Equinox General Discussion


Grumpy Badger
Any and all questions and/or discussions OOCly should be discussed here!
Hey folks, need a character or three for my plots, if you guys would be so kind.

Holler at me if any of these pique your interest, or if you've ideas of you own, I'm always open to suggestion.

Hey. Not sure if this is where I'm supposed to post this or not. I'm considering a character that is a Zeelowian. House Berignar sent him on some sort of mission into Bliania. He's either being forced to or because there's a monetary incentive. Also I don't want him to be too high class. I was thinking he could come from the seafaring side of Zeelow.

So let me know if we can piece something together with this.

- Seafaring Zeelowian
- Begrudgingly on mission in Bliania by Beringar orders
- Preferably somewhat skilled at combat because I like to be able to protect myself
- And whatever plot points you think we can weave in that would help progress the story.

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All sound pretty good to me, Mighty, I'd actually like to give the sea-faring side of Zeelow some more depth, considering how important it is to most of the Western Marches.

The West as a whole is incredibly paranoid regarding outsiders and foreigners, their hyper-defensive nature has them entrenched in their miserable holdings in Zeelow, mostly because it's so miserable it is a true nightmare to assault. Highlands and mountains, a castle atop every pass. Currently we only have two Beringars, I'm holding off on making the parents to see what other people are interested in, but there's no doubt that word has gotten out of late of the King's illness, so the Beringars, being the cautious, safe sort they are, would not doubt double the numbers of eyes and ears on the borders of, and even within, the neighboring kingdoms of Lyris and Bliania.

We can talk turkey regarding more intricate mission details, as Henrike Beringar is rather ambitious, if your character was in her employ things might be far more complex, or sinister, than simply watching and reporting troop movements.
Could do it here, could shoot me a message in the chat or via skype if you'd prefer more instantaneous commo.
Um...Are you all waiting for me to post? In the High Palace, I mean
Hey Otomos! Yeah I think I'm waiting for you, and the other two to post in your thread. To be honest, I've had a lot of stuff hit me irl so I'm a bit scarce for the time being. :( I apologize.