New User Good Night



am another from iwaku. The site is going into a direction I personally do not enjoy and I have had trouble finding projects of interest for quite some time now.

I usually strictly keep to myself and the few roleplays I am involved into and been involved into forum roleplays for a couple of years now (9th of April 2014). Originally I gotten into roleplay by the Rollplays YT series, that used to be pleasant to watch back then, not so much now.

My most fun roleplay experience is one I currently have on iwaku within a small group. The character I have has seen major personality developements and I am very happy with where she is and where she is going atm.

Genres I enjoy are varied and can range from roman times to anime to sci fi to fantasy to post apocalyptic, pretty much everything, including Libertine. The only downside to this rather varied list is that I tend to avoid roleplays that feel too normal, something that I have seen too often and simply lost it's appeal to me.

My best personality trait is probably my loyalty to projects, my want to add something unique and my rational thinking. My worst are that I can be very condescending, stubborn and overbearing in rare ocasions.

Quite tired now, so I am off to going to sleep. It is almost 2 am now Dx.
*evil laughter*

Yes... The third player has arrived and now my Gm spell is complete! We will claim STC as our own and rebuild a new world in the name of Iskoria, he of existence! HAIL ILLOS. HAIL ENDURN.

lol hey white. Welcome along. Once you get approved I'll give you the links to the rp.. Maybe you can find some new 1x1s here too!
@Mowkie and @Rainjay come join in the blood ritual! Er... I mean, welcome our White to STC...
The couple of 1x1 I tried.... honestly disappointed me.

First impression of the website is pretty good. The presence of a "discussion" forum already shows thought was given into seperating roleplay from the whole drama that is different opinions and ignorance.

*mumbles incoherently from under pillows*
*knocks on the pillows and yells* I can't hear you! Do I need to get the dynamite to explode you out? q.q
Welcome to the site! Hope to see ye around, cheers! Ask away through PM if ye got any questions!
Welcome! You talked about disliking RPs that felt too "normal", and I'm curious if you'd be willing to go into more detail. Loyalty is the characteristic I value above all else, and I'm quite used to condescending, stubborn and overbearing players, heh. I'm looking to start up a handful of RPs of different types, and want to hit the spectrum of casual, finite, Epic, and a few 1x1s, so if you're at all interested then let me know what you're looking for!