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Phantom Glimmer

She was Just A Glimmer.
It has been a while since I have last explored an online community or participated in a roleplay so you'll have to excuse my first few moments of being rusty. That aside, hello, I'm Phantom Glimmer or Phantom if you would like a roleplayer of sixteen years save for a couple of years where I took a break to gather fresh ideas and work on solo writing. Coming from a break, I searched Topsites and found you all there so here I am hoping to dive back into creating collaborative stories with others. While I do tend to get busy outside of the online scene rest assured I have time set to write.

Now let me see. I enjoy various genres. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Medieval, Supernatural, Modern, Post Apocalypse to name some. Not too into Fandoms though sometimes I may get the itch for them but the story would be loosely based on the source material and no canons at all. Sorry. I also don't mind romance just so long as it is a side plot.

When I'm not working or spending time with the family I game. Thoroughly pleased with The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series. I just finished 3 and eagerly wait for 4 which cross our fingers will see a western release this year. I have Death Stranding and Days Gone in my inventory among other games to keep me satisfied and my love of The Witcher series on Netflix has brought about my Avatar and the books.

Well, that's about it. For now. Catch you later.
Hey there! We're always happy to see a new face roll up in. Especially a Witcher fan (I'm not at all biased in that, I swear)... (okay maybe a little biased).

You hit on all of my favorite genres too, so I'm definitely interested to see what you have on the horizon there if you get the mind to start any roleplays of your own up. Currently dealing with a little bit of that 'busy outside of the online' myself, but always happy to see more roleplays opening up around the place.

On a more official note though, are you finding everything alright so far? Need any assistance or have any questions for us?
Howdy Phantom, and welcome to Storyteller's Circle! Rest assured, we'll definitely look the other way while you work the rust off. Can't think of anyone among us who has not had to go through that "Wait, I can actually make words right?" phase of getting back in the saddle. Certainly glad you found us; I hope you'll have a good time here, and I'm sure you'll find yourself in plenty of company on the same boat as we all gear ourselves back into the game.

If you have any questions or need any help with anything don't hesitate to ask.
Hey there! We're always happy to see a new face roll up in. Especially a Witcher fan (I'm not at all biased in that, I swear)... (okay maybe a little biased).

You hit on all of my favorite genres too, so I'm definitely interested to see what you have on the horizon there if you get the mind to start any roleplays of your own up. Currently dealing with a little bit of that 'busy outside of the online' myself, but always happy to see more roleplays opening up around the place.

On a more official note though, are you finding everything alright so far? Need any assistance or have any questions for us?
A fellow Witcher fan, awesome! I can't wait for the second season of it.
Oh, I have a couple of ideas in the works along with some old ones I stand to spruce up a bit before posting them. That also includes a request thread eventually.
I am finding everything pretty much okay. I don't have any questions at the moment but thank you for asking. If I do I will make sure to ask. Thank you.

Howdy Phantom, and welcome to Storyteller's Circle! Rest assured, we'll definitely look the other way while you work the rust off. Can't think of anyone among us who has not had to go through that "Wait, I can actually make words right?" phase of getting back in the saddle. Certainly glad you found us; I hope you'll have a good time here, and I'm sure you'll find yourself in plenty of company on the same boat as we all gear ourselves back into the game.

If you have any questions or need any help with anything don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you kindly! Whew! I was worried for a minute. I'll be ready to go in a few.
I admit I haven't played through the games, but I loved watching Dash playing through Witcher 3. That game was really what got me into the whole setting/lore of the Witcher universe. We're waiting for season 2 of the netflix show as well :p

Anyways, wanted to let you know that we've gone ahead and approved your account. The trophy may not show up immediately, but you should be good to enter the roleplay areas of the forums now.
Welcome to STC. Its good to see a new face with experience around. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm just the resident grump, but I don't bite usually.
I admit I haven't played through the games, but I loved watching Dash playing through Witcher 3. That game was really what got me into the whole setting/lore of the Witcher universe. We're waiting for season 2 of the netflix show as well :p

Anyways, wanted to let you know that we've gone ahead and approved your account. The trophy may not show up immediately, but you should be good to enter the roleplay areas of the forums now.
There's nothing wrong with that. I actually played a little bit of W3 Wild Hunt before my husband got his hands on it though I might give it a go again if time permits me as I believe there's over 200 hours of gameplay.

Thank you! I appreciate it. I'm still working on a request thread. You know how ideas keep coming? Yeah, just flowing like a river over here.

Welcome to STC. Its good to see a new face with experience around. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm just the resident grump, but I don't bite usually.
Hey! Thank you! Nice to meet you, Knosis.

Don't listen to her. She totally bites.
I shall remember that lol.
Aaaaagh!!!! I didn't get to you before everyone else. We could say the best was saved for last. I too enjoy science fiction stuff. I'll be more than pleased to look at your roleplay requests/suggestions when you post them. Do you typically like to engage in 1x1 roleplays or multi player role plays?
Welcome new person, happy to see new people joining the site. :)
Thank you very much!
Aaaaagh!!!! I didn't get to you before everyone else. We could say the best was saved for last. I too enjoy science fiction stuff. I'll be more than pleased to look at your roleplay requests/suggestions when you post them. Do you typically like to engage in 1x1 roleplays or multi player role plays?
But you got to me, that's what matters. Alright, sounds like a plan. I'm more of a 1x1 roleplayer. I have done groups but I prefer 1x1.
Hoooray!!! I'm a much better 1x1 player. Posts feel more substantial in 1x1 roleplays. At least I think so.
If you're looking for a 1x1 let me know. I think you're already approved, right?
I am approved and I am looking. I did get up a request thread. By any chance did you have one as well? We can see what we're looking to do and collaborate on ideas.