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"Just that I want to know what they have done with my power," Elliot said to Emily. "And if they do not know, that they could do me the courtesy and find out."

"I understand the frustration some of you are experiencing," Burnham said, noticing the look on Krystal's face. "But this matter is an unprecedented one. We are having as hard a time navigating it as all of you are, I assure you."

The barrier allowed for the four to pass. Burnham nodded to each. To Sheila, she said, "Starfleet has a set of general orders and regulations they must follow. It is a publically available document and I can share it with you from a digital interface. However, it is for officers of Starfleet to adhere to on matters such as conflict resolution and, yes, hostile negotiations. Keep in mind that we have your best interests in mind as you see the Captain."

@York @Yun Lee @Minerva @Josh

Krystal sighed and walked to another part of the room. This was going to chalk up as her official worst day ever. Taken from her family, stuck with all these people she didn't know, already facing opposition, and having to surrender a weapon that held a reminder of what she wanted out of all this. Yup. Pretty fucking shitty day.

"Just that I want to know what they have done with my power," Elliot said to Emily. "And if they do not know, that they could do me the courtesy and find out."

"I understand the frustration some of you are experiencing," Burnham said, noticing the look on Krystal's face. "But this matter is an unprecedented one. We are having as hard a time navigating it as all of you are, I assure you."

The barrier allowed for the four to pass. Burnham nodded to each. To Sheila, she said, "Starfleet has a set of general orders and regulations they must follow. It is a publically available document and I can share it with you from a digital interface. However, it is for officers of Starfleet to adhere to on matters such as conflict resolution and, yes, hostile negotiations. Keep in mind that we have your best interests in mind as you see the Captain."

@York @Yun Lee @Minerva @Josh
Emily Hayes
@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Minerva @Josh @Others(?)

Elliot's answer drew a small, but sympathetic smile from Emily, but she nodded, a more serious expression crossing her face.


"I'll do my best." She said, and she certainly meant it.

While she couldn't be sure what Elliot might do if he got his powers back, they could play a key role in getting them home, assuming the ship's crew doesn't figure out some way. With that out of the way, Emily tentatively touched the barrier, a little to make sure it was traversible before she crossed through, turning back to give the people in the bay one last look... Her gaze lingering on Elliot for a moment longer before she directed her attention towards Burnham, letting herself be lead to their destination.

She also made sure to try and memorize the ship's layout as much as she could as she was walking. It might prove usefull later down the line.​
As Starscream and Nathan happened to also be seated next to Grif, the Red Soldier looked up at them and smirked behind his helmet.

“So, how much do either of you wanna bet that they’ll somehow royally fuck this up for all of us?”

@Crow @Space_Candy
Nathan looked at Griff and Peter, before shrugging.

"They might fuck everything up and get us sucked into space- how knows. I don't give a shit," he said blankly, just tired at this point.

He took his phone out of his pocket, the battery had died, causing him to frown. He hated this place.

@Raptor Jesus @Lucky
“Huh?” Grif asked as he perked his head up to look at Quill. “Listen dude, the only people I hate are Sarge, Simmons, and maybe Donut. Everyone else I either don’t give a shit about or I somewhat maybe kinda like.”

When Peter said that he could grab a few people if they were to get sucked out into space, Grif breathed out a relieved sigh. “Whew, well thank God for your rocket boots, then. Are they standard issue?”

@Lucky @Space_Candy @Crow

“Silly squabble? This is war, man! Where the weak die and the strong survive! Where boys become men, and men become slightly stronger men! And most importantly, where the reds win, and the blues all die horrible deaths!”

@Kaykay @Takumi

"Since I am going to assume that the horned human will pull her antics at some point, I doubt a couple hundred credits would be sufficient," Starscream laughs, "compared to what we are about to miss, that is!"

"If you truly are dwelling on the possibility of this being our final moments, Nathan," Starscream spoke to the boy, "why not we all sit around the campfire and share the tales that we will take to the AllSpark? Kill a little time before time kills us all."

@Raptor Jesus @Space_Candy @ThatAverageGuy @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Takumi @etcetcetc​
"Since I am going to assume that the horned human will pull her antics at some point, I doubt a couple hundred credits would be sufficient," Starscream laughs, "compared to what we are about to miss, that is!"

