Greetings, all!

Hello everyone! I'm new to the site and hoping the community on here is better than on other forums I've used. It appears so, at the moment.

I'm curious as to what specific objectives I must achieve to get approved. After I do get approved, I want to try and start a fantasy roleplay. This will be the result of 6 months of idle daydreaming and worldbuilding, hopefully manifesting into something marvelous.

If you have any advice to give to a new member, please let me know!
Welcome Storyteller. Just need to engage in the community which can be accomplished via main lobby. This can usually be achieved in less than a day! I look forward to your RP! Please feel free to check out my RP in my signature below. :)

Heya, Highprince, and welcome to STC, where we finally have an OSHA-approved work environment. We swear this time!

You'll wanna check out the Main Lobby and the Writer's Circle and get to know the users here by posting there, there are some other places in the Community Forums that are good for posting to right now. Just show your interest and try meet some new people and eventually the grace period will be over.

You have any tasty tidbits about your fantasy setting that you wouldn't mind teasing us with so we have something to look forward to?
A brief bio of the world. The region it's set in has a thin ozone layer, so solar radiation is quite prevalent. A side effect of this is myriad and frequent mutations of many flora and fauna. One such example is a tall grass that's ravaged a sizeable portion of the planet. It's functionally inedible, fast-spreading, and it kills most other plants. Much of civilization in these regions live in the Towers. Each one houses around two hundred thousand people, and is a sort of living entity. It provides water from the air and has bioluminescent stone. They're the result of an older civilization which previously controlled the area (Not apocalyptic. Think post-Dark Ages Roman cities). There's also an innate magic system which everyone has access to. It encompasses the 15 abilities of fire, water, earth, air, life, steam, metal, lightning, flesh, clay, ice, plants, dust, beasts, avians, and the senses. The setting is influenced by Mediterranean and Middle Eastern culture.
I really like the civilization living in towers idea. Do they interact with other towers easily? Is travelling through the long grass easy or is it dangerous to return to the earth? Is the magic use advanced? With libraries and schools? Or is it still basic?
Towers do interact with each other, as some are part of coalitions or kingdoms. Travel is difficult in many cases, but a few have established roads between them. The long grass isn't always dangerous, but very little of it is settled by people. Magic use depends upon the person. The only way to grow in skill is to grow older or kill another. Therefore, much of it is simply mastering what you can do rather than growing stronger. Schools exist, but they aren't really "mage schools". Someone with clay proficiency would learn how to use that in art and construction. Lightning and flesh proficients are often desired in military academies. Avian proficients often serve as couriers.