New User I hit it with my me!


New Member
Pronouns are very possessive things. Or, at least, they can be. My me is no exception. It's been called stubborn, too, if you can believe it! It's also been at the writing and rp thing for longer than it wants to admit, methinks. Concordantly (my me also loves big words), I think it important to note that my me is also a little long-winded and, from time to time, likes to think it's high-minded (usually in the midst of its high-minded long-windedness). My me is also not unaccustomed to inventing words (such as "windedness"), and meandering through the nature of paradox and double negatives, especially in the interest of furthering the common colloquiallist's cause, alliteratively or otherwise. My me also, figuratively and otherwise, dabbles in doodling, though the time for such troubles is sadly something my me recently rarely finds itself fortunately fitting into its supposedly successful schedule.

That said, happy to open a new door for this me. See you all 'round.
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