"If you truly are dwelling on the possibility of this being our final moments, Nathan," Starscream spoke to the boy, "why not we all sit around the campfire and share the tales that we will take to the AllSpark? Kill a little time before time kills us all."

@Raptor Jesus @Space_Candy @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Takumi @etcetcetc​
“What, you mean like some bonding shit?” Grif asked as he pushed himself up to sit against the crates rather than lay against them. “Eh, why the fuck not. If we do die, then I’ll at least die how I lived. Sitting on my ass and doing nothing.

Why don’t you go first, Star-Guy? Pretty sure a space bounty hunter like you has some pretty interesting stories to tell.”

@Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy

"I have no doubt of that," Gakupo said, smiling coolly at Barnham. "We have the same intent for peace...well, the majority of us. Thank you for letting us cooperate with you." Though he appeared caln outside, internally Gakupo's systems were going haywire, finding the most charismatic protocol they could in order to do his best in this whole diplomacy thing. He was a smooth-talker normally, but that was just interviews and fan meets. Nothing like negotiating peace between two groups he literally met less than an hour ago.

@Atomic Knight @Josh @York @Minerva
Peter Quill/ Star-Lord

" Actually, I can do you one better," he said, detaching the jets attached to his boots. " I can attach them your shoes so you can turn them on and try them for yourselves. As for the issue, just something that my adopted father used so I wouldn't fall in space." As for stories, what would you like to hear first? I got one where I stole some jewels, one where I defeated a blue genocidal maniac and one where I had to confront my father who turned out to be a whole planet," he said in reply.

@Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy @Yun Lee
Peter Quill/ Star-Lord

" Actually, I can do you one better," he said, detaching the jets attached to his boots. " I can attach them your shoes so you can turn them on and try them for yourselves. As for the issue, just something that my adopted father used so I wouldn't fall in space." As for stories, what would you like to hear first? I got one where I stole some jewels, one where I defeated a blue genocidal maniac and one where I had to confront my father who turned out to be a whole planet," he said in reply.

@Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy @Yun Lee
“I think that the one about your dad being the planet sounds the most interesting.” Grif said, honestly thinking that this guy was bullshitting. Though, after all he’d seen today, perhaps that wasn’t so outlandish after all?

“Oh, and can you get me a pair of those rocket boots too? That would be so badass!”

@Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy
Krystal sighed and walked to another part of the room. This was going to chalk up as her official worst day ever. Taken from her family, stuck with all these people she didn't know, already facing opposition, and having to surrender a weapon that held a reminder of what she wanted out of all this. Yup. Pretty fucking shitty day.

Chibi-Robo saw that Krystal was upset, and he can't stand to see someone so bummed out. He walked over to Krystal and patted her on the leg attempting to find a way to cheer her up.

Kumagawa turned to face Stardust when she spoke to him.


「Well, that's a question I never expected.」he replied.「I'm a Minus, you know. So no matter what misfortune comes my way, I'll just smile and laugh it off properly. No reason to get worked up over a silly squabble like this, right...uh, miss idol?」

He didn't exactly remember her name either, if he'd even been given it.

Though as Burnham made her threat, he didn't seem to react at all. There wasn't even an effort from him to get himself to be one of the ones heading to the captain. It almost looked as though he'd lost interest in the whole debacle. Whether this was confidence or negligence had yet to be seen.

@Takumi @etc​

"A Minus huh? What exactly is tha" she asked. "Oh, I'm Stardust! I've been told I can be rather optimistic sometimes, but there's so much going on that it's pretty confusing." Stardust replied, not at all bothered by her name being forgotten.


"The group seems pretty reasonable for thrmost part, so I doubt anyone in the group will die." Meiji sighed as she sat on a crate.

Oh boy...Gumi had rocket boots now, and the utau was interally preparong herself to try and either talk her out of trying them at the moment, or to move out of the way if she couldn't control her speed or something.

@Yun Lee @Lucky
"A Minus huh? What exactly is tha" she asked. "Oh, I'm Stardust! I've been told I can be rather optimistic sometimes, but there's so much going on that it's pretty confusing." Stardust replied, not at all bothered by her name being forgotten.


"The group seems pretty reasonable for thrmost part, so I doubt anyone in the group will die." Meiji sighed as she sat on a crate.

Oh boy...Gumi had rocket boots now, and the utau was interally preparong herself to try and either talk her out of trying them at the moment, or to move out of the way if she couldn't control her speed or something.

