Ages Eternal [IC] (Ages Eternal) Obus

Ílluminaë was intrigued by the land's beauty and was busy strolling through the grassy plains when she suddenly felt a presence; something she had not yet felt before. Her eyes twinkling of anticipation she turned around; her beautiful dress waving in the soft wind as she looked upon the god in front of her. She smiled gently and said; "That's is a good name; it suits you." She then chuckled happily and pulled a strain of white hair out of her face as she continued; "My name is Ílluminaë, it's a pleasure to meet you, Refcaskha." Small, white sparks fluttered around her as she looked at the god in front of her.


Meanwhile Tauren felt the presence similar but yet so much different from Ílluminaë's. She didn't give it much thought, knowing that her goddess would keep them save.
Refcaskha's curved head nodded, before looking around. "You are a new god." He states. "But you are also my younger sister, and thus I am inclined to amicable relations." He continues. Under his feet, the blades of grass turned silver and gold, the land underneath rich with minerals. A small gift, but one that would aid the new goddess and her people, whatever they were. But first, as the elder sibling, he needed to lay down some rules.

"There are not many rules, but what there are must be followed. First is No fighting. This is a land of peace, and the residents are tired from the war in the northern continent. Let them rest. Second is that if Obus is ever threatened, you come to me immediately. We will defend our land. Third is to leave Mortals alone. You may guide your people, aid them, but if I hear about any coming to harm or being used for violent means I will not hesitate to attack with my own."

After finishing, he nods again. "I hope you will remember them, little one. Now, if there anything I can do to aid you, or shall I return to my own island to check on my people?"
Ílluminaë continued smiling and her eyes somewhat widened at the sight of the enriched landscape. She chuckled and said; "A fine gift, thankyou." She bowed her head slightly in appreciation and stepped forward to curiously feel the newly appeared grass, the silver producing a sound as she touched it; clear and pleasant. She laughed happily; enriching her appearance. "So you are my brother? How delightful!" She said and chuckled happily.

When Refcaskha told her about this land being one of peace she simply smiled and continued to look at the silver and gold grasses. However, when Refcaskha told her about the people being tired of war she immediately stood up and looked at him; her blue eyes filled with sadness; "It explains the terror i felt when i walked around. The death... it has scarred these lands." She stepped forward and looked Refcaskha in the eyes, one hand on her chest as she asked; "You lost many..." She slowly stepped back and thought about what she was told for a while before saying; "Now i am certain that i gifted my children the right tools to bring back the light." She then smiled; feeble and small now that she knew what had happened. When her brother warned her to leave mortals alone and not to harm- or use them for violent means her expression hardened; "I would never, ever hurt my own children or allow them to harm innocents." Her expression then lightened up; shocked by her own dark behavior she smiled again as she continued; "My children are still young. They will make mistakes, but the wisdom in them will allow them to learn. You'll find them to be... intriguing."

She then relaxed; chuckling before saying; "Of-course i will remember. I rarely forget anything." She then quickly stepped forward and hugged her brother; glad she was no longer alone. When she stepped back she said; "No, i currently require no help." She then quickly shoved another strain of purely white hair out of her face.
A flock of flying creatures was seen north of obus; Part bird, part human women of exquisite beauty. The Flock numbered 300 strong atleast. Landing in a small northern island, the Sirens were home. Settling here, the 300 hundred had little trouble domesticate the animals who detected their musk, and built lovely little homes for each of them; a decent sized village was soon in place.

Something was missing, the Sirens would realize. They were stagnate. They had no way to expand, and little food. One of their number, Aludine, believed she had the answer: The people of Tuaru send their men out everyday to fish, carrying home food in their vessels. Her plan was simple; The sailors would give up their food, they have plenty anyways. It's not like the men need so much, when Sirens are starving. What have they done? And what have the Sirens done? Aludine argued that the Sirens deserve that food, possibly more.

So a group of sirens was formed to seek out a boat and request they give them some of it.
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With slightly awkward movements, Refcaskha returned the hug. The god's time on this earth had been one chaotic moment after another, being born, creating a race, guiding them, the war. To just... be peaceful for a second was... amazing. Stepping back, the God listens to his little sister before nodding, re growing back to his titanic size and making his was back over to his land. Along the way, he saw some of those creatures Eellae had created hanging around. He should get someone to offer them a home. Maybe with the golems? Problems for another time. Now, he just needed to rest.

