New User Howdy!


Hey folks!

Persona here or any other variations you may so choose to call me if it remains in good tastes.

While I've been writing and roleplaying for quite some time, I consider myself an ongoing improver of writing in general. I like many different types of genres and try not to lock myself in. Things get pretty stale on the muse if I do that.

Anyway, it's great to be here, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all!
Hey, Persona! And welcome to STC. Maybe we can do a 1x1 sometime after your account's approved. Hope to see you around!
Hello and thank you for the welcome!

I would most certainly be interested whenever that approval shall be. In the meantime, patience and prowling about on my end!
The staff is pretty on top of things, so it shouldn't be too long. It gives some time to plot in advance and get your bearings in the forums. The latter of which you certainly have down.
Definitely does. I think I'm getting a pretty good layout of the land. Especially on how to format interests checks and what not.
Greetings, I, Trust, would like to humbly greet and help you slide more smoothly into the site known as Storyteller's circle, also known as STC.

Hi, I am Trust, a please to meet you Persona! And welcome to the site.

Yo waddup, it's the generally unlikable and probably annoying Trust here.

^^ pick a greeting, any greeting.
Each greeting is pretty unique. I can hardly choose!

But hello Trust and thank you for the welcome! Those who I've talked to so far have been pretty nice. Major plus.
Most people on here are nice, I don't think I've met anyone mean on here at all, actually xD
Hello and welcome to STC! I hope you will enjoy your stay here! If you need any help or have any questions feel free to send me a pm!