@Yun Lee @Lucky
“Yeah, but what if the Captain is a psychopath who shoots them on sight? Or maybe one of them will fuck up and breaks his favorite coffee mug. Basically, there’s about a million ways that this plan can and will fail.

But hey, maybe they’ll succeed and we’ll get to be trapped in an even bigger room with even more people who probably want us dead! Joy to the fucking world.”

@Takumi @Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy
Peter Quill/Star-Lord

Peter attached the tiny jets to Gumi's footwear and turned to her. " It is done. You can go anyway you can think of. To answer the second question before I start, only got one pair of jets, but if we find some tech, I'm sure that I can jerry rig something up. Also, I'll start now. My dad is a Celestial, which basically means he can manipulate matter. It's how I made the rock, though that wasn't what I was going for. He essentially manipulated enough matter so that he made his own planet and himself as his own life source. Fathered a ton of kid to make the perfect heir to keep his planet alive.... killed them once they refueled the planet;wanted to do the same thing with me."

@Takumi @Crow @Space_Candy @Yun Lee @Raptor Jesus
"Just that I want to know what they have done with my power," Elliot said to Emily. "And if they do not know, that they could do me the courtesy and find out."

"I understand the frustration some of you are experiencing," Burnham said, noticing the look on Krystal's face. "But this matter is an unprecedented one. We are having as hard a time navigating it as all of you are, I assure you."

The barrier allowed for the four to pass. Burnham nodded to each. To Sheila, she said, "Starfleet has a set of general orders and regulations they must follow. It is a publically available document and I can share it with you from a digital interface. However, it is for officers of Starfleet to adhere to on matters such as conflict resolution and, yes, hostile negotiations. Keep in mind that we have your best interests in mind as you see the Captain."

@York @Yun Lee @Minerva @Josh
Following behind, Shelia listened closely, nodding agreement.

"I understand. Let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Mrs. the Monarch."

Shaking her head, she realized she sounded like a fool, and looked like one, too. She was dressed as a butterfly.

"Jeez, I sound like a dumbass when I say that out loud in front of strangers. Never mind that. You can call me Dr. Shelia. My doctorate is in mechanics. so yes I am a real doctor.. Anyway. I understand fully. I work in guild. It's not too different I guess. "

Taking a deep breath, Sheila thought out her next move.

"I want to apologize about what Vader did. I tired to reason with him, but some men don't reason. Back to business. I also have another request, if you don't mind. When get that digital interface, may have a few minutes with my team before we meet your Captain? I've only known these three people for, um, well, not long. I don't even all their names. Hell, I've only talked really with one of them. So, in the interest of fairness we get few minutes to talk privately."

@York @Yun Lee @Atomic Knight @Minerva
Peter Quill/Star-Lord

Peter attached the tiny jets to Gumi's footwear and turned to her. " It is done. You can go anyway you can think of. To answer the second question before I start, only got one pair of jets, but if we find some tech, I'm sure that I can jerry rig something up. Also, I'll start now. My dad is a Celestial, which basically means he can manipulate matter. It's how I made the rock, though that wasn't what I was going for. He essentially manipulated enough matter so that he made his own planet and himself as his own life source. Fathered a ton of kid to make the perfect heir to keep his planet alive.... killed them once they refueled the planet;wanted to do the same thing with me."

@Takumi @Crow @Space_Candy @Yun Lee @Raptor Jesus
“Huh... that’s pretty fucked up, dude. And don’t sweat it on the jet boots, knowing Sarge he’d just shoot them or blow when I’m flying around with them anyways.”

Clasping his hands together, Grif would look around the group. “Alright. Who wants to go next?”

@Lucky @Crow @Takumi @Space_Candy
"Emperor preserve me."

Titus stood before the shield, rubbing his temples in irritation as the events around him continued. Though he had no care whether or not the masses were going to send him to be their voice (Titus is a born leader, after all), the entire event had Titus glaring at Vader, eyes seeping with suspicion and some contempt.

"Those abilities are unnatural. You're a psyker, then?"

A heretic.

The space marine stomped forward, jutting a finger forward and speaking simply. He felt no need to give a speech or lecture, for Titus knew well that Vader didn't care. Yet, the veteran warrior's face spoke volumes about his experience with men of Darth Vader's disposition.

View attachment 2599

"Control yourself, so I won't have to."