Refcaskha reverted back into his Crimson form, and began to float back up to his Perch. High above Kaubus Citadel, he floated. He had always come here when he had nothing to do, but this time would be different. He would be visiting the Sleeping One for the first time.

Since the war had ended and they had gone home, the Sleeping One had returned to her realm, leaving her titanic statue in the city of Tuaru, which the humans were beginning to build a grand temple of midnight blue around. A few of her order were already popping up, calling themselves 'Dreamwalkers', although he had yet to see if the Sleeping One had given them any blessings. Once again, for another time.

Refcaskha closes his eyes, and went to sleep.
Ílluminaë watched as her brother walked off into the distance. She suddenly felt all alone again, but the knowledge that she had a brother filled her with hoop. "I'll see you again soon, brother..." She whispered and sat down amidst the silver and golden grass and flowers.

As she was seated she concentrated; using her divine power to try and find out more about where she was. She was simply overwhelmed by what she found; people of all sorts and sizes. She found a huge mountain; in and on it a bustling city. She knew she had to send somebody to make contact; alone her children would be unable to survive; together they might just thrive. So she contacted Tauren when she felt that she was in distress and told her about the kingdom of strange, new people.


Tauren was overseeing the construction of the temple. It had come pretty far in the time since she had felt a similar presence; the ground around the place of the big pillar was layered with intricate patterns of silver-infused stone, reflecting the sun's light at day and the moon's at night. The elven crafts- men and women were busy day and night to build their temple. The foundations of the arches were laid out in stone and the first of several outlaying buildings were planned. Several elves were busy drawing plans for a complicated water system and those skilled in magic were preparing the lights that would be fitted into the Children's Pillars. They would cast a comfortable blue light down onto the silver patterns in the floor. Everyone was busy and Tauren felt proud that her people had managed to do so much in so little time.

She then saw Anya; on her knees in front of where the big pillar would be placed. A blue and white aura surrounded her as she prepared the foundations to receive the magically enhanced pillar. Anya was gifted in the art of magic, the divine kind in particular. Tauren didn't know why or how, but she knew that Anya would someday be a important person in the elvish society.

Two elves walked towards Tauren and bowed their heads in respect before saying; "My lady, our supply of silver is running out after having infused the Inner Sanctum's floor with it. We need more to continue working on it. Anya needs it too..." They then looked at their queen; their eyes filled with respect as they waited for Tauren to reply.

Tauren however had some trouble. She did not yet know what resources she had to work with and the island was too big for her elves to explore alone. She began to feel stressed; until her eyes suddenly radiated the blue light it had before. The two elves in front of her fell on their knees and tilted their head to their queen who simply stood there.

When the light faded Tauren stepped towards the kneeling elves and smiled; "It's fine; i know what to do now. Tell nine of our finest magic users to accompany me on a quest." She wanted to turn around to go and get dressed but stopped halfway and said; "Oh, and be sure to tell them to join you in front of the temple." When she saw the elves faces she simply smiled. She knew they'd understand.

When the elves left to gather those who were strongest in magic Tauren put upon her head her crown and grabbed her cloak of woven silver and looked at herself in a glass mirror. "It'll have to do..." She said to the mirror and smiled before looking at the night's sky. She didn't have a proper place just yet. Just like all of the other elves she slept in a tent. She then graciously walked towards the temple and when she noticed the small group of elves, all wearing beautifully woven clothing she smiled. She told the two elves who came before her earlier to wait before walking off to Anya. When she arrived at where she was at she gently place her hand on Anya's shoulder.

"My lady..." Anya said and bowed her head in respect when she felt her queen's hand on her shoulder.

"Would you please accompany me? I need to make contact with new people and need you there..." She smiled and patted her shoulder; "You know the most about the silver and how to infuse it." She saw the look on Anya's face and it made her smile; Anya was delighted.

"Certainly, my lady." She said and stood up. She too was wearing the same beautifully woven clothing as the other elves. The only difference was the small silver headband Tauren had gifted to her. She then turned and followed Tauren who already walked towards the other eleven elves and remained silent.

