwatch]
@Gummi Bunnies as Akira "Nishiki" Nishikiyama [Yakuza]
@ShadowCoyote0 as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]
@Crimson Spartan as Ashe Bradley [Witch's Heart]
@will30358 as Candi Cottonswirl [Original Character]
@York as Cinder Fall [RWBY]
@dark as Colonel Radec [Killzone]
@Takumi as Dagran [The Last Story]
@Jeremi as Dhaos [Tales of Phantasia]
@Xelian as Envy [Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Minerva as Esdeath [Akame ga Kill]
@Siege as Hela [Marvel Cinematic Universe]
@Atomic Knight as Isa [Kingdom Hearts]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Izuru Kamukura [Danganronpa]
@MelodyMeister as Kaede/Lucy [Elfen Lied]
@Ver as Larxene [Kingdom Hearts]
@Cheese_Pizza as Loki Laufeyson [Marvel Cinematic Universe]
@Crow as Megatron [Transformers]
@Space_Candy as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@Ottonomous Ghost as Pyke [League of Legends]
@Lucky as RK-900 [Detroit: Become Human AU]
@RebornRainbow as Sally Boyle [We Happy Few]
@Kaykay as Sera Himeura [Instant Bullet]
@Sark as Thaal Sinestro [DC Comics]​

Izuru spared no introductions as he followed the herd into the depths of the tower, despite shooting a curious glance at the elevator as Nadine revealed the mechanism used to make the lift operable. The Ultimate Hope's stare was able to deduce exactly how it functioned, and with some extra effort, he would be able to find the code and operate the machine himself. It was a pitifully simple design, after all. But, didn't he say he wasn't skilled in machining?

... Well, that's the truth, isn't it?

The looming figure swiftly absconded from any discussion that might be thrown his way, adjusting his suit coat and offering another glance to his wristband before taking whatever seat was the farthest away from anyone else. He silently stared at the discussion unfolding before him with glazed eyes.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Yun Lee @Ver @Crow @Sark @Whoever
"It's as Ashley says," Moira said, attention to the whole group. "I understand how just five people might not seem like much of a boon, but consider. We're the five that survived the others. Not just anyone is capable of doing that...especially when you take into account what we're up against."

As Sinestro spoke, she couldn't help but smirk, lifting up her right hand. Sinestro would notice strange purple markings on it, almost like artificial veins on her fingertips.

View attachment 3515

"Quite bold to presume I haven't been enhancing myself for years," she replied. "Also incredibly bold to presume I had the time and resources to enhance anyone. That city out there is a complete wasteland, and this tower's technology is primitive at best. We've had to rely on traps and tricks to keep ourselves safe." She again eyed the others, sizing them up. "Most of you seem quite capable in physical strength. Perhaps with your number and power, and our knowledge, we may just survive this."

@Sark @Jeremi @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @will30358
❝ ... fine, fair enough. Slightly better than considering that us running off without any idea what we're dealing with. ❞ The yakuza patriarch grumbled, taking into account that this was probably the best option that they had. ❝ In that case, just what are we expected to do at this point? Honestly, a good lot of the group I got stuck with are almost clueless as to what else is taking place here with the other teams and all. ❞

@Sark @Jeremi @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Crow @will30358
"Great Quard..." Thaal felt his mood sink and his teeth grind. He muttered a pray under a light breath: "We've fallen in with a pack of morons..."

Announcing his presence with a click of his tongue, Thaal made his way into the new Team's hideout and drinking in the coppery air. Every breath felt like licking an old coin, the sting of metallic dust burning into tongue as he spoke. Unshaken, he addressed his new 'allies'.

"Hello, Mr.Miller" Thaal smiled an open smile "My name is Thaal Sinestro. The pleasure is yours..."

With his hands linked behind his back, Sinestro began to chew the floorboards of the tower's peak, completing lap after lap of the room and observing every wire and screen within his immediate vicinity. Miller's set up was impressive, to say the least. Even if the room itself had been left to him by its previous occupants, simply managing a room such as this would require a genius at its head. The anti-Megatron arrow had failed to impress him before, but this? This had truly caught Thaal's eye... perhaps...

"Tell me, Matt. Do you consider yourself a
fast learner?" Thaal bent his rooted fingers across the edge of Matt's desk "It's clear that you have a remarkably fast mind, but I am curious as to how quickly you can adapt to new technology. If you are looking for a challenge, I implore you to observe this pretty thing..."

Without hesitation, Sinestro removed his spent power ring, placing the now dulled and scuffed gold trinket on Miller's desk. He was not about to get sentimental over the old thing. It was worthless. A resource he had tapped and spent, and the time had come to toss it aside. Yet, if Matt could crack its code, the wonders the boy could create... He could see it now. A dozen Spectrum Powered Rifles at his desposal. A Spectrum Shield. Perhapse even a Second Ring. As long as Miller lived up to his reputation, perhaps the faded ring was not so worthless after all...

"This is a compact weapon. A hard-light vessel designed to interface with the wearer's thoughts and develop hard-light constructs accordingly. If you can find a way to jump-start it- even better, solve its enigma- you could find yourself with enough power to fuel a way off this mudball. Better yet, it could fuel our weapons... all it needs is a little boost. Imagine the possibilities a mind such as yours could discover with a tool such as this"

Oh, how glad Sinestro was to have joined his party in venturing into the tower; at long last, he was in the company of minds just as sharp as his. A historian, a programmer and a scientist; it made a pleasant change from the rabble he had been forced to associate within the cells. Still, though intelligent, his two new allies had proven themselves to be... unenlightened. Opportunities had passed them by. They lacked leadership- true, Machiavellian leadership- and without the push from a more experienced adviser, petty morality might interfere with their efficiency. How fortunate that a smug, old and morally bankrupt ex-Dictator had just stumbled across their doorstep...