As if he was speaking to a hound. With that said, Titus turned around to the rest of the group and spoke idly, raising that gargantuan rifle of his into the air and inspecting it. "Steel yourselves for now, comrades. If they do not return in due time. . .," Titus commanded, holstering his bolter on his side and gripping a handle jutting out from some kind of sheathe about his belt. It was a sheathed sword of massive size to a regular man, with a trigger on it's handle.

Wonder what it -


The blade shot to life with a vicious roar as Titus swung it out from it's sheathe and squeezed the trigger, activating a whole array of wicked, serrated chainsaw blades that scythed along it's edge.

A chainsaw-sword, yes.

View attachment 2600

"Then we repay treachery with blood."

@Jeremi @Takumi @Crow @Space_Candy @Yun Lee @Raptor Jesus @Lucky
Peter Quill

" Yeah, I try not to think about it too much, especially how I was born. That being said, I think I want to hear more about you actually. You and the other armor seem to hate each other. What is up with that?"

@Raptor Jesus @Others in the area
“What, you mean like some bonding shit?” Grif asked as he pushed himself up to sit against the crates rather than lay against them. “Eh, why the fuck not. If we do die, then I’ll at least die how I lived. Sitting on my ass and doing nothing.

Why don’t you go first, Star-Guy? Pretty sure a space bounty hunter like you has some pretty interesting stories to tell.”

@Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy
“I think that the one about your dad being the planet sounds the most interesting.” Grif said, honestly thinking that this guy was bullshitting. Though, after all he’d seen today, perhaps that wasn’t so outlandish after all?

“Oh, and can you get me a pair of those rocket boots too? That would be so badass!”

@Lucky @Crow @Space_Candy
“Huh... that’s pretty fucked up, dude. And don’t sweat it on the jet boots, knowing Sarge he’d just shoot them or blow when I’m flying around with them anyways.”

Clasping his hands together, Grif would look around the group. “Alright. Who wants to go next?”

@Lucky @Crow @Takumi @Space_Candy

"A living planet, very much like the legends of Primus & Unicron, also described as living, physical deities," Starscream ponders, "what can I say, truly."

Starscream continues with his turn.

"As I have said to few here, I am leader of the Decepticons, Emperor of the Decepticon Armada! However, it wasn't always like this, my fellow refugees of other worlds. Allow me to paint the picture."

Starscream begins storytime.

"Ever since the days where Cybertron was still a planet, standing strong and tall, the Autobots, the self-proclaimed heroes who protected their so-called, and us Decepticons, who fought for freedom against the oppresive caste system, waged war. The one who initiated the Decepticon cause - Lord Megatron, my Master and leader. At some point, I joined him and rose to the ranks of second-in-command. Before that, I was but a scientist, developing technologies to aid Cybertronians of all walks of life. Such skill was what allowed me to rise.


Our wars and battles were fierce and fueled by the Energon of the fallen - no, not that one Prime that was said to have betrayed the others, the fallen warriors of Cybertron, Autobot & Decepticon alike. Eventually, it lead to our home, Cybertron, being desolate, lacking in life from war. At some point, our battle moved to what many of you recognize as Earth.

During our battles on Earth, Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, and his unforgivable crew, battled Lord Megatron while I was by his side. Lord Megatron, unfortunately, perished, his Spark extinguished by those accursed pests! Till this day, I wish to exact vengeance upon them.

Lord Megatron was put on life support as I hung on to my little slivers of hope, but unfortunately...


... he didn't make it.

As such, it was up to me to claim leadership in his permanent absence. During what was supposed to be a glorious coronation of succession, as my humble new second-in-command Soundwave placed the Crown that had only ever touched Lord Megatron's head on me. Energon flowed from my eyes. I had always wanted to succeed my Master, but not like this.


Never like this.

And so here I stand, a leader who was never meant to be, but is, anyways.

Who is next?"

@Raptor Jesus @Lucky @Space_Candy @Kaykay @Jeremi @ThatAverageGuy @Siege @etcetcetc​
Peter Quill/ Star-Lord

Peter turned to Nathan and shrugged. " Listen, there are worst places and people to be trapped with. Got thrown in jail once for 'borrowing an artifact. It was a lot worse than this place. Got a tolerance for the strange," he replied.

@Raptor Jesus @Yun Lee @Others
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