When Tauren arrived she told the group of elves about their destination; "We will be leaving for a new land to meet another king or queen to get their help." She saw how the elves nodded and readied themselves. They seemed eager to get going, so Tauren began to walk into the direction of the mountain of which she had received a divine vision.

After a long walk they finally reached what seemed to be a path made by another civilization. Tauren turned around to her little group of elves and smiled before noting; "It won't be much further. We will arrive soon!" She smiled; her crown burning with pure light ever so bright as they began to follow the path towards what seemed to be a gigantic mountain.

Anya gasped before looking at her queen and said; "My lady, it is so big; how does anyone live there?" Her voice trembled; filled with fear of the darkness.

"I do not know, Anya. But soon we will find out, and when we do it'll be a new milestone for our people." She smiled after saying the latter and continued on the path towards the gigantic mountain.

Some of the elves gasped as they reached the food of the mountain. Never before had they seen anything like it. Tauren turned around and chuckled; "See? We have reached the mountain. Now let's continue; i am sure we have already been noticed." She then continued to walk towards what seemed to be a huge gate, flanked by two creatures and another on top. She had no idea what to think of all of it.

but Anya did know something, so she whispered to her queen; "My lady, these lands are... they are filled with magic. I can just feel it." She held an hand against her head; somewhat dizzy because of the overwhelming, new magic that came pouring in.

"I know, Anya..." Tauren noted and chuckled; "And i feel it too..." They then arrived in front of the huge gate and waited. Behind Tauren stood the elves; lined up in two rows, their stature gracious and their faces friendly. Tauren herself was happy they had reached their destination and her heart was aching in anticipation...
As the elves stood outside the gates of Kaubus Citadel, they were met with silence. Then, one by one, they appeared. Beings of silver, illuminated by the white light of Tauren's crown. They emerged from the darkness, their large forms surprisingly silent as they stood outside the home of their people. They were armed with pole axes, yet they stood easy at their side.

When a significant number of the Silver beings had gathered, a being of Gold appeared in the centre of the impromptu ring around the elves, in between Tauren and the doors to the Citadel. With a bow, the Golden being opens his mouth. "Greetings, new neighbours. We were forewarned by the Balak'hurr, the Obsidian Golem, of your coming arrival when you first viewed us. Our scouts," he nods towards two smaller Silver Golems at the rear of the elven party. "Confirmed this statement two days ago."

"The Golden King wishes to speak with you, to greet you and your race, and to learn of your intentions." He continues. Turning around he claps his hands once, the sound booming out into the silence. A second or two after doing so two Magma Golems, glowing a crimson red contained by their obsidian selves, appeared on either side of the Citadel gates.

Placing their hands upon the gate, the elves are greeted by the sight of the Golems on the right and left begin to glow a bright silver and gold respectively, their outlines slowly filling up to depict a picture of the two forms holding the doors apart. The Magma Golem on top filled with magma, depicting a serene face as the doors slowly began to grind open, the sound of titanic chains being hauled accompanying a wave of heated air strong enough to ruffle the clothes of the elves.

Walking toward the entrance, the Golden Golem turns and holds both arms out from his sides, hands turned towards the Elves. "Welcome, to Kaubus Citadel! Our king eagerly awaits you."
Tauren remained silent, unwilling to upset their gracious hosts in any way. When the gold being appeared Tauren bowed her head in respect, she smiled gently when she heard how all of the other elves also bowed their heads.

Both Tauren and Anya looked in awe as the stone doors began to move. Still gracious as ever they withstood the scorching heat as it blew into their faces. Tauren's cloak fluttered into the hot wind and her eyes were widened in awe. When the doors were fully opened she slowly began to walk; Anya close behind.

Tauren stopped right in front of the golden being, and as the being welcomed them into what he called the 'Kaubus Citadel', Tauren bowed her head once more and now, with a voice as clear as silver and as pleasant as a mid-day's sun she said; "Your words of kindness are much appreciated and welcomed.-" She quickly eye'd Anya, who had put her hand against her left temple again, before continuing; "We shall meet with your king. Could you please be so kind as to lead us to your ruler?" She asked; her eyes emanating a weak blue light as she looked at Anya. The other elves noticed it and wanted to fall down on their knees but Tauren immediately gestured not to and follow her. She still smiled, however. She also realized it must have looked rather weird that the mere sight of a light in her eyes was a reason for other elves to fall on their knees.

