Chains of Retribution Faithy's Hodgepodge


Cinnamon Roll of Doom

Daughter of Jacques Chevrier
Bloodstone Pack
Citizen of the Lutetian City State of Issunar​
Name: Aimée Chevrier
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Her hair is a silky smooth dark shade of black that hangs down loosely in layers her rear end. The sides of her hair feather down around her dimple induced cheeks, while her bangs cover her forehead and extend beyond her eyes. The light dusting of freckles beneath her eyes as well as across her nose, gives her a more youthful appearance, which she often uses to her advantage. Her eyes are two pools of Prussian blue medium shaped ovals that when stared at long enough, give off the sensation of drowning in a deep lake. Her eyelashes extenuate her eyes, giving her a wide innocent look that is used to draw in the unsuspecting as a defense. Despite the four-inch scar along the left side of her ribs, her tanned skin is the perfect shade that most teenagers want. It is neither too dark nor is it too white.
More ought than naught, Aimée wears nothing other than ribbed wife beater tanks or spaghetti strapped short tanks. Along with the tanks, she either wears shorts, regular low rise, hip hugger jeans or hip hugger cargo pants, depending on her mood. The jacket she most often wears is metallic blue, which has tons of inner pockets to hide different items including weapons, if necessary. She wears black or red skintight boots that have a rugged non-slip 2+-wedge platform outsole. The boots lace up the front and stop mid-shin. She also wears what's in the picture.
Accessories: Aimée wears a purple and black butterfly choker around her neck that matches the tattoo on her ankle, a silver bracelet with a small watch, and has a pair of square wire framed sunglasses with red lenses. She also has what's shown in the picture.

Name: Alysa Jayse
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Pack: The Scions of Aodhan

Physical Description: Beautiful emerald eyes peer intently out between elongated lashes, which begin black but as they extend out, lighten to a reddish shade. Strands of faintly wavy crimson locks flutter against the sides of her pale face, the rest spreading out across her shoulders in order to rest against her lower back. Even if one were to look closely, not a single imperfection could be seen anywhere on her flesh, save the sporadically placed freckles across her nose. Of course, that didn’t mean she was without scars, because that wasn’t true, but her face had none, though her arms had a few from fights with strangers in the street. Her lips are full, pouty and beautifully sculpted. At first impression, the very young looking female would appear too dainty to be a fighter. Every curve and strategically placed body part is there for a reason and she uses her looks as a deceiver. Beneath the feminine flesh reins a beast that’s waiting patiently to be unleashed, literally. Though she doesn’t have bulky muscles, every inch of her is toned.

On normal occasions she often wears a black shirt. The front closes with a silver zipper that runs from the very bottom to the top. Beneath the shirt is a pair of shorts that goes down a little past the shirt. She alternates the shorts with a pair of jeans, which flaunt her luscious curves. Finishing out the outfit is a pair of black thigh high boots with five inch chunky heels that show off just how long and toned her legs truly are. When she’s wearing her jeans, she also wears a body fitting armor that although looks thin, it is very durable and can withstand a lot.

She has a butterfly tattoo on the right side of her waist. The butterfly colors consist of reddish-pink, blue, light blue, black, purple and light purple.

Personality: Due to her childhood, Alysa can be quite aloof towards strangers, especially those that portray an abusive trait. That isn't to say that she's a frightened individual because there are times when she is quite sarcastic and upon occasion has spoken without thinking, both traits getting her into trouble more than once. She's carefree when with Caitia, the two best buds despite their different upbringing and status quo.


Since the moment Alysa was born, her father Markus constantly told her that she was a massive mistake. He oozed with distain towards her and she lost count of the number of times he attempted to assassinate her. Juliana, her mother was the only caring immediate family member she had. If she was a mistake, Juliana never mentioned it. In fact, whenever Markus spoke against Alysa, her mother faced his wrath and rebutted him. Of course, this made the controlling man rather pissed off and ultimately led to Juliana’s downfall. The jerk hired a hit man to kill the two females in his life, but the idiot wasn’t a professional. Instead of hitting either one, he nailed one of the servants in the head. The poor man was found floating in a nearby lake, his body missing important pieces. The next assassin that was hired was an expert marksman and though he missed Alysa, her mother wasn’t as lucky.

A year after her mother was killed, when Alysa was five, her father was also attacked in the home and slaughtered while she was away at a friend’s house. Every night around eight O’clock he settled himself down in the den, drank many glasses of his own special formula while his hired prostitutes would pleasure him on his command. Around midnight, he would be passed out drunk and the girls would be long gone, each locating a servant to cure their horny bodies. Someone else had been paying attention to his routine and after he was alone, they crept into the house. To keep him from moving, the stranger tied his wrists and ankles to the bedposts, using his own belts in addition to giving him something to suppress the ability to shift. Once confident that he was secure, the attacker gagged his mouth with a pillow case. Knowing that it would be more satisfactory for him if he was awake, he slapped him until Markus struggled to open his eyes. A number of emotions slid across his eyes, easily read by the assassin. This of course pleased the sadist immensely. When he realized he was tied down and gagged, the verbally abusive male used all of his strength to try and break free. He quickly found out that he couldn’t and though he didn’t quit immediately, it was obvious in his facial expression that he knew he was doomed.

Picking up a dagger from the nightstand, the unknown male traced it down Markus’ neck. His discomfort made a sinister grin appear upon his face and without warning; he cut open his shirt, exposing his muscled chest. The edge of the weapon pressed against him, the tip beginning just below his throat. Before he could even scream, the male had forced the blade through his skin and flesh, forcing the thing as deep as he could while cutting down to his navel. Blood and guts spewed from the wound, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. The killer was soon making deep gashes on his arms, legs, and sides, ignoring his muffled screaming. The more he cut, the more Markus shouted and begged for him to stop. The sheets, floor, and of course the masked male’s clothing was covered in crimson goodness. Yanking so that his guts were spewed outside of his body, the assassin moved back to his chest. Re-positioning the knife above his heart, the sadist made a crude circle and cut out the flesh to get down to his ribcage before breaking the bones in his way. Reaching down, he yanked it out, holding it in his hand for a brief second. Sneering at his dying form, the death dealer slammed the heart down to the ground, smashing it with a chair.

Once satisfied the beast wasn’t going to return to life, the assassin left the way he came, leaving a grisly crime scene.

Due to the amount of hatred Markus received, no one checked on him in the morning and it was Alysa that found his corpse. After calling the police, she packed a bag and ran away, scared that she would be thrown into an orphanage or slaughtered due to what she was. Not to mention being afraid that the killer would come back for her. She felt no sadness for the loss of her father, only fear that the same thing would happen to her. It was around that time that she was found by the Scions and instead of killed, was taken into their pack to be raised with them.

Name: Zane Lucroy
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Cameraman
Pack: Unknown
