Introduction to Tyranny of Dragons


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Nexus GM
Tyranny of Dragons
Hoard of the Dragon Queen

In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerûn. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together in the fight against the cult. Never before has the need for heroes been so desperate.


Welcome! Tyranny of Dragons is a two-part 5e D&D campaign that we will be running with a slightly modified rule system to better support a text-based campaign while still maintaining the overall structure and feel of D&D. More information on those variations can be found in our campaign rules thread.

Typically the campaign will be free to progress at any point during the week, with players taking turns in the forums with their turns. Planned 'sit down' nights will be organized as people's schedules permit, where we can focus on progressing things faster or to work on large encounters that would be cumbersome at a slower pace. Players will be expected to participate in both aspects of the roleplay and more information on activity level expectations can be found in the campaign rules thread.

The primary focus of this campaign will be collaborative storytelling and character development. This means I'm looking for people who don't see their character as just a piece of paper with stats and numbers to play a game, but rather as a person with depth and development and who will be molded (for better or worse) over the course of the campaign. While I will be largely sticking to the pre-made modules (Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and The Rise of Tiamat), I am more than happy to incorporate people's character's individual histories, stories, and developments into the overarching storyline.

As a small disclaimer, I will also note that while I have many years of experiencing GMing free-form roleplays, I have equally little experience as a D&D DM. This is largely due to my preference for taking on the role of a player in D&D campaigns. So you'll need to bear with me as I step out of my element a bit.
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