New User Hello there, my people!


Professional Dork
Heya folks! I'm Cerulean (or you can call me Ceru, if you'd prefer), and I'm new to this particular site! The name of this community was what caught my eye; it really appeals to me.
I've been roleplaying for around... a year and a half? Somewhere around there.
Writing is and always will be my passion: it allows freedom of thought and expression that reality just can't.
I adore Disney songs: I will sing them, hum them, talk about them incessantly if allowed, and so on and so forth. DISNEY.

Favorite TV shows: Merlin, Sherlock, Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, Heroes (still need to finish it), Star Trek (Next Generation, Voyager), etc.
Favorite manga: Fullmetal Alchemist, xxxHolic, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Fruits Basket, From Far Away, Shaman King, Bakuman, etc.
Favorite movies: The Sound of Music, Inception, Moulin Rouge, Les Miserables, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Anastasia, Tangled, Finding Dory, The Little Mermaid, etc.
Favorite books (oh lordy, here we go-): Hope Was Here, The Count of Monte Cristo, A Little Princess, Pygmalion, Great Expectations, Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda, Boys Don't Knit (In Public), the Percy Jackson series, the Kane Chronicles, Still Water, the Ranger's Apprentice series, and I could go on for hours!

I am very conscious of my grammar and spelling while I'm writing, whether it be on my own or in a roleplay; one could definitely call me a perfectionist at times (trying to work on that). I do not roleplay fandoms, despite me being a part of FAR too many, as the above lists make obvious! I write descriptively: no script formatting for me. I do my best to match my roleplay reply lengths to my partner's. If I screw up and ask a million questions about how things work, I'm really sorry: I just want to do things properly the first time.

ANYWAY, this is getting far too lengthy. I hope to become a part of this community and improve as a writer from being here! Thanks for dealing with my rambling! :emoji_sweat_smile:
Oh, I should probably include this as well, considering this is a roleplaying site and all-
I can roleplay pretty much any genre (mostly as male characters), but my preferred genres include: realistic, supernatural, mystery, suspense, and a dash of romance every now and again.
Hello and welcome! I'm new too, but this place seems like it's going to be a lot of fun so far, and I hope you like it here! :)
Wassup! The Count of Monte Cristo was one of my first favorites! My mother bought me a fancy edition when I was 7 years old. I stared at it blankly until I got older and could actually understand the literature. And the magic of Spirited Away definitely kept my childhood alive, Miyazaki is a great master of his trade. Boobydont Clambearsnatch is a great actor, and I loved him in Sherlock. And Dr. Strange.

It's nice to meet you, hope we can RP sometime!
Welcome to the site! Hope to chat and roleplay with you soon! Staaar Wars..
Wassup! The Count of Monte Cristo was one of my first favorites! My mother bought me a fancy edition when I was 7 years old. I stared at it blankly until I got older and could actually understand the literature. And the magic of Spirited Away definitely kept my childhood alive, Miyazaki is a great master of his trade. Boobydont Clambearsnatch is a great actor, and I loved him in Sherlock. And Dr. Strange.

It's nice to meet you, hope we can RP sometime!
Cool, someone else that's read it! My dad has this really pretty copy with the gilded paper and stuff, which I pretty much revered as a child because it was just so shiny- didn't actually read and appreciate it until I was about thirteen. I love Miyazaki's works, and Studio Ghibli as a whole: one of my favorite companies in film. I actually need to see Doctor Strange, though- I've been told several times that it's really good!
Likewise- you seem like a cool human! ^.^
Welcome to the site! Hope to chat and roleplay with you soon! Staaar Wars..
Thanks, same to you! And y e s, I love the Star Wars franchise... although I never really got into the Revenge of the Sith... not sure why I didn't like it as much. Oh well!
New Storytellers for the win! Judging from what you wrote, we have a lot of things in common. I'm so conscious of my grammar and spelling while I'm writing too, thus a perfectionist in a way. As a result, it always takes soooo much time until I'm done with a reply, it's ridiculous ;;

Fun fact: I love Tangled too, it's so adorable. I prefer it 1938932123% more than Frozen (I really don't like it eh) and it's too damn sad that it didn't receive just as much attention D;