FFXV Discussion anyone?


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
I know a bunch of you are avid gamers, and I know @Dashmiel and I are anxiously awaiting its release. @Xenogears ' welcome post mentioned the game also and it got me musing on it and why not have a thread for it! It'll give us a place to slum and chat it up about the game once it releases, and to pine in the meanwhile :)

I haven't personally played any final fantasy games since FFX2 and probably wouldn't have even given this one any thought if Dashmiel wasn't always watching youtube videos about it. I'm going to see if we can embed youtube videos into here, and if not get it setup so we can share.

I know I've gotten pretty excited for it! Especially after we watched Kingsglaive the other week.
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Testing out the youtube video linking. (Turn on CC for English translation!)

Kingsglaive was good but the story flew all over the place though you are right, it ignited my wanting to play FFXV!
I brought out my demo to play the other day, a bit of a refresher.

There's a few FF I like: 6,7, 8, X, I didn't play much of X2. I do have it with X, the remastered ps4 version but I just haven't felt the desire to play it for some reason.
Yeah, I never finished X2, or X, or 8.... The last Final Fantasy Game that I actually played to completion was 7. But I intend to play this one through, if I can wrestle the game controller away from Dashmiel now and again :p
Haha. Are you going to play the remake of 7 when it comes out? I'm on the fence about it, I'll play it but probably through gamefly. It's not on my game investment list. I never got to play 12 though a remastered version is set to drop in December so I'll pick it up then.
I might, but it's not high priority list. I think fondly on playing the game back in highschool, and it's one of the few games I played thoroughly. As in every single thing that could be done, was done. Gave me a hell of a sense of accomplishment, and I've never really had any strong desire to revisit the game. Between FFXV, getting Storyteller's Circle rolling, and running the Chronicles of the Omniverse roleplay, I'm not sure a FF7 remake will be able to pull my attention. Someday though maybe :)
Kingsglaive was good but the story flew all over the place though you are right, it ignited my wanting to play FFXV!

Yeah that was one of my (minor) gripes with Kingsglaive as well. As a movie plot, it faltered a bit. The main problem was that it wasn't paced or scripted like you'd expect a normal movie. It was just a slice of the overall story that the FFXV team has going through their multi-media approach. Much the same way that Brotherhood isn't really paced like a normal anime OVA. They're all just like 'here's a slice of this world's history that you'll be playing through soon. Watch and you'll know more about what happened before the car broke down'.

Plot cohesion issues aside, still loved it, and it certainly was a gorgeous piece of work to watch ^_^

Also, because Tiko is a monster who embedded the first FFXV video she could find without a thought of how it would hurt our hearts, here's a better option to get hyped over!

Well I've only managed to snag in a few hours of playtime when Dash is otherwise asleep :p but I'm really enjoying it so far. Also fun to just watch him playing it. The combat is exceptionally enjoyable, both to play and watch.
I have it myself. I'm playing it and the Witcher 3 at the moment. With XV, I can say it is well worth the wait and investment.
I watched my sis play it from beginning to end. My reaction..............eh.

Okay, the game itself wasn't THAT bad because it could have been worse. A LOT worse. But that's not to say that the game is not without its flaws.

First off, the story was kind of all over the place. You go into the game thinking it's one thing and then halfway through the game your sitting there wondering that this story is exactly or even what was the point of it all.

Secondly, the romance between Noctis and Lunafreya was not interesting, mostly because the romance is implied but never shown. You do get some of their backstories when they were kids and all but after that, it just kind of skips ahead 12 years! And when they do see each other again for the first time, they just sort of nod at each other and that's it. It would have better if Square Enix would have at the very least gave us one scene in which Noctis and Luna actually interact with each other before the major plot point that I refuse to spoil for anyone.

Also the villain was not at all interesting. Which is disappointing because we know that Square Enix is capable creating some very memorable villains in their games! The villain for this game felt like he was kind of slapped into the game's plot in the last minute. Like "Oh, yeah, you know that guy that you keep seeing throughout the game, yeah, HE'S responsible for everything. YEP! He's the main villain! Didn't see that one coming, did ya? Yeah, we were going to make this guy more of a mini-boss and have the true villain's reveal a bit more subtle but...we didn't want to keep you guys waiting forever so here you go!"