Disney Movie that Best Describes You


Got a disney movie that really speaks to you, or makes you go "yeah that's me"? Post it! I always find this sort of thing a fun personality test, and a fast way to get to know people haha.

If I had to say which one best describes me I'd say maybe Frozen. (I know my icon is Ariel role with it) I feel like Anna a lot I think because I know how it feels to be shutout but stay positive, and I'd do anything for people I really care about.

What about you?
Inside Out!! I'm a great lover of Pixar movies but this one really spoke to me because for a long time I had the mentality that if everyone is having a hard time I need to be the one who's happy, and learning how to deal with things like sadness for me took a while.
i think i would have to go with treasure planet because it is my favorite and i feel more like i would fit in there
Cars, because no one likes it really, yet they keep making sequels and spin offs for it!