"Of course, the enemy may not be human, but surely, an... incredible geneticist such as yourself could find merit in self-experimentation. Bioweapons are not exclusively offensive weapons, Dr.O'Deorain. Imagine how many of your men might still be with us had you provided them with enhancements..."

Matt looked up at Sinestro and down at the ring, this went on for quite a moment before he reached out for it. "Uuuh, yeah! I'll see...I'll see what I can do." It was clear that he didn't seem very sure in that he could crack the code, but he wasn't going to refuse this sinister looking guy right to his face.


"It's as Ashley says," Moira said, attention to the whole group. "I understand how just five people might not seem like much of a boon, but consider. We're the five that survived the others. Not just anyone is capable of doing that...especially when you take into account what we're up against."

As Sinestro spoke, she couldn't help but smirk, lifting up her right hand. Sinestro would notice strange purple markings on it, almost like artificial veins on her fingertips.

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"Quite bold to presume I haven't been enhancing myself for years," she replied. "Also incredibly bold to presume I had the time and resources to enhance anyone. That city out there is a complete wasteland, and this tower's technology is primitive at best. We've had to rely on traps and tricks to keep ourselves safe." She again eyed the others, sizing them up. "Most of you seem quite capable in physical strength. Perhaps with your number and power, and our knowledge, we may just survive this."

@Sark @Jeremi @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @will30358

"We're all here because we were smart enough and tough enough to do it. Except for Matt,"
Ashley pointed over to Matt who was now tinkering with the ring. "He's here because he's a sniveling runt."

"Yeah and who was it that put up this rig again?"
He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Ashley glared over to him.


"This sign of comradery if very touching,"
Dhaos managed to say with as much mirth he could conjure up, which to say, wasn't much. "We seem to agree that an alliance is for the best. What is our next step?"

"Well that's the easy one, blondie,"
Ashley replied looking up at Dhaos. "We murder any son of a bitch that's not inside this room until we're the only ones left."

@Sark @Jeremi @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @will30358 @Yun Lee

"Ahahaha! Oh, I like her!" Larxene cackled briefly as Ashley laid out the simple plan. The potential elephant in the room of the possibility that their alliance could die with their mutual enemies -- the phantom presence, at least -- crossed her mind, but she didn't care much for the moment. They'd get to that bridge when they got there. After all, a premature betrayal would be disadvantageous for them, especially considering how outnumbered they were if push were to come to shove.

Putting her hands on her hips, she spoke with a slithery smirk on her face. "So then, in that case, I suppose we don't have time to waste. You wouldn't happen to already have a step-by-step plan, would you? Or do we need to wait on you? Maybe even do it ourselves?"

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Sark @will30358 @Everybody

"Ahahaha! Oh, I like her!" Larxene cackled briefly as Ashley laid out the simple plan. The potential elephant in the room of the possibility that their alliance could die with their mutual enemies -- the phantom presence, at least -- crossed her mind, but she didn't care much for the moment. They'd get to that bridge when they got there. After all, a premature betrayal would be disadvantageous for them, especially considering how outnumbered they were if push were to come to shove.

Putting her hands on her hips, she spoke with a slithery smirk on her face. "So then, in that case, I suppose we don't have time to waste. You wouldn't happen to already have a step-by-step plan, would you? Or do we need to wait on you? Maybe even do it ourselves?"

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Sark @will30358 @Everybody

"Be my guest," Ashley replied as she turned to faced Larxene. "Like we already said you have no clue about what's coming your way once you leave this place. If the Riders don't get you then the Others will. You need us just as much as we need fresh people fit to fight."

As the group was discussing among themselves they could hear the elevator waking to life behind them. "Oh, looks like he's back."

The elevator came to a halt on the upper floor and as the door opened out stepped a large humanoid lizard.


"No traps been tripped on the permitter,"
He snarled as he stepped into the room. "Looks like they've gotten smarter after losing one or two to th-" He stopped mid sentence realizing their were far more people up there than there should be and had a clear look of shock when he saw Megatron.

"Relax, Bossk,"
Ashley responded calmly. "New people this is Bossk, Bossk, this is the new people. Say hi."

Bossk snarled softly under his breath but seemed to calm down. "To be honest I didn't expect your plan to succeed. Only a fool would decide on helping an opposing team."

"We have a common goal,"
Dhaos said to the lizard man. "Anything that can up our survival and undermine the Overseer is good."

"Whatever you say..." Bossk went over to one of the corners of the room and started looking over some scraps of metal.

"Bossk over there is a bounty hunter where he's from. He's been pretty handy in laying up the traps we have around here and not letting anyone else get in here. The Riders tried it once. Didn't turn out so good for them."

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Sark @will30358 @Everybody
@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Sark @will30358 @Ver @anyone

The sailor kept a watchful eye at just about everything in the room, his eyes moving back and forth between various objects and people. The sea monster that dwelled within evidently did not like the plan. He was allying with an enemy team, after all. Nevertheless, there was no turning back now, and there was a lot of work to be done to reach the Overseer.

The stress of the situation was making him restless. Not only would he have to pay close attention to the people he disliked within his own group, but he also had to pay attention to both the spies (Kokichi and Cole) and the temporarily allied team. He really wanted to break something, preferably a life.
"Well that's the easy one, blondie," Ashley replied looking up at Dhaos. "We murder any son of a bitch that's not inside this room until we're the only ones left."

After that remark, the Ripper chimed in. "Now that's what I wanna hear. Enough of the fancy talk, let's get to work..."
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