New User *Flails in your general direction*


New Member
Don't really do introductions that well, but here we go! Luxin pointed me over to here, thought I'd give it a shot to scratch my RP itch. I'm a big sci-fi and fantasy fan, so I tend to put a lot of (arguably unnecessary) thought into how the mechanics behind my characters work. I'm also a fan of quality over quantity; I don't have many characters, but the ones I do have I put a lot of thought into. Course that means when I need to make a brand new one, it takes me a bit of time to make them as interesting as I like.
Anyways, think I've rambled on about myself enough for now. Hope to make a few new friends here and have a lot of fun!
Hello, welcome to the site, I see your flail and I raise you a noodle arms. ~owo~
Theres a chat at the bottom right and a help desk if thy have need of it. Look forward to roleplaying with ye~!
By the great Anime gods, I cede to your wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man and its mightiness.