How Green Becomes Wood

Dark nodded sincerely at Lance's compliment, because he worked hard to keep their home clean. He worked hard at it, and deeply feared when Ivy became mobile. It was already more difficult to keep things clean with her.

When Lance asked to speak with them alone, though, Daizi's stomach dropped and Dark silently prepared himself, "What has happened this time?" He asked, trying not to be off-putting.
Lance turned to face them and raised a hand. "I'm going to start with the fact that neither your fostering nor your adoption proceedings are at any risk right now, and I seriously doubt ever. But. An uncle has stepped forward. The younger brother of their bio dad. He came forward a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't want to say anything until after we'd checked him out to ensure he was who he said he was. You wouldn't believe the number of cranks we get, but he's the real deal."
"His brother?" Daizi asked, torn between shocked and incredulous, and despite trying to think of literally anything else, asked, "Why? I mean, we knew he had them, and I know that one relative being a bad person doesn't imply anything about you, but... Why?"

Dark glanced up towards the stairs, "Stepped forward how?"
Lance scratched his beard. "Apparently, bio dad got into contact with him recently, and he had no idea about the twins before then. His words were, he just wants to make sure that they are being taken care of. He said he'd like to meet them and see how they are, but he is willing to meet with their current guardians first and let it unfold from there."

The twins hadn't fully left the stairs. They were up out of sight, but they were still listening in as best they could.
Dark nodded slowly and then rubbed his face with one hand, sitting back. Then he sighed a long, tired sigh, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "That is entirely their call if they want to meet him. If they do not want to meet him, that is all which matters."

"It would probably be worth us talking to them, at least," Daizi said, after a moment, "even if they don't want to meet him, just so he knows they're okay and that we're good people and he doesn't have to drive himself crazy with worry, if he would."
"It's your call," Lance said seriously. "If you want, I can be the go-between so he never has your personal information. He seemed nice enough when I talked to him, but," he shrugged, "people can be complicated at best. If you want, I can give you his number, or I can just tell him you're interested in meeting with him and work out the details from there."
Dark looked at Daizi, who was trying her best to figure out what to do, and then he requested Lance give them a moment before discussing between themselves, in Arabic, what they should do about it.
"Take all the time you need," Lance assured them. He checked his watch. "I have half an hour before I have to leave for my next appointment, but if you need more time, you can call me later." He walked off to study one of the decorations and give them as much privacy as he could. He couldn't understand a word of Arabic, but it would still be awkward if he stood there staring and waiting.
They spoke for awhile, trying to stay mostly on topic about just the two of them meeting him, to put his fears aside, and at last Daizi said, "It's probably easier if we contact him ourselves, adding a middle man seems over complicated. But it would be helpful if you let him know we'll contact him."

"What is his name?" Dark asked, "Do you... know, anything about him?"
"His name," Lance said, digging out his notebook, "is Tristan Walsh. He's twenty-nine, and he lives here in town. I don't know any other solid facts, but in the brief conversations I've had with him, it doesn't sound like he's in close contact with his brother."
"Twenty nine..." Dark repeated on his exhale. For some reason, more than anything else, that stood out to him. That was young. He'd only have been thirteen when the twins were born, he was almost halfway between himself and them.

"We'll reach out to him," Daizi said, pushing her hair back. It was a good thing, ultimately. She knew that, the twins deserved to know their relatives, or have the choice to know them, at least.
Lance copied the number onto a blank page of his notebook and tore it out. "Here's his number," he said, handing it toward Dark. "I'll let him know to expect your call, and I wish you the best. I really do. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"I do not think so," Dark answered, staring down at the number, "Thank you. And thank you for telling us about this," lifted up the number and then tucked it into his pocket before standing, intending to walk him to the door, "Do you need to speak with our sons again?"
"Nah, not unless they want me to say goodbye." Lance stood and moved toward the door, but he paused and glanced around. "You know, I know you're not going to miss me, but I'm going to miss stopping by this place. It's like the brightest ray of sunshine in the darkest packaging I'd ever seen." He raised his voice slightly and called. "I'm off. See ya, boys!"

"Bye, Lance!" Alec called from the top of the stairs only to be hastily shushed by Xander.

Lance grinned at Dark. "Looks like you won't have much to catch them up on, eh? I'll probably see you a time or two before your adoption is final, so I'll see you later, sir." He offered Dark a handshake before heading off to his motorcycle.
"We aren't going to miss being visited by CPS," Daizi corrected with a little smile, "You as an individual is different."

Dark turned towards the stairs with his full body, arms crossed, "Somehow, I find that unsurprising." Then he turned back to Lance, shook his hand, and said, "We will see you then, although I cannot deny being glad for when the visits are behind us."
Lance chuckled, unoffended. "I'll see you around, Mr. Dark." He headed off, leaving the family to absorb the new information on their own.

Alec and Xander slowly crept down the stairs after the front door closed, but they didn't say anything immediately. They stood close together, Alec looking apprehensive and Xander a touch belligerent.
"Most of it, I think," Alec admitted, following them. Xander didn't say anything as they walked over and sat down side by side facing Daizi. "There's... and uncle? Apparently?"
"Declan told you that he had brothers," Daizi reminded them as she sat, "apparently his name is Tristan, he is twenty nine, and he wanted to, hopefully, meet you, which is your decision, of course."

Dark nodded in agreement with his wife and then said, "Daizi and myself are going to speak with him on the phone, maybe meet him, regardless, just so he can know you are taken care of, because Lance said that was his major concern."
"Not interested," Xander said flatly. "Not interested in any of that family."

Alec was slower to respond. He clasped Xander's hand gently and said, "I think I might be, possibly, if you are willing to meet him first and feel him out," he said slowly. He looked at Xander. "He's family. Kind of. I think he deserves to at least be heard out since he was nice enough to not try barging in or anything like that. If he's a jerk, we'll know it soon enough."

Xander looked at his brother. "Yeah, but things are finally calming down, and why are we going to put them," he nodded toward Dark and Daizi, "through all that again?"

Alec just shrugged.