Tauren turned to Anya and carefully laid a hand on her shoulder before asking; "Is it overwhelming you?" She then smiled at her and continued; "Trust in our goddess. She will guide us through." She then looked at the golden being before pushing a strain of her white hair out of her face and under her crown of light.
The Golden Noble, Belra'Domush, nodded at the leader's request. "Yes, I have been tasked with that duty. Follow me." He says, the Silver Golems forming up around the elves and guiding them into the Citadel. As they entered, the firstt hing they would be greeted by is the sight of a large stone cavern, with a massive stone bridge arching over a chasm from which a reddish light emanated. At the end of the bridge, a path winds ip and around the corner of a central stone spire. On either side of the bridge, two Silver Golems stood guard, trying to subtly get a good look at the newcomers.

As they cross over, the elves that look down are greeted by the sight of a ring of flame and lava far, far below them. The lava almost seemed to move, before they realise that it was in fact golems themselves, working the forges along Giants, which had previously been thought to simply be particularly large chunks of stone. The Giants hauled and pulled great chains, their very presence melting stone as they carried, dragged or breathed flames into massive communal forges, where the Golems set to work smelting steel and magicked obsidian.

When the elves finish crossing over the bridge, they make their way up and around the corner. After turning it, they are greeted by a large steel door, engraved with carvings of Refcaskha and flame, that was fully open. As Belra'Domush lead the group through the doors, they are greeted by the sight of the first and largest communal area for the Golems.

Grand, sloping architecture ran along the edges of the cavernous room, engraved with symbols and pictures of the Golem people and their god. Glass, crystals and shiny metals cast the light of controlled and flowing lava in intricate and captivating ways along the walls and floor. Rivers of lava flow along the rooms and houses, providing the light needed as they made their way towards the Forge Depths. The housing looks to be naturally formed by the mountain, yet is obviously magically influenced, each house a work of art. Carved faces of the Golem people surround each entrance to the communal room, their mouths being the doorways.

And from the houses, the Golem people emerged. There were no children, as they had yet to figure out how to reproduce sexually, but it was obvious to tell who had been newly formed. Fingers were pointed, grating whispers heard as they tried to get a look at the new race. They had only ever seen humans, which at the end of the day were not that different to themselves.

Apparently these strangers were lithe and tall for a race, with pure white hair that not even Bo'Akur's silver could meet! And they came in colours, but not like them! Apparently the humans had this too, but the dark skin of the Obus natives didn't seem to ever change. Pretty sure it was a myth. These newcomers had it though! The scouts even said that they move liked rivers! Actual rivers! Not to mention, the Obsidian Golem himself had been impressed when he noticed such powerful scrying magic, immediately informing the king and reccomending a meeting. Needless to say, there was excitement in the air as crowds gathered. Waving his hand, Belra'Domush had his troops line up to form a barrier between the populace and the visitors. There would be time for gawking at a later date, right now the king had demanded their presence.

Slowly, the Elves we're guided through the halls and up, the housing becoming more and more opulent as the housing of the Gold Nobles became more prominent, or more and more eclectic if they passed through a particularly Magma influenced area.

Finally, after an exhaustive hike all the way up through the internal (and sometimes external) passages, Belra'Domush stopped outside a grand golden entrance. The entire wall it was connected to, easily 100 metres to earthier side, was heavily engraved with the short history of the Golems. To the far right, Magma Golems could be seen working upon imagery for the War of the Gods.

Turning to face the Elves, Belra'Domush spoke. "We are here. Now, before we go any further, we would ask that your most powerful mage step to the side. The Obsidian Golem wishes to meet them."
Tauren smiled and raised a hand in a polite greeting as the golem people poured out of their houses. When the Golden Goblin ordered his troops to form a barrier, Taurin asked; "Golden One, is that truly necessary? I mean, i appreciate it; but they don't seem interested in doing us any harm?" Her voice was clear and she meant what she asked.

