New User Hi there


New Member
Hi everyone

Thanks very much for letting me on this site! I'm 27 from the UK. I've been roleplaying for....erm, well many years (since I've lost count) and I like using roleplaying to help me flesh out my ideas to turn them into novels one day.

I like doing slice of life roleplays as well as historical ones (depending on the era) so you'll find most of the ideas about that. I do like writing back story and exploring what has happened before the actual starting point and I love OCC posts where I can bring up ideas and throw random ones around to see what my partner likes.

I work so I try to reply as soon as I get a notification but because of the industry I work in, sometimes that can be difficult. I will probably reply between 8:30-9am and then come back online around 5:30pm when I get home and then until I go to bed.

Erm, apart from that, I think that's it.

Thanks once again!
Another UK person!!

*wraps them up in a bubble to keep them safe and puts them with the other UK peoples she's collected*

Sorry, I'm a little crazy :)

But hello, AwakeningDesire and welcome to STC. Great to have you here and hope you enjoy. If you need any help with things just holla! Most of us have school or jobs, I work a lot, so only have a set time that I can reply to things as well, so don't worry about it!


Another UK person!!

*wraps them up in a bubble to keep them safe and puts them with the other UK peoples she's collected*

Sorry, I'm a little crazy :)

But hello, AwakeningDesire and welcome to STC. Great to have you here and hope you enjoy. If you need any help with things just holla! Most of us have school or jobs, I work a lot, so only have a set time that I can reply to things as well, so don't worry about it!



Haha, us British people have to stick together.

Many thanks!