New User Hey!



My name is Cody, I am 23 years old and have been roleplaying for a few years now. While it has been a few months since I have engaged in any posts, I was once apart of a site known as the keep. I enjoy a wide scale of role-play, from Medieval fantasy to modern day realistic settings. I love experimenting with new types, and i've been engaged in multiple different genres since I have started. I have a strong attraction to realistic role-play(whether that involves post-apocalyptic or simple gang/crime based Rps)

I'm a pretty friendly guy, so feel free to shoot me a message or comment and get involved with a conversation! Looking forward to joining this community and I hope I can find a place to fit in!
Well it seemed the old site failed to... keep, you there! XD

Anyways, I tend to try to ask some ice breaker questions in these threads... To get things flowing.

1. What was your favourite RP memory?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. What compelled you to make your Avatar four mouths and... I think that's technically two tongues? o_O
Well it seemed the old site failed to... keep, you there! XD

Anyways, I tend to try to ask some ice breaker questions in these threads... To get things flowing.

1. What was your favourite RP memory?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. What compelled you to make your Avatar four mouths and... I think that's technically two tongues? o_O

Haha, I see what you did! Punny.

1: Um, for a few years I had GM'd an incredible roleplay based off a post-apocalyptic setting that followed the stories of young demi-gods looking to restore order back to the world once the previous gods had lost life due to a cataclysm that had been broken open by Titans of all shapes and sizes.

2: Good question... My first thought is, dry ice? It's so cold that if you touch it, it burns the skin XD

3: Honestly, I was just messing with the filter on my Macbook and thought it looked interesting. That's actually just one tongue, the filter is just a trip.

1.Sci-fi or Fantasy
2.Magic or Melee
3.Favorite font type text.

1.Sci-fi or Fantasy
2.Magic or Melee
3.Favorite font type text.

1: Hm, I would definitely say fantasy, but at the same time it depends on the elements of the RP involved. Like... Certain types of Sci-fi will intrigue me more then certain types of Fantasy. Kinda all depends, but I tend to play more Fantasy then I do Sci-fi!

2: This is an answer simular to the first one, it depends on the role-play. Although, I would have to say Melee is more interesting to me! I enjoy playing roleplays involving demi-gods and things such as that. My two favorites are Demi-god related, and real life crime syndicate spins that offer emotional twists and a touch of real life struggles.

3: That's a good question, but i'm not sure. Times New Roman so far seems to be what I use the most, I come from a site where it wasn't really a choice on the font type. Although, I love the way Italics look haha (I know that's not a font). I guess I will have to experiment a bit more with my options! Can't go wrong with New Roman it seems.
Friendly advice to get approval just be active in the Main Lobby Forum since your new and don't have access to RP post yet preferably if you can get 15-30 messages out
1: Um, for a few years I had GM'd an incredible roleplay based off a post-apocalyptic setting that followed the stories of young demi-gods looking to restore order back to the world once the previous gods had lost life due to a cataclysm that had been broken open by Titans of all shapes and sizes.

2: Good question... My first thought is, dry ice? It's so cold that if you touch it, it burns the skin XD

3: Honestly, I was just messing with the filter on my Macbook and thought it looked interesting. That's actually just one tongue, the filter is just a trip.

Sorry for the late reply, stuff came up. ^^'

1. I haven't seen demi-gods get merged with Post-Apocalypse often (though really the concept of Apocalypse sort of has roots in Religions... So it'd be a natural fit XD), sounds interesting.

2. I really need to see what in the world this "Dry ice" is with everyone always answering that. XD

3. Well I know it's actually one tongue, but it's two in the photo. Four technically if you don't count the fact their merging.
Hi and great to see a new member. I know I'm a few days late. However, I noticed that you like to do realistic stuff. Yay! That means you're part of a special group. There are few of us here that I know of. Welcome aboard.