As they walked through the halls and saw how the housing gradually became more opulent the Elves themselves were the ones looking around in awe. Anya looked at Tauren and said; "Everything here is soaked with magic. I honestly don't understand how these people can live here without having headaches..." She held a finger against her lips before chuckling; "Ofcourse, it is their magic. It would only be logical for them to be used to the magic." She then looked at Tauren and, as her face turned into one of worry she said; "We are building buildings amd other structures with magic too. We must offer a solution to ease the pain to any and all visiting mages." She also made a mental note of looking into this; surprised by her own idea.

Tauren smiled at Anya and when they arrived at the huge, impressive golden entrance they awed again. Tauren noticed the golems that were working on the wall and she decided she would have a closer look at it at later.

At the request of the Golden Golem Tauren frowned a bit; her eyes suddenly increasing in intensity. All of the Elves fell to their knees as the light increased and they all looked at their queen. Tauren looked back and smiled, gesturing them to get up. "Anya would be our most skilled mage. But she cannot go to far from me." Her eyes stopped radiating light as she looked at Anya who seemed to be in distress; "You are one of the strongest among us. Trust in the goddess and you will be fine. Call out her name to cast out the impending darkness. Go now." Tauren then looked at the Golden Golem and stepped closer towards him. "Are we now ready to meet your gracious ruler?" She said with a clear voice.

Anya, however, hesitated to leave her queen alone. "Goddess, give me strength..." She muttered and waited, standing on the side.
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As soon as Anhad stood off to the side, the two Golems working on the wall disappeared. For a few seconds, nothing happened, until they reappeared and the stone beneath the Mage's feet withdrew away from said feet and the Elf was sent down a slide of smooth, polished stone, her way lit up by glowing minerals along the way. The did not spend long in the slide, but at the rate she was going and th heat she felt she knew herself to be near the deepest part of the mountain.

Eventually, she came to a slow stop, her legs illuminated by light coming from the end of the tunnel. Shuffling the rest of her way, she eventually found herself in the middle of... a laboratory? Maybe. The walls were stone, with many runes carved into them glowing a bright orange. Desks of obsidian were everywhere, filled with floating objects, colourful liquids and gasses and what looked to be contained fire. At the end of the room was a gigantic wheel of pure black obsidian, leaning against it. It had sharp, spiked ridges and sides and stood eight Golems tall and twelve wide.

In the centre of the room was a space clear from all the clutter, and in it a Golem of almost pure Obsidian, with only arcs of flame dancing across his skin to show what he really was, stood facing Anya. Watching her. The century old being stared at her, and she at him, until finally he moved his arm toward her head. "That hurt? I can help with it. Teach you the spell

After the elves were reassured that nothing untoward happened to their mage, they were allowed into the throne room. It was... surprisingly simple, compared to the rest of the Citadel. The room was expansive, illuminated by lava trapped behind hardened glass that led down to the forges. On every wall there are carvings of the creation of their people, of the Golden King, Bo'Akur and the Obsidian Golem rising from Vengeance's Heart to lead their people, as was their god's will.

The Golden King himself sits upon a throne of Silver, Gold and Obsidian at the end of the room, an imposing presence gained from a century of ruling over his people. He sat there, watching the newcomers. As they approached, the Golems accompanying them bowed, gesturing for them to do the same. All but Tauren did. Immediately the Golden King focused upon her, the person of importance it seemed.

When the rest of the Golems stood up, they retreated to the side of the room, just beyond the pillars. Leaving the now standing elves alone. For a moment, they stood in silence, until the King spoke. "Who are you? Why have you come?" He says, his voice powerful and deep, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.
Anya's eyes widened at the - to her - ancient being and bowed her head as the Obsidian Golem touched her head. "I... I am humbled by your presence, oh ancient one." She initiated; her facial expression full of respect and awe. She then looked at him again and answered the Obsidian Golem's question; "Yes, the magic here is so different from ours that it hurts." She seemed to blush as she continued; feeling feeble and small, standing in front of such an old and wise being. "I-I would be eternally grateful for the knowledge you offer." She once again bowed her head.


Tauren waited for the other Golems to stand still before bowing her head before the king.

The eleven remaining Elves saw their queen bow her head before the king and saw it as a sign. They split into two groups and all turned on their heels, graciously walking in reverse until they were standing next to the Golem guards.

