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New Member
Hi. I'm Thomas, 37, and as of late I've had the itch to start writing fantasy again! I started roleplaying when I was wee lad in middle school during the Ayenee days on Yahoo! chat, and eventually moved to the forums once the chatrooms were shutdown. I've ventured into a bit of everything during that time on different forums, but always find myself falling back to fantasy, as it seems to be what I'm most familiar with. I haven't been very active the last four years due to taking a break for 'life'. Now I'm finding myself nostalgic for older times, when I was different people in different texts, so here I am.
Hey, how's it going? Welcome to our little corner! I hope you find what you are looking for here. Don't forget to check out the Help Desk as well as the Rules (both found on the main Forums page) so you can get approved and up and posting in no time!

You have a cool RP background. What sort of stories and genres are you most interested in right now?
Hello and welcome! I’m super new here too, but everyone has been great so far. I look forward to seeing you around!
Hi there. I am geniusinmath. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the STC family. We hope you have a wonderful time.