As soon as the Elves stood still Tauren tilted her head up again. Her crown shining ever so bright as she spoke; her voice equally bright and clear; "My name is Tauren, queen of the Elves; my people." She opened her arms, graciously turned to the left, pointed at the six Elves there and then did the same to the other seven Elves on the other side of the hall. Tauren then continued; her eyes suddenly shining brightly blue, causing all the attending Elves to sink onto their knees. "We serve our goddess; Ílluminaë. We were created by her." Her voice almost sounded divine as she continued; "We come before you to offer friendship; lasting and fair." She smiled at the king and looked at her people; the left side first and then lastly the right side. "We have only just... awakened. We are young." She kept looking at the king; hoping that she had not upset him in any way.
The obsidian Golem nodded, unperturbed by the... elf's... deference. Being the first of his kind, even if the least liked, meant that he had quickly gotten used to the sound of respect. He decided he liked it when it was useful, but the flowery words he didn't. Striding over towards Anya, the Elf's eyes widening a fraction, the Golem places his hand around her head.

Despite his appearance, Balak'Hurr's hands were smooth and worn from decades of toil and invention, his palms somewhat cool as his magicked container retained all heat from his internal flames. For a second, there was nothing as they stood there. Then Anya felt it. It was as if a bubble had suddenly been stretched around her head, and she no longer ached. The bubble was an odd sensation to the magically aware elf, but not uncomfortable.

Stepping back, Balak'Hurr speaks. "We were forced to figure it out a few months ago, during the war. Our mages couldn't walk more than a few steps on Idain without stumbling or outright collapsing. The technique is simple, but efficient. You create a small barrier around the core of the person's magic which, when the brain realises how helpful it is, is then powered by that person. It requires only imperceptible amounts at a time, with no significant impact." He explains, before holding his smoothed palms out towards Anya again.

"There isn't much time, and as I understand it your people are new. I will help organise craftsmen, but with you I wish to talk first."


The Golden King looks down at the queen of the elves, resolute, before a small smile grinds its way up his face. "A newly created race?" He asks, leaning forward a little, standing a bit out of his throne. "Well, by all means, we accept! New races are a symbol of good fortune, as they have not had long enough to let hatred and grudges grow and fester and are too weak to try and attack." He says, standing up as he walked toward Tauren, coming to stop before her, the Golem King looming over the Elven Queen. For a second the both of them just look at each other, before the Golden King spreads his arms.

"Please, allow my people to help you grow. It is in the spirit of Refcaskha to provide aid to those who need it, and to foster good relations so that none shall come to harm. Our craftsmen are some of the finest, if not the finest, in the world and our architects and mages are, as you can see, quite adept in the art of creation."
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Anya noticed that the Obsidian Golem did not appreciate her calling him the ancient one, so she decided to be less humble. When he told her about how to shield a mind from new magic, she smiled and said; "That... That makes sense. In time i'll be able to adapt it..."

At the Obsidian Golem's request to talk with her she bowed her head slightly and said; "I am eager to talk." She fidgeted with her cloak; obviously nervous.


"You need not worry. My people know not what hate is and will not feel the urge to exact vengeance." Tauren bowed her head once more and smiled when the king came closer. She smiled at him when he told her that he would help and aid her people; a clear sigh of relief went through all the attending Elves who slowly stood up. The light in Tauren's eyes dissipated and she now looked at the king. She then said; "I foresee a great many good things will come from this friendship, noble king of Golems." She then waited respectfully for the king to continue; for he was her host and she would abide by his rules.

Balak'Hurr nodded at the elf, leading her further into the workshop by the hand. They would spend the rest of their time here, Balak'Hurr instructing Anya in the basics of how to wield stone and flame, as well as teaching her general architecture and creation methods. What he was unable to teach her in the few hours they had together, he gave to her in a newly invented item he referred to as 'Light Sheets' where words are inscribed upon a thin piece of magicked obsidian. Small crystals are imbedded in the crystal, aiming to reflect light to cause the words to glow. This allows readers to read even in low light.

In exchange, Anya had tried to explain to him how her magic worked, but fell up short. Rather than be dissapointed however, Balak'hurr let out a laugh as he gazed at the elven woman. He could understand the feeling. It had taken him decades to fully get a grip upon his god's gift to him. Not allowing it to slow him down, he had turned back to teaching her how to get buildings more than a floor high.


Over the next few hours, the elves that wished to explore the Citadel were allowed to while the King and Queen of their peoples talked over a deal between them. The Silver Golems under Belra'Domush were released from duty. Immediately the Golems had clapped each other on the back and made to leave to meet their families or to offer to guide whatever elves that wished to explore around.

As the two rulers talked, The Golden King was more than generous, agreeing to basically every request of the elves. They would gain access to a large amount of resources, taken by the Golems, as well as what to actually do with said resources. Magma Golems, along with a few of the more inventive Golden Golems and their Silver guards would accompany the elves back home to aid in their construction efforts, as well as simply observe the new culture.

In exchange, all the elves needed to do was share whatever knowledge they gain and, should it be needed, manpower. The overarching goal of the deal however, was to establish great relations. Eventually however, it had to come to an end. Each party was tired, although the elves far more. Gathering up the stay members, all were guided towards a room off to the side of the room that lead to the throne room, the 'royal guest chambers', hastily set up while negotiations were ongoing.

The room was simple and communal, with the best beds the Golems and to offer. It was warm, but comfortably so, and the blankets and mattresses (a newly invented idea made from stuffing cloth with soft things) were the best they could grab during their time limit. When the Elves were ushered in, they were told that closing the single flap that sat above each bed, exposing a rivulet of lava, would dim the room. If they all wished to sleep, close them all. Simple.

Anya would already be in the room, mentally and physically exhausted as she sat on her bed, rubbing her eyes out of tiredness.
Naguk looked over the bow of his trireme. Rowed to the nearby shore, Naguk saw yet another island. This one was colder, and larger then the one explored to the northwest last week. It did not have this promised land, and something told Naguk this one did not either. But he was no warpriest: who was he to deny the prophecy? The orcs behind him rowed harder in anticipation. A new land to explore; What sort of wonders awaited them? Naguk could already tell; Karshnak would be too eager about finding out.

Naguk did not like Karshnak. Always eager, but the ralaamite boy never saw battle. He didn't even witness the destruction wrought upon his homeland. He seems all too happy, all the time, to be here. Does he not comprehend why they're here in the first place?!

Ruzt was not better, though Naguk's dislike of the Shig-Ul was harder to explain. She was a Shig-ul, yes, and that is a she-orc prophet of the great maiden, but she just... rubbed the irritable old warrior the wrong way. Naguk harumphed as Karshnak began yet another conversation with him. The young scribe was sent to record, but this scribe fancies himself a poet. So Naguk would constantly hear him talk about his poems, of warriors like him. This offended Naguk, for reasons he refused to ever quantify. But Karshnak could not take a hint.

Finally they arrive, and Karshnak stepped off first and took a deep breath. "New land... Smells different! Doesn't it good, Naguk??" he would burst out. "What about it I should find 'good', Ralaamite?" was the rhetorical response. Ruzt simply stated "Karshnak, I like smell. I find good." Ruzt encouraged the boy by inhaling deeply. "Ah... I foresee much good for us, soon!"
Anya was tired; rubbing her eyes whilst she sat upon the bed. It was comfortable and she made sure to use her newly gained powers to invent such things too. As soon as the door opened she stood up and bowed her head to Tauren.

Tauren however immediately walked up to Anya and sat down on her bed, pulling Anya down too. "I'm exhausted. This king is so fair; we couldn't wish for more." She smiled at Anya and asked her; "So, did you learn anything?"

Anya smiled, revealing all that she had learned from the Obsidian Golem to her queen. "My lady, i believe these people... they seem fair. Their knowledge of magic is impressive to say the least." She smiled at her queen and sighed; "But... i believe it would be a good choice to sleep."

Tauren smiled back at Anya and stood up. She walked to a free bad and laid down upon it. She then quickly eyed the other Elves, who were all conversing quietly; mostly impressed by the King and their own Queen. Tauren smiled as she pulled off her crown and laid it to rest on a table next to her bed.

"Have a good night's rest, everyone. We are safe here." She smiled and closed her flap. All of the other Elves did the same except for Anya; she would stay up just a little more before she too finally decided it was time to sleep.

They'd wake up the next day...


It was a small group of Elven mages send out by their queen to explore her lands and report on any and all potential dangers. The group was comprise of three skilled Elves; two females with long, braided white hair and one male with his hair loosely worn. They wore light, white cloaks that hid their entire body except for the face and under their cloaks were chest pieces made of the material their goddess had gifted to them. They were light and durable and the Elves knew not what the material they were crafted out of was.

The mages walked along the shore until they felt something new; a looming darkness that they had not yet encountered. Their curiosity awakened they walked towards it; their hands folded into their cloaks, their eyes focused on any and all signs of live. Under their cloak covered heads they wore slim, silver bands. It was when they neared the origin of what they had felt that another feeling became apparent; the innate, pure rage and need to dominate. Troubled by what they felt but intrigued by this new development the three Elves neared the origin and uncovered it to be a yet undiscovered people.

As the three Elves got closer, their hands still folded into their cloaks they counted the beings. When they found out there were 18 of them they somewhat panicked:

"What do we do now? The queen, she is not here..." Said the male Elf to one of the other Elves and he revealed his arms from under his cloak. Somewhat scared he fidgeted with the cloak before being told; "We know naught of these beings; both the queen and the goddess would want us to investigate and learn." The other, rather silent Elf nodded and they decided to initiate contact.

They went into the forest and quietly sneaked around so they could walk towards the beings in a direct line. When they were at the part of the forest that was directly opposite of the sea they stepped out of the bushes; their hands still hidden from sight as they walked towards the beings, one could notice that they walked in a triangle formation; the female Elf - who had told the male member of their group that the queen and the goddess would both want them to investigate - lead the group and she was the first to stand still; the two other Elves standing behind her. They waited for the beings to notice them. The entire group of three was curious as to what these beings were, given the dark aura the mages' sight had shown.
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It took two glances up for Naguk to see the elves standing in front of him. Startled, his hand immediately shot up towards his greataxe. It was Ruzt who stopped his hand. "We need not fight. We not prepared now." she would murmur, continuing in a loud voice she spoke, in Orcish: "Hail strangers, we are Mighty Orcs. We come on great mission. There no harm we intend for you. Not be afraid." Ruzt the Shig-Ul was not sure if they would understand. The Orcs knew little about this place; They know Golems and men of Obus lived somewhere in the vicinity, and they knew some of their language, though not a lot. Naguk was still grossly angered that Ruzt saw fit to stop him. Almost too angered to realize what he was about to do was indeed a mistake...

Karshnak spoke, wide eyed, in the Golem tongue "What you... speak... for... Hello?" attempting to somehow ask what language they spoke without remembering the golem's word for 'language'.
The strongest Elf among the group of three smiled as she heard how the being tried to communicate with them. The silent Elf glanced upon the single male Elf and smiled; a clear indication that atleast she had relaxed a bit.

The leader of the small group of mages stepped forward and undid herself of the hood that covered her head. The reveal of the pointy ears and silver bracelet could somewhat surprise the beings but she was unsure of what effect it would have. She opened her arms, looked at the orc who tried to talk to them in the language they themselves spoke just fine and said; "We are the children of Ílluminaë; the Elves. We welcome you on our shores." The other two Elves kept their hoods on as their group's leader spoke. "Do you need assistance, or is it simply a friendly conversation you grave?" She asked and closed her hands, cradling them onto her chest.
Karshnak had now became the default translator of their expedition, this is the first time indigenous life was found. He tried desperately to piece together the words and translate in his head. He started to put together a response when, halfway through, Naguk cleared his throat, gesturing for him to share what they said. "They child of ...ay-luma-nay-ee" he had great difficulty pronouncing the graceful word "They say 'welcome'." Naguk relaxed only slightly. He had more then one trust issue. "That also say... Need something or something about Talking?"

"We not... Talking, no. We... look for Place. Great... 'Lady'?" the last word was a substitute for Maiden, unsure of the true golem counterpart of the word. "Great Lady give us place. u-uh, not this place." An unsure look went across his face, and he asked Ruzt if this was the promised land. She shook her head 'no'.

"Not this place." he reassured them. "Maybe you know.. Great